"It's no use saying this now." although Lu Fei was very worried, he still forced himself to be quiet.

Heiyuwei controls the monitoring network of the whole country and even some important regions in the world. As long as that person doesn't deliberately avoid monitoring, they can't find it.

"If the black feather guards can't find them, I'm afraid they can only notify hunting shadow." Lu Fei said with a worried face.

"I think it's better to tell lieying now and let him look for it secretly," said Yin Lin.

Lieying is a member of Long Chi. The information network in his hands is like a network that envelops the whole world.

However, because long Chi is concerned by too many people, if shadow hunting uses its resources, it is likely to attract the attention of some interested people.

At that time, I'm afraid many people will know the whereabouts of his boss.

"Good." Lu Fei nodded after a slight meal.

The safety of their boss is the most important thing now.

"However, be sure to let the hunting shadow be careful," Lu Fei asked.

After checking the situation on the mountain, they left quickly and began to look for Qin Mu where he might appear, waiting for the news from Heiyu Wei and lieying.

At this time, in a red building on the outskirts of Kyoto.

Qin Mu was lying on a black stone bed with dense fog. His face was pale, and his clothes looked a little embarrassed because they were cut.

Around him was a stone chamber made of black stone walls. There was nothing in the room except the stone bed that Qin Mu visited.

After a while, the door of the stone chamber was opened and two men in black robes came in.

Behind the two men was the man wrapped in black.

"Master, the time is ripe. Is the plan to start?" one of the men asked after checking Qin Mu's physical condition.

"Let's start." the man in the black robe nodded and replied. His voice was hoarse and hard to distinguish between male and female, but this time, he heard excitement and expectation from his tone.

"Yes," the two men responded respectfully at the same time.

Qin Mu lay quietly, as if asleep, without any perception of everything around him.

He felt as if he had entered another world, where he saw his parents.

This was the first time he had dreamed about his parents in more than 20 years of his memory.

It's just that the picture is too vague. He can't see each other's face clearly. However, he can clearly hear a woman calling his name affectionately, Xiao Mu

the second day.

Tang Qianyue stared at a pair of bloodshot eyes and drove to the police station early in the morning.

She's one. I didn't sleep at night. I was waiting for Su Lingxue's news, but I couldn't wait for anything.

As a last resort, she had to go to the police station to find out.

At this time, Su Lingxue looked tired and was in a bad mood.

She has checked hundreds of cameras in Haicheng with her colleagues overnight, but she can't find anything. Qin Mu seems to have evaporated and disappeared in Haicheng.

"Team Su, are we still checking?"

Asked a young policeman working next to Su Lingxue.

Su Lingxue didn't sleep all night, so did he.

It's not that he doesn't want to sleep, but that he doesn't dare.

Seeing Su Lingxue's expression, he knew that the man must have something to do with Su Lingxue, and he was still very important.

"Check." Su Lingxue didn't think about it, and immediately replied.

"We should not only check the of Haicheng, but also check the cities around Haicheng. In addition, you should immediately arrange someone to check near the port near Jiudaowan to see... See if there are any suspicious bodies."

Su Lingxue's whole lips trembled when she said the word "corpse".

"Yes," the young policeman replied quickly after a slight hesitation.

At the beginning, he had thought of this possibility, but he didn't dare to say it.

After all, there is a vast ocean at the foot of Jiudaowan mountain. It is really a good place to kill people and destroy corpses.

After the young policeman left, Su Lingxue leaned weakly on the chair.

This is the result she is most afraid to see, but now all the evidence shows that Qin Mu is likely to be thrown into the sea.

However, the only thing that makes her feel happy now is that the person was also not found in the monitoring.

In other words, that person may be in the same place as Qin Mu.

When Tang Qianyue came to the police station, he just heard what Su Lingxue said, and his whole heart kept falling.

At this moment, she found that she had been moved to Qin Mu.

At this time, Lu Fei also didn't find the news of Qin Mu. Heiyuwei has spent all its resources to find it. However, he didn't get any news of Qin Mu.

As for hunting shadow, there was no news about Qin Mu. Instead, several core members of Long Chi also knew the news of Qin Mu's accident, and all came to Xia state at the first time.

The actions of these people have affected the mood of many people. After all, each of these people can make earthquakes exist by stamping their feet in the world. meanwhile.

Qin Mu opened his eyes blankly in a wilderness at the junction of Kyoto and Yizhou.

The sight is a strange wild forest, and the air with the smell of soil and grass at the tip of the nose indicates that this is a place far away from the city.

"Roar..." a deep beast roared.

Qin Mu turned his head and saw a wild tiger staring at him not far from his left.

The tiger is at least two meters long and its open mouth is big enough to bite off a person's head directly.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would be scared to death at the sight of this majestic tiger.

However, Qin Mu just glanced at it and turned his head.

The immediate environment confused Qin Mu.

Where is he?

He remembered that he fought with mulizhen at the top of Jiudaowan mountain, and then a mysterious man in black appeared.

The man in black is so powerful that he can't even see the appearance of the other party. He has been lifted by the Qi from the other party.

As for what happened after that, he doesn't remember.

I don't know how I came into this primeval forest.

Qin Mu immediately stood up and made a simple assessment of his body.

The tiger, who had been staring at Qin Mu, saw Qin Mu stand up, roared, jumped and rushed towards Qin Mu.

Qin Mu turned aside and looked a little ugly.

He was entangled by bad luck. Why did he wake up with different surprises every time.

It's either a prison or a deserted forest.

The tiger jumped into the air, roared angrily, turned his head and rushed towards Qin Mu again.

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