"Don't forget, Mr. Fang, he doesn't have a medical license. In case of an accident, everything will be late," pan Juncheng said.

Fang Xianzong frowned unhappily, looked at Fang Yunxi and motioned her to take pan Juncheng out.

If pan Juncheng had not been Luo Rongyuan's apprentice, he would have driven pan Juncheng out.

"Mr. Chu, please give me your hand. We fangs trust you. No matter what the result is, we will accept it," Fang Xianzong said.

Qin Mu nodded and followed Luo Rongyuan into Fang Zhenshan's room.

"Mr. Fang, please bring two male family members in." Qin Mu ordered.

Fang Xianzong immediately took two Fang family members into the room, while others stood outside the door and waited.

In the room, Fang Zhenshan can only rely on a ventilator to maintain his life, and his vital signs have been extremely weak.

Without better medical methods, Fang Zhenshan can't last a day.

"Take off all his clothes." Qin Mu ordered.

Fang Xianzong quickly ordered someone to undress Fang Zhenshan.

"Lao Luo, next, I'll ask you to disinfect all the filiform needles. Next, when I do acupuncture, I also need Lao Luo to watch. I may need Lao Luo to help drip the needles," Qin Mu said.

The Grand Master of national medicine has fallen to the point of helping people deliver needles. If it were someone else, I'm afraid it would rise up.

However, Luo Rongyuan not only had no anger, but even had gratitude on his face.

He admitted that his attainments in acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine were far from those of Qin Mu.

It was a great honor for him to help deliver the needle.

Even, he was still thinking that maybe he could feel another method of acupuncture and moxibustion.

"Well, don't worry, Mr. Chu. I will obey my orders." Luo Rongyuan answered modestly.

Now traditional Chinese medicine is declining. If he can learn traditional Chinese medicine knowledge from Qin Mu and then pass on that knowledge, it will be of infinite use.

Seeing Luo Rongyuan's modest attitude, Fang Xianzong was shocked.

I didn't expect that such a powerful person as Luo Rongyuan, the master of national medicine, would have to ask Qin Mu for advice.

At this time, he was more grateful for his respect for Qin Mu's attitude. Otherwise, I'm afraid he can't invite Qin Mu to treat his father now.

It is a precious opportunity for Luo Rongyuan to observe Qin Mu's treatment.

He skillfully put the filiform needle into medical alcohol for disinfection, and then handed it to Qin Mu.

"What's your diagnosis?" Qin Mu asked as he disinfected his hands.

"It's an incurable disease that all five internal organs fail." Luo Rongyuan sighed.

Such a situation usually occurs, which is the precursor of the dry oil lamp.

"If you look at his body, do you find any black spots?" Qin Mu asked.

Luo Rongyuan was slightly stunned and soon found the spots mentioned by Qin Mu.

It is said to be spots. If it is not carefully observed, it is difficult to find, and even those spots will be regarded as body hair.

"Is this?" Luo Rongyuan took a breath.

"Parasites." Qin Mu replied.

"Parasite!" hearing these words, Fang Xianzong hurried forward and looked at the small black spots on Fang Zhenshan.

"Mr. Chu means that Fang's disease is actually related to parasites?" Luo Rongyuan asked quickly.

"Yes." Qin Mu nodded.

"This is a very rare parasite. They rely on the host's physical nutrition to reproduce and survive. In addition to taking nutrition, they will not cause other symptoms, so you will ignore it," Qin Mu explained.

"Fang Lao has a small heart problem. After being fed with body nutrition by parasites, the disease will become more obvious. You have been treating his disease by treating heart disease before. In fact, there is no right disease at all. This time, because all the essence of his body is sucked away, the five internal organs can't be supplemented with essence, so he will naturally suffer from decay, So you can only see the decline of all five internal organs. "

"I didn't expect it to be like this." Luo Rongyuan suddenly realized and was surprised at the same time.

Who let Fang Zhenshan be infected with such terrible parasites.

Medical students know the existence of parasites, and some parasites can lead to malnutrition and other reactions, while others may return to the decline of the five internal organs of the human body and eventually die without treatment.

Moreover, the parasite on Fang Zhenshan is obviously the latter.

"Mr. Chu, what can I do to get rid of the parasites on my father?" Fang Xianzong asked nervously.

Thinking that his father's disease was caused by parasites, he felt his scalp numb.

"Have you arrived yet?" Qin Mu asked.

"Here we are." Luo Rongyuan replied quickly.

"Boil the medicine juice and wait for it." Qin Mu said, and motioned Luo Rongyuan to hand him the filiform needle.

"The first thing we should do is to block the five internal organs and brain with acupuncture and moxibustion, and then move the parasites out of the key position."

As he spoke, Qin Mu had put the needle in his hand on the top of Fang Zhenshan's head.

Qin Mu's stitching speed is very slow and seems cautious, but only Luo Rongyuan can see that Qin Mu's stitching is different from ordinary people.

Twist, lift, pull, each step, are skilled to the extreme.

At the location of the needle, ripples appeared around the skin.

It's a trembling needle.

Luo Rongyuan took a deep breath and endured the horror in his heart.

However, this is not what surprised Luo Rongyuan most.

When he saw the sequence of Qin Mu's acupuncture and the acupuncture points, a great surprise and surprise immediately came up.

However, he didn't dare to make a sound. He just silently cooperated with Qin Mu. At the same time, he carefully watched Qin Mu's steps and techniques.

After 72 needles had been inserted, Luo Rongyuan dared to look up and looked at Qin Mu with reverence.

"Mr. Chu, this is Guiyuan acupuncture?"

"Not bad." Qin Mu nodded.

"This acupuncture can awaken the last potential of the body and keep the five internal organs, brain and other organs active. Even people on the verge of death can achieve the purpose of prolonging their lives with this acupuncture."

When Qin Mu said that it was the source returning needling technique, Luo Rongyuan respected him very much.

He studied traditional Chinese medicine all his life and knew countless prescriptions and treatment methods, but what he could do was always limited.

Today, I can see Qin Mu's return to source needling. Luo Rongyuan feels that even if he dies, it's worth it.

"Let someone bring the medicine juice," Qin Mu said.

At this time, Fang Zhenshan's body has changed, and the skin with fine lines due to aging suddenly becomes full.

However, the full skin is like flatulence, which is instantly opened.

Then, the full skin slowly turned red and atrophied. Finally, a red strange blood vessel like a red snake was formed on his arm and body.

It's a blood vessel, rather than a small snake hidden in Fang Zhenshan's body.

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