After Yu Shilong left, Chen huansong patted the table hard.

"Arrogant, too arrogant." Chen Huan trembled with relief. Shake.

He had never met such a arrogant person in eastern province for so many years. He even said in front of him that if it was not for his high reputation, he would be the one who died.

Chen huansong looked at the four meeting boss lying on the ground with his eyes closed, clenching his teeth and clenching his fist.

"Old Chen, we can't let Yu Shilong do this." someone stood up and protested.

In the past five years, they have had enough of the pressure of Yunlong gate on them.

"The current Yunlong gate is not the Yunlong gate five years ago. Now there are a group of bandits in the Yunlong gate. They say that we should correct the underground atmosphere and help the underground group, so that the underground group can see the light like other groups. I bah!" another person shouted angrily.

People all over the world think that underground groups are those who fight and kill all the time. They do dirty things in private, but in fact, not all underground groups are like this.

They just act rudely, unlike those with higher education.

Those who do a lot of dirty things, sneak around and harm nature and justice are mostly done by small gangsters. They will do such things without standardized management.

"Brothers, this is the time for us to unite. Since Yu Shilong took over Yunlong gate, everyone's life has become more and more difficult. Now, what Yu Shilong wants is not only to take over, but to become the head of Yunlong gate. If yu Shilong really takes the position of the head of Yunlong gate and takes his ambition, I'm afraid he will step up his efforts to suppress it We, "Luo Daqing said slowly.

"According to my information, the reason why Yu Shilong took over Yunlong gate so urgently this time should be because long Yunsheng's sister appeared and wanted to take back Yunlong gate."

He got the news these two days.

Long Yunsheng's life experience is very mysterious. Everyone doesn't know who his real identity is, and even few people have seen him.

As for long Yunsheng's sister, it is even more mysterious. After all, no one knew that long Yunsheng had a sister before.

"I've heard about it," Chen huansong said.

"Long Yunsheng has the ability to create a Yunlong gate, and his sister should not be any worse."

"Everyone, what Yu Shilong did today is obvious to all. After that, as long as Yu Shilong becomes the leader of Yunlong gate, it will be a great threat to us, whether in Jinzhou or dongprovince."

"Old Chen, what should we do?"

Hearing what Chen huansong said, someone hurriedly asked.

"Shit, if you dare to threaten me, I'll fight with him."

"Yes, I'm afraid he won't succeed?"

The people around have their own thoughts. Some who are often suppressed have begun to resist.

"Old Chen, do you want to help long Yunsheng's sister sit as the head of Yunlong gate?" Luo Daqing thought for a moment and said.

"That's right." Chen huansong nodded.

"A woman is the head of Yunlong sect? I don't accept it." someone immediately retorted.

"Yes, I can't stand it if I give it to a woman."

Chen huansong's fingers beat the table rhythmically, while his eyes looked at the four meeting boss lying on the ground.

They are used to life and death, so even if they surround a dead man, they have no feeling for them.

He smiled and said slowly, "you also know that a woman doesn't manage us. Why can't you think that she can't manage us?"

"Our underground group has its own way. No one can control who. The reason why Yunlong gate controls us was that long Yunsheng really has this ability. We are willing to obey his arrangement. Now it is because Yu Shilong forced us to obey him. After that, if it is Yunlong Sheng's sister, do we have to suffer such cowardice?" Chen huansong said.

If the cloud dragon gate falls into the hands of a woman, it is a good opportunity for them.

Chen huansong said that many people present began to calculate at the bottom of their hearts. They are all human spirits. It's impossible not to think of this level.

"What Chen said is true." Luo Daqing smiled and complimented.

"Old four, don't worry. Our brothers will repay you for your revenge." Chen huansong squatted down and covered the eyes of the boss of the fourth meeting with his right hand. Those eyes that couldn't be closed for a long time finally closed their eyes.

"Inform old four's brothers and let them come and take old four home."

After Chen huansong explained, someone soon came to take the body of the fourth meeting boss away.

The death of the fourth meeting boss sounded an alarm to everyone present.

They are all bloody people. In the face of people like Yu Shilong, the first thing they think of is resistance.

"Old Chen, we must avenge old four for the boxing match in three days." one of them stood up and shouted loudly.

"Yes, Yu Shilong must pay for what he did today."

Seeing that everyone was in high spirits, Chen huansong began to slowly tell his plan.

Yu Shilong must not be the leader of Yunlong sect, nor should he stay in Jinzhou.

At this time, Yu Shilong, who had left the banquet, took he Wencan to Jinzhou Kaile hotel.

In the luxury suite on the top floor, two men in black robes are sitting on the sofa waiting for them.

They were dressed in black, but their faces were not covered. It could be seen that they were not old.

One of them looked less than twenty years old, but his eyes were as old as a wave, as if he had experienced vicissitudes of life.

The other is about 30 years old. Half of his face is covered with a metal mask. He can't see his expression clearly, but his eyes are cold, and even the whole person looks very cold.

Seeing Yu Shilong coming in, the young man asked, "how was the party?"

"My Lord, I've done what you said. Besides, I killed one of them with the skill you taught me before. Don't worry, two adults. All underground groups in Jinzhou will be in the hands of two adults in the boxing match three days later." Yu Shilong said respectfully.

Yu Shilong was very satisfied when he thought of the fear expression of others at the party.

Unexpectedly, becoming a martial artist would become so powerful. Although the power was only given to him by the two people and left on him temporarily, the power made him feel the pleasure he couldn't stop.

No wonder so many people in the world are pursuing to become martial arts practitioners.

"Well done." the young man nodded, with a faint cruel smile on his mouth.

"Thank you for your compliment." Yu Shilong was very excited.

"Sir, will you really take me to that place when it's done? Can I really have a chance to become a martial artist?"

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