"I'm fine," Qin Mu replied with a smile.

Tang Ningxi's face was ugly and there were some small pimples in her heart.

What kind of relationship do they have to have to care so much about whether Chu siran works?

"Who works in the Tang family?" Tang Ningxi asked.

"Yes. I work in the design department." Gongsun Zhi nodded with a smile and looked embarrassed.

She just wanted to see Qin Mu. She didn't expect to meet others.

Tang Ningxi saw what Gongsun Zhi was carrying in her hand and snorted discontentedly. She turned her head and left.

Gongsun Zhi looked sluggish and was at a loss.

"It's all right. I'm still a little fart child and don't understand anything." Qin Mu said with a smile and took Gongsun Zhi into his ward.

"Why did you come here so late?"

"I don't trust you, so I want to come and see if you are seriously hurt. By the way, this is my stewed Soup for you to drink." Gongsun Zhi said with a smile.

When she heard the news that Qin Mu was hospitalized, she was very worried.

But now seeing Qin Mu jumping around, she hung her heart all day and put it down.

"What can I do for you?" Qin Mu took the soup with a smile and sniffed it close.

It smells good.

"I didn't expect you could cook."

Gongsun Zhi skimmed her mouth, "I will do more."

Thinking of the Tang Ningxi she met just now, Gongsun Zhi couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable. It was a bit like being caught doing something bad.

Although she really likes Qin Mu, she is also very clear that Qin Mu has been married and she can't get involved.

And she can't compete with an iceberg beauty like Tang Qianyue.

She felt that her concern for Qin Mu was probably because Qin Mu had been good to her from the beginning, and had helped her a lot.

They chatted a few words, and Gongsun Zhi mentioned some things that happened in the martial arts world these days.

"My father asked me to go back to Jiangbei for some time." Gongsun Zhi suddenly said.

"The martial arts world is very turbulent recently. He is afraid that I will encounter any danger outside."

In the past, she wanted to prove herself. Even without the protection of her family, she could live well.

But after this period of thinking, she felt that she should no longer be capricious.

And after her brother-in-law's accident, her sister's state was much worse. She also wanted to go home with her sister.

"Oh?" Qin Mu drank two mouthfuls of soup and looked up curiously.

After a few days of coma, it seems that he still missed some news.

"One is that this year's Martial Arts League will mainly start the election. This election is different from previous years. In the past, in addition to strength, the other party must also be a martial arts life gate or sect origin. However, this election will be a victory with strength. That is, people in martial arts circles all over the country will be screened through rounds of competitions, and the most powerful martial arts practitioners will participate in martial arts In the election of the league leader, the strong will prevail. "

"The second is that the seven pavilions, which have disappeared for five years, reappear in the Jianghu. Some sects in the martial arts world have been threatened by death attendants, and even small sects have been killed."

Speaking of these things, Gongsun Zhi almost gnashed her teeth.

Although she is not a martial arts practitioner, Gongsun family is a martial arts family. She has been influenced since childhood and has a heart of awe for martial arts practitioners.

Qin Mu frowned slightly.

What is the purpose of the seven pavilions' high-profile targeting at the martial arts world?

"When is the Wudao League election?" Qin Mu asked.

Although he did not participate in the martial arts world, he was interested in watching the election of the leader of the martial arts league.

"The 10th of next month." Gongsun Zhi said.

"OK. I'll attend then," Qin Mu said.

After they said a few words, Gongsun Zhi was ready to go home.

Qin Mu wanted to send her back. As a result, the two people sent by Gongsun's family to protect Gongsun Zhi were always with her.

After Gongsun Zhi was sent out of the ward, Qin Mu took the snack bought for Tang Qianyue to Tang Qianyue's ward.

However, Gongsun Zhicai left the ward and was stopped by a man.

"It's you!" Gongsun Zhi was startled by the person who suddenly appeared.

"You said, what are you doing here?" asked Tang Ningxi.

"I... I got off work early today, so I stewed some talk and came to give brother Chu a drink." Gongsun Zhi smiled.

"Brother Chu?" Tang Ningxi sneered.

"It's so kind."

Tang Ningxi was very uncomfortable.

This Chu Si ran only worked for a few days and even hooked up all the employees in the company.

"Ah?" Gongsun Zhi was a little confused. She didn't know what Tang Ningxi meant by this.

"I ask you, what is the relationship between you and Chu siran?" Tang Ningxi felt that he had changed into Holmes and immediately felt that he had caught Qin Mu's pigtail.

"Brother Chu and I are ordinary colleagues." Gongsun Zhi felt embarrassed again.

She knew that Tang Ningxi must have misunderstood her relationship with brother Chu, but she didn't know how to explain it.

"Because in the company, brother Chu has helped me a lot. I will leave in a few days. When I hear about brother Chu, I naturally want to come and see him." Gongsun Zhi explained with a smile.

"Leave?" Tang Ningxi picked an eyebrow.

"Yes, there are some things at home." Gongsun Zhi said.

"Oh!" the pimple in Tang Ningxi's heart disappeared instantly, and there were some small fillings of joy.

"There's nothing wrong with Chu Silan. Besides, the Tang family has a great cause. We'll send someone to take care of him and stew him a soup. There's no need to bother you."

Gongsun Zhi was even more embarrassed. Looking at the girl who had a minute or two imagination with her president, she seemed to understand something in a moment.

This girl likes brother Chu!

"Well, I know. Just come and say goodbye to him. If there's nothing wrong, I'll go back first. My friend is still waiting for me downstairs."

"OK. Bye." Tang Ningxi smiled and waved.

Just looking at the lonely back of Gongsun Zhi leaving, Tang Ningxi suddenly vomited. Head, an inexplicable sense of guilt suddenly rose in her heart, as if she had done something wrong.

She felt that she had gone a little too far.


Chusran was the first to flirt! With her sister, I dare to come and go with other women.

"Chu siran, it seems that I really underestimated you." downing Xi glanced.

Not only strength, but also the ability to pick up girls.

I think of the strange feeling in my heart every time I see Chu siran.

Her face suddenly turned red. Then she quickly shook her head and shook away those strange ideas in her mind.

Gongsun Zhi left the hospital with a red face and was in a low mood.

She had planned to leave after Qin Mu went to work in a few days. As a result, she immediately changed her mind downstairs.

"You prepare, we'll go back tomorrow." Gongsun Zhi said to the bodyguard sent at home.

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