Qin Mu smiled, took out his mobile phone, checked the information sent to him by xialufei, and found the license plate number of the car.

Within a minute, a location appeared on his cell phone.

He took his cell phone and shook it in front of Tang Ningxi. "Can you go now? If you can, go and take revenge."

Tang Ningxi looked at Qin Mu in surprise and asked suspiciously, "is this the position of that person?"

Qin Mu nodded.

"Wow, Chu siran, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. If you don't even know who the other party is, you can find his location?" Tang Ningxi was surprised.

This Chu Si Ran is afraid to be a hacker master. How did he do this in such a short time.

Qin Mu smiled.

He did not deny it.

"I can go, I have no problem." if she can take revenge, she won't pretend to be ill.

Tang Ningxi bounced up from the hospital bed. She was full of energy. She couldn't see that she was hurt.

"Really all right?" Qin Mu still paid attention to the injury of Tang Ningxi's leg, but it didn't seem to be a problem to see her jumping.

"It's all right." Tang Ningxi nodded.

Originally, she just wanted to pretend, skip classes for a few days and relieve her frustration.

"Chu siran, I find you are really getting better and better." this is Tang Ningxi's heart.

In the past, she would have sneered at her brother-in-law, but now it's different.

Because she found that Chu Si ran was really good.

"That's right. How else can we protect your sister and you?" Qin Mu replied with a smile.

It's not easy to get my sister-in-law's approval.

"Cut." Tang Ningxi sniffed disdainfully, happy in his heart.

As long as you have her in your heart.

"Let's go, my brother-in-law will take you to revenge." Qin Mu Chong said to Tang Ningxi.

DT refitting club is a famous super running refitting Holy Land in Jinzhou. There are several chain clubs in Xiaguo.

Those young people who like to refit sports cars will put their sports cars here for personalized customization,.

At this time, a Ferrari sports car was parked in the parking lot of the club, but the owner was not seen.

In order to keep a low profile, Qin Mu drives Tang Qianyue's Audi.

When I came here, the whole parking lot was super running, which made Qin Mu's Audi a little out of place.

Qin Mu stopped the car and got off with Tang Ningxi.

At this time, Tang Ningxi has changed her clothes again. She is not as embarrassed as she was just now, but her image is greatly damaged by her arms wrapped in gauze and the wounds on her forehead.

"Is it this car?" Qin Mu asked, pointing to the orange Ferrari.

"Yes." Tang Ningxi nodded again and again when he saw the Ferrari with a flamboyant color, with anger in his eyes.

Qin Mu walked into DT club. A staff member came forward and asked, "Sir, can I help you?"

Qin Mu looked at Tang Ningxi, who shook his head and said he didn't see Lu Xiao.

"Where is Lu Xiao?" Qin Mu asked.

"Are you looking for us, Lu Shao?" the clerk asked suspiciously.

"Where is he now?" Qin Mu continued without returning to the clerk.

"Select the retrofit upstairs."

As soon as the clerk finished, Qin Mu took Tang Ningxi upstairs.

"Hey, wait... Who are you? Only members can go upstairs. Please show me your membership card." the clerk saw Qin Mu going upstairs and quickly blocked in front of them.

"I'm not a member," Qin Mu said.

"Since I can't go up, please help me tell you Lu Shao that someone is looking for him."

After all, he is looking for someone and can't conflict with other people's clubs.

As for Lu Xiao, he must see someone today.

The clerk hesitated slightly, looked at Qin Mu and Tang Ningxi for a while, and nodded reluctantly.

He just came to work. Although the man in front of him came in Audi, he had extraordinary bearing and didn't want to offend others.

Anyway, it's just a message. It doesn't matter.

"OK, then sit down for a while. I'll go up and call Lu Shao."

The second floor of the club is full of all kinds of good car modifications. Just take out one of the modified parts here is enough for an ordinary family to buy a scooter.

Even, some modified parts can be replaced with a three series or even five series BMW. It can be seen that the price is not general.

Therefore, what can come to the second floor is the performance of identity and financial resources.

"Lu Shao, you're only half a million. Really don't think about it. Have you changed the body color? It's more than a month since you changed the body color last time." a girl in sexy racing clothes sat on Lu Xiao's lap and asked softly.

"Why, do you want to change it for me? Take it off and put it on again?" Lu Xiao picked the girl's chin with one finger and said with a frivolous smile in his eyes.

"Oh, Lu Shao, what are you talking about? I'm not professional in this regard." the girl said angrily.

Lu Xiao put his hand on the girl's waist, pinched it and said, "I know you're more professional. Take a size and sweep it. The body color won't be changed for the time being."

With a shy smile on her face, the girl kissed Lu Xiao's face and said angrily, "I know how to flirt with others."

Lu Xiao was in a wonderful mood. He smiled and hung the collection code on the girl's chest and scanned it.

Just after paying the money, the clerk downstairs came up and said politely, "Lu Shao, there are two people downstairs looking for you."

"Looking for me?" Lu Xiao wondered, but he got up and followed the clerk downstairs.

When he came downstairs, Lu Xiao saw the injured Tang Ningxi.

With a hook in the corner of his mouth, he said contemptuously, "Oh, I've come to the door."

He doesn't know Tang Ningxi, but he knows that Tang Ningxi must know himself.

After all, his fame has long been spread all over Jinzhou University.

Generally, people who know his identity will not take the initiative to provoke him, so he didn't expect that Tang Ningxi would come here to find him.

"Why, I've done something bad, so I'm afraid we'll find you! Do you want to do this to me?"

Lu Xiao's indifferent contempt made Tang Ningxi explode at once.

"All right." Lu Xiao impatiently stopped Tang Ningxi, "I just want to compensate. Come on, how much?"

With that, Lu Xiao took out his wallet, then took out a stack of paper money and shook it in front of Tang Ningxi.

"Oh, here's the money. Go away. Is that enough?"

"You..." Tang Ningxi was angry when he saw Lu Xiao's insulting action.

She had never seen such an arrogant person.

"Do your parents know you are so arrogant?" Qin Mu stood aside and looked at Lu Xiao with a smile.

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