Qin Mu didn't know the result of his brothers' discussion outside the door.

He reluctantly left Tang Qianyue's red lips.

For Tang Qianyue, his emotion is restrained. He doesn't want to destroy the relationship between the two people, even this relationship. He is willing to follow the rhythm of Tang Qianyue.

"What do you want to eat? I'll cook it for you." Qin Mu asked in a low voice.

In just two days, he found that Tang Qianyue was thinner and his waist was much smaller.

"As long as you make it, I want to eat it." Tang Qianyue looked at the man in front of him.

When she heard Su Lingxue say that Chu siran might fall into the sea, her mood was like falling into an ice cave.

These two days, she had no appetite, but reluctantly ate some liquid food to maintain her physical fitness.

Now Qin Mu also mentioned that she felt really hungry.

"Then I'll make you what you like to eat." Qin Mu said with a smile and turned into the kitchen.

"I don't want to ask you, where have you been these two days? If you wanted to tell me, would you say yes?"

A woman's curiosity is very heavy. She has restrained her curiosity.

However, I still can't help thinking about what Chu Silan did and what happened to him.

Qin Mu was stunned.

He didn't expect Tang Qianyue to ask this question.

He was always independent and never explained what he had done to others. For a moment, he didn't know how to say it.

"Wife, if you want to know, I will tell you. But now is not the time." Qin Mu turned to answer.

He also thought about telling Tang Qianyue about himself, but he was also afraid that Tang Qianyue would not dare to be with him after he knew his true identity.

"OK, I'll wait for you to think about it one day and tell me." Tang Qianyue said with a smile.

Qin Mu nodded and continued to work in the kitchen.

Looking at Qin Mu's back, Tang Qianyue felt an unprecedented peace of mind.

There was no news from Qin Mu these two days, which made her feel that the family seemed incomplete.

Now she has to admit that the man in front of her is really excellent and has exceeded her understanding of him.

His disgust has long disappeared with the passage of time, and then turned into an attachment. He is already the backbone and master of the family.

Tang Qianyue stared quietly at Qin Mu's back.

Qin Mu knew that Tang Qianyue was looking at himself. Occasionally, he turned back and looked at her. They looked at each other and smiled, tacitly.

Looking at the man cooking carefully in the kitchen, she suddenly felt that such a life was very beautiful.

Tang Qianyue suddenly thought of Su Lingxue's nervous attitude on the night Qin Mu disappeared.

Some asked curiously, "Chu siran, do you know officer Su very well?"

Qin Mu nodded. "It's OK. After all, she handled many of the things that happened during this period. She became familiar with them as soon as she came and went. Why did she suddenly ask this?"

Tang Qianyue explained, "it's nothing. Officer Su came to me after your accident the day before yesterday. I think she's very nervous and anxious, so I asked."

Of course, when she went to the police station, she thought more when she saw Su Lingxue worried more than she did.

Qin Mu nodded and muttered in his heart: unexpectedly, Su Lingxue would worry about herself.

This feeling of being cared for warmed his heart.

"So it is." Su Lingxue said faintly, "I thought he was interested in you."

Qin Mu's hand cut vegetables and smiled twice.

His damn charm.

"Wife, don't worry. I only have you in my eyes and no one else," Qin Mu vowed.

"Don't you dare." Tang Qianyue snorted coldly, went to the dining chair outside, looked at the documents, and occasionally looked up at Qin Mu who was cooking.

Qin Mu quickly cooked the rice. The dishes were the remaining tomatoes and potatoes in the refrigerator. Qin Mu simply made a tomato egg and potato roast meat with them. Although it was an ordinary household dish, it was another flavor after Qin Mu's hand.

The familiar taste made Tang Qianyue have a big appetite. For the first time, he ate two bowls of rice and even belched vividly.

Qin Mu looked at Tang Qianyue, who was haggard and weak, and felt distressed.

He stood behind her, put his hands on her temples and gently rubbed them for her.

The comfort from his head made Tang Qianyue gradually close his eyes. The whole person relaxed and fell asleep in a chair.

Qin Mu stopped his movements, carefully held Tang Qianyue in his arms and walked towards the bedroom upstairs.

Tang Qianyue's bedroom is filled with a unique fragrance of women. Qin Mu puts Tang Qianyue on the bed, carefully returns her shoes and socks and changes the cup to her.

After gently printing a kiss on Tang Qianyue's forehead, he crept out of the bedroom and closed the door.

After doing all this, Qin Mu went downstairs and walked to the door.

Outside the door, Lu Fei had been bored sitting in the car to rest.

Time is precious to him, but the time waiting for Qin Mu makes him feel very meaningful.

Seeing Qin Mu coming out, Lu Fei immediately got out of the car.


Qin Mu nodded, looked serious and asked, "did you find the news of Mu Lizhen later?"

Later, because he fainted, he didn't know where Mu Lizhen had gone. Was he taken away by the man in black like him.

Or run away.

"Lieying has checked the whereabouts of Mu Lizhen, but so far, no news has been found," Lu Fei said.

They have also encountered many difficult things, but they have never encountered such a thing without a clue.

"You let lieying continue to follow. Also, check if there are any abnormalities in Kyoto. I always think that I will appear in the forest near Kyoto this time. It must be the man in black who wants to hint." Qin Mu frowned.

The man in black always makes him feel a sense of crisis.

And his whereabouts were strange and mysterious, which made him unable to start.

"OK," Lu Fei replied.

They also feel that this time things are not simple.

After Lu Fei left, Qin Mu also left Jinxiu Bay.

In Haicheng Municipal Bureau, Su Lingxue dragged her tired body to look at the information found by her men in the office.

These two days, she hardly closed her eyes for Qin Mu's affairs. Unfortunately, she still didn't find any news about Qin Mu.

She didn't know why. Knowing that something might happen to Qin Mu, her mood would become so restless.

But after two days of silence, she finally accepted a fact.

That is, it turns out that she likes Qin Mu.

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