And the news he found is that Chu siran was originally from Kyoto, that is, Su Lingxue may have known him before.

Thinking of this reason, he could no longer control his anger.

He said, why has Su Lingxue always refused him? It was Chu siran!

"A pair of dog men and women!" Gao Tianhao roared with gnashing teeth.

He stared at the closed door of the ward and suddenly smiled.

Chusran is also hospitalized!

I'm in hospital. Well, I'm in hospital. Isn't it just an injury?

Since he was injured, he had nothing to fear.

Thinking of this, he smiled darkly again.

"Chu siran, I won't let you go."

After a low roar, he limped away on crutches.

In the ward, Qin Mu opened his eyes. It was evening. Through the window, he could only see the dark sky.

After looking inside, Qin Mu had a faint smile on his mouth. The abundant Qi in his body almost made him think it was an illusion.

He hasn't felt like this for a long time since he was poisoned by Gu poison.

If he hadn't been poisoned by Gu poison, he might have entered the third day now. Although his cultivation has stagnated for several years, now he faintly feels that there is a sign of breakthrough.

"Is this a blessing in disguise?" Qin Mu smiled and said to himself.

However, this feeling made him feel a little strange, so he didn't intend to continue to cultivate or break through.

If something goes wrong, there must be demons. Therefore, Qin Mu doesn't think this situation is a good thing.

He got up and cleaned up, ready to see Tang Qianyue.

Tang Qianyue found Qin Mu twice after waking up during the day, just because the nurse said Qin Mu was resting, he didn't disturb him.

When Qin Mu entered the ward, Tang Qianyue was sitting on the hospital bed reading the company's documents, frowning as he looked at them.

She asked Wang Xintian to take the documents to the hospital. In the past few days, Tang Chongchuan was dealing with everything in the company, so she was very worried.

"Shallow, what are you looking at? Why don't you have more rest?" Qin Mu stepped forward and sat beside her very naturally.

"You're awake." seeing Qin Mu, Tang Qianyue immediately smiled like a flower.

"Well, I've been sleeping for a long time." Qin Mu Chong touched her hair and put his hand on her wrist..

"How are you feeling? Are you feeling sick?"

Qin Mu was relieved when he felt Tang Qianyue's pulse beating. Tang Qianyue is in good health and has nothing unusual.

However, the more nothing different, the more he felt that things were strange.

Who pulled out the fire soul needle on Tang Qianyue?

"No." Tang Qianyue shook his head, "that is, the doctor said he can't move now, otherwise I really want to go back to the company."

Especially when she saw the documents taken by Wang Xintian, she was very worried.

"Don't worry about things in the company. If there are any problems, you can also tell me, and I will finish it." Qin Mu said.

Tang Qianyue shook his head. She couldn't stop what happened to Tang anyway.

"I still want to get well and return to my post as soon as possible." Tang Qianyue looked at Qin Mu and said.

"After all, Down's is Grandpa's hard work. Now that I am the president of Down's group, I must take good care of Down's group and don't let down's group have losses."

Qin Mu couldn't help laughing. "Then wait until you get well."

They were talking when a string of anxieties rang out at the door. A hurried knock at the door.

The stone just put down in Tang Qianyue's heart was immediately raised again. Qin Mu frowned slightly. Such a warm moment was interrupted, which made him a little unhappy.

The door was pushed open, and the two were dressed in colorful clothes, holding long arms in their hands. The special forces with guns came in.

Seeing that the other party was fierce, Tang Qianyue grabbed the corner nervously with both hands.

"Who are you?" although he was nervous, Tang Qianyue's voice could not hear timidity, even with some dignity.

I don't know why, Tang Qianyue always felt that these people appearing today must be related to Qin Mu.

But hasn't she heard that the police have closed the case before?

Outside the door, Zhong Youzheng walked in with several mighty special forces.

"You are Chu siran." Zhong Youzheng's eyes fell on Qin Mu after entering the door.

"What do you want to do?" hearing Zhong Youzheng calling Chu siran, Tang Qianyue immediately became more nervous. Because she was excited, she pulled her wound for a moment, and she took a breath.

"It's all right, don't worry." Qin Mu came forward to hold her, and his eyes were cold.

"Yes, I'm Chu siran." he protected Tang Qianyue behind him, looked at Zhong Youzheng and said, "you're from the Zhong family."

The forces behind the Zhong family surprised him.

"Zhong Baihai is my grandson." looking at Zhong Youzheng's face, Qin Mu's reaction made him very unhappy, as if he knew he would come.

If not everyone was helpless about Zhong Baihai's illness, he would never come to Chu siran.

"You're here at last." Qin Mu sneered, and a hint of banter flashed on his face.

He almost thought that the Zhong family had found the antidote of Datura. Either Zhong Baihai couldn't help killing himself in pain, or he couldn't come to him for so many days.

Tang Qianyue was very worried when he looked at Zhong Youzheng's momentum and dress up.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Baihai's grandfather was from the military. Originally, this is Zhong Baihai's confidence!

The Zhong family is a military and political family!

"It seems that you knew I would come to you." Zhong Youzheng looked at Qin Mu sharply, even though he was already furious, he couldn't see any emotion on his face.

"Mr. Chu is really good at playing chess, but I don't know what Mr. Chu means when he plays this move?" Zhong Youzheng exudes the smell of a person who has been in the top position for a long time.

For ordinary citizens, I'm afraid they have been deterred by the huge official power of Zhong Youzheng. However, this official power is of no use to Qin Mu. As for Tang Qianyue, because of Qin Mu's presence, she still straightens her waist and looks coldly at Zhong Youzheng.

"I'm not interesting. I don't know what you mean when you bring such a person to me now?" Qin Mu pointed to the special forces and smiled lightly.

Zhong Youzheng clenched his fists under his sleeves and restrained his impulse to get angry.

It seems that he underestimated Chu Si ran.

"If you want to punish Bai Hai, I think this punishment is enough," Zhong Youzheng said gritting his teeth.

"Punishment? What punishment?" Qin Mu sneered.

If it's punishment, it's too light.

"You..." Zhong Youzheng was angry, and the anger on his face was hard to hide.

"Chu siran, we don't talk in secret. I think you should know why I came to you today. Zhong Baihai is my only grandson!"

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