"Since brother Qiang is so generous, we are not polite." Qin Mu took Tang Qianyue's hand and said greedily.

"Wife, I heard last month that Chanel also entered the Oriental mall. Otherwise, let's go to Chanel's store. It's very suitable for you to wear their clothes." Qin Mu suddenly remembered that when she first met Tang Qianyue, she was wearing Chanel's clothes.

Tang Qianyue knew that Qin Mu was not such a person, because he was puzzled about his behavior at this time.

She secretly pulled his hand and frowned slightly.

Liu Qiang is not a good man at first sight. He should have parted ways after dinner. There is no need to go shopping and buy clothes.

Moreover, the hands are short, and she can't afford clothes. She doesn't need others to send them at all.

"Wife, don't give it to others for nothing." Qin Mu saw Tang Qianyue's mind, put it in her ear and whispered.

"I see." Tang Qianyue looked at him reproachfully and said helplessly.

Seeing the interaction between Tang Qianyue and Qin Mu, Liu Qiang had some doubts in his eyes.

Is the news wrong? Tang Qianyue and Chu siran don't have different feelings?

"It's just a dress. It's not a great thing. As long as Miss Tang likes it, it's no problem to choose one every week." Liu Qiang smiled contemptuously at Qin Mu, but his eyes always stayed on Tang Qianyue.

No matter what the feelings between Chu siran and Tang Qianyue are, Chu siran can't compare with his own anyway.

"Of course, brother Qiang is generous, but unlike some people, maybe he can't afford to buy bottoms and trousers." Yu Xiangfei didn't forget to dig at Qin Mu.

"When you go into the mall later, don't look like a fool who hasn't seen the world and humiliate shallow Yue."

"OK, go in and have a look." Tang Qianyue couldn't help but take the lead in walking to the mall.

Liu Qiang and Yu Xiangfei followed.

The luxury prices of Oriental Shopping malls are distinguished by floors.

Most of the brands on the first floor of the mall are internationally famous first-line brands. Most of the commodity prices are about 10000. The commodities on the second and third floors will be one grade higher than those on the first floor, and the pricing is basically 100000.

On the fourth and fifth floors of the shopping mall, there are some high-end beauty salon care institutions, which are specialized in serving the rich, and the consumption is calculated in 10000.

Located on the top floor of the shopping mall, it is the concentration of the world's most expensive luxury brands, and some high-end customized goods with commodity prices of more than one million.

Although Haicheng is not a first tier city, as a rising star of eastern province and natural geographical advantages, it develops rapidly and does not lack rich people. Therefore, even if it is not a first tier city, there are many people who consume luxury goods here.

When they came to the top floor, there were even customers waiting in line outside some luxury stores.

Originally, Yu Xiangfei wanted to see the jewelry first, but Liu Qiang rejected Yu Xiangfei's idea when he heard that Tang Qianyue wanted to go to Chanel first.

Because Qin Mu had helped Tang Qianyue decide what clothes to buy, as soon as the four reached the top floor, they walked towards Kanel's store.

There were also several customers waiting at the door of Chanel. As a result, after Liu Qiang took out his documents directly, they entered the store directly.

Seeing the clerk and the customers waiting outside, Liu Qiang immediately felt superior and even raised his head higher.

"Husband, I also want to choose a suit of clothes here." as soon as I entered the store, Yu Xiangfei cuddled Liu Qiang's hand.

She is so big that she has never worn Chanel's clothes.

Liu Qiang was in a good mood. With a group of people looking at him, he naturally nodded and agreed.

"OK, choose what you like. I'll pay the bill. Feifei, you can also help Miss Tang. You're welcome. Buy what you like. I'll pay the bill then. Men, don't they pay for women?" Liu Qiang laughed and looked provocatively at Qin Mu.

"Chu siran, see? This is what men should do." Liu Qiang whispered to Qin Mu.

Qin Mu raised his mouth slightly, "I can't compare with a generous man like brother Qiang."

At least, he won't pay for women who aren't him.

Tang Qianyue didn't like Liu Qiang's tone very much. However, when she looked at Qin Mu, she saw his affirmation.

She also wanted to see what Qin Mu was selling, so she brazenly picked it up.

Seeing Tang Qianyue picking clothes, Yu Xiangfei said triumphantly: "shallow Yue, you can choose freely. Our strong brother has money, you don't have to worry. However, as sisters, I still want to say that we women look for men to rely on. If a man can't rely on, and even we women have to raise them, I think you should also consider it?"

Tang Qianyue frowned and glanced at Qin Mu.

Yu Xiangfei's words are not whispered. Normal people can hear them, not to mention Qin Mu's hearing is beyond ordinary people.

Tang Qianyue thought Qin Mu would be angry when he heard such ridicule. However, he didn't and even smiled at him.

To tell the truth, she found that she couldn't understand him more and more.

Liu Qiang naturally heard Yu Xiangfei's words and immediately became more arrogant.

"Feifei, take Miss Tang and choose slowly. Brother Chu and I will go out and have a chat." he suddenly turned to Qin Mu.

Seeing Qin Mu go out with Liu Qiang, Tang Qianyue has a faint sadness at the bottom of his eyes.

Although she didn't like what Yu Xiangfei said, Yu Xiangfei said well.

She is also self-sufficient, but she still hopes to have a man who can help her deal with her work problems when she is tired.

However, she felt very satisfied at the thought of what Chu Silan had done for her before.

As soon as Qin Mu and Liu Qiang walked outside, they just stood still and saw Liu Qiang suddenly take out a check from their pocket.

"I said brother, do you want to say the number?" Liu Qiang shook the check in his hand.

Obviously, the check is for Qin Mu.

"Say a number? What do you mean?" Qin Mu asked with a confused face.

"Let's just say that. I have a crush on Tang Qianyue. I hope you can take the initiative to leave her." Liu Qiang said with a smile.

"Don't blame me for being direct. People are expensive and have self-knowledge. You don't deserve Tang Qianyue. Don't you know?"

"You can say any number. As long as I can afford it, this check is yours. Just let Tang Qianyue out."

Liu Qiang's skin smiled and meat didn't smile. When he spoke, he still had a bit of yin and ruthlessness in his eyes.

"So, you want me to leave my wife?" Qin Mu's lips bent slightly, and the cold light in his eyes flashed past.

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