"Garbage? Jiang Qiqi, I'm your father. I'm garbage. What are you? I tell you, even if you..."

The tattoo man took a pity look at Jiang Qiqi and asked his men to drag them away.

And Ding Fugui's voice gradually disappeared with the departure of those people.

When the group left, Jiang Qiqi sat down on the ground as if he had lost his strength, and then couldn't help crying.

Jiang Qiqi's heart is extremely cold for people who have lost their humanity.

Qin Mu didn't know what to say, so he had to pat her on the shoulder to comfort her.

But the cold light burst out from the bottom of his eyes. If Ding Fugui dared to find Jiang Qiqi again, he wouldn't mind giving him a ride.

Jiang Qiqi was humiliated. The more he thought about it, the more sad he was. He directly lay down in Qin Mu's arms and cried.

Originally, her life had been gradually on the right track. As a result, Ding Fugui destroyed everything about her.

She already owes Qin Mu a lot. Now she doesn't know.

"It's all right. It's all over." Qin Mu patted her on the shoulder and comforted her.

After a long time, Jiang Qiqi stopped crying, looked up and looked at Qin Mu wrongly. The whole face was a little red and looked pitiful.

"Brother mu, thank you." at this time, Jiang Qiqi thought of thanking him.

"Brother mu, you go to a place with me." Jiang Qiqi's eyes were firm, as if she had made a decision.

"HMM." although Qin Mu didn't know where Jiang Qiqi wanted to take him, he nodded and agreed.

After Jiang Qiqi called his cooperative friends to explain the reasons, he closed the shop first, then took Qin Mu out of the square and walked to the nearby hotel.

Along the way, Jiang Qiqi was very silent, her eyes and cheeks were slightly red, she didn't cry, and even the corners of her mouth had a slight smile.

Qin Mu didn't speak, but quietly accompanied her.

"Sunshine Hotel" is one of the few large hotels in the University City, and the environment is relatively good.

Jiang Qiqi went in with Qin Mu, opened a room at the front desk and took Qin Mu to the guest room.

Qin Mu frowned slightly. He didn't understand Jiang Qiqi's practice, but he didn't ask. He was still with her.

When you open the door of the guest room, you can see a single bed in the guest room. Seeing here, Qin Mu's eyebrows immediately wrinkled.

Jiang Qiqi sat on the bed with a shallow smile on her mouth, but there was a bit of bitterness and fear in her eyes. "Brother mu, I don't know what I should do. Since I'm your person, you can do whatever you want."

"How? What?" Qin Mu was stunned and didn't understand what Jiang Qiqi meant.

Jiang Qiqi looked at Qin Mu with shame and timidity, summoned up courage and began to unbutton his coat, "brother mu, I know you are a very powerful person, and I also know that I don't deserve you, but I will work hard in the future and try my best to stand beside you. I am your person now, so you can treat me whatever you want."

"Cough..." Qin Mu rushed to his head and choked his throat.

Jiang Qiqi opened her coat and soon revealed the bright and clean skin inside.

"Stop it." Qin Mu was touched.

How many grievances did Jiang Qiqi suffer before meeting him.

He knew that Jiang Qiqi really thought he had bought her.

Jiang Qiqi closed her eyes and dared not face Qin Mu.

She was confused and contradictory.

She knew that what Qin Mu said about buying her did not really regard her as her own woman, but she expected Qin Mu to treat her as her own woman. On the other hand, she felt that she was not worthy of Qin Mu and was afraid that Qin Mu would dislike her.

Qin Mu sighed and gently stroked Jiang Qiqi's head and comforted: "fool, I have always regarded you as my own sister. I will say that today. I just hope those people won't harass you again in the future."

Jiang Qijiao's body trembled slightly, and her heart was moved and lost.

"Brother mu, thank you." she wanted to ask Qin Mu whether she just regarded her as a sister and had no other ideas about her.

But she dared not ask.

She is a conservative person. What she is doing now has summoned up great courage to do, and has reached the limit of shame.

Moreover, she knew that Qin Mu had no superfluous ideas about her.

He will be good to their mother and daughter, just because of her brother Jiang Nan.

"Fool, you and aunt are my relatives. I will take good care of you." Qin Mu said, holding Jiang Qiqi's hand.

Jiang Qiqi seems weak, but in fact she is strong and sensible. It hurts.

This made Qin Mu feel even more guilty about their mother and daughter.

"HMM." Jiang Qiqi tried to squeeze out a smile and nodded.

"Well, put on your clothes. I'll take you back and see your aunt by the way. When your aunt gets better, I'll take your sister-in-law to see her." Qin Mu said.

He hasn't told Tang Qianyue about the existence of Jiang Qiqi and Huang Hui. He'd better tell Tang Qianyue when Huang Hui is better.

"Sister-in-law?" the smile on Jiang Qiqi's face suddenly disappeared, and then smiled bitterly.

"Brother mu, when did you get married?"

Why never say it in front of them?

"I got married two years ago," Qin muying said.

"That sister-in-law, should be very beautiful." Jiang Qiqi lowered her head and covered up the bitterness in her eyes.

"Well, it's very beautiful." Qin Mu unconsciously raised his mouth when he thought of Tang Qianyue.

He didn't notice Jiang Qiqi's mood, because in his heart, Jiang Qiqi was his sister. He never had any arbitrary thoughts about Jiang Qiqi, nor did he think that Jiang Qiqi would like him in his heart.

"Really, I'll tell my mother later that she will be very happy when she knows." Jiang Qiqi put away the bitterness in her heart and said with a smile.

"It's getting late. Let's go back." Qin Mucong touched her head and said.

"OK." Jiang Qiqi bowed her head, some at a loss to tidy up her clothes, forced herself to smile calmly.

But it was also at this moment that she suddenly felt relieved.

She finally got over it.

Brother Mu is married. She can put her love for him in her heart.

"By the way, brother mu, what does my sister-in-law like to eat? I can learn first and make good preparations." Jiang Qiqi quickly recovered her lively appearance and asked.

Qin Mu's mind about women is not so delicate, so he doesn't know that Jiang Qiqi has actually staged a story of entanglement and giving up.

"She likes to eat a lot, but she is also very picky. Let's talk about this later." Qin Mu thought for a moment and said.

The two of them left after less than 20 minutes in the room. When they passed the front desk, the waiter couldn't help looking at Qin Mu more, with some contempt in his eyes.

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