Luo Daqing asked Qin Mu to do it. In fact, he also had his own selfishness.

Now the East Province is the dominant company of yunlongmen, and other small groups have become accessories.

But his ambition is not to be an accessory. If Qin Mu can help his nameless society beat Yu Shilong in this boxing match, then the spokesman of eastern province will be his share.

"Mr. Chu, if you need anything, just tell me." Luo Daqing said with a smile.

Qin Mu raised his mouth. How could he not see Luo Daqing's mind.

He patted Luo Daqing on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, it must be useful to get your place."

But now he hasn't thought of where he can use Luo Daqing.

Luo Daqing smiled a few times, then his eyes dodged and said, "Mr. Chu, I've looked for some beautiful women in Jinzhou. They are still innocent. I don't know if you are interested?"

Qin Mu listened to the Tang family more or less, although he didn't believe the truth, just like the rumors outside.

But after all, it's a man. There are few little girls out there.

Qin Mu's face changed slightly and said with a sneer, "are they as beautiful as my wife?"

Luo Daqing was slightly stunned and immediately realized his gaffe. He hurriedly said, "it's me menglang. These mediocre fat and vulgar powders can't compare with Miss Tang. Mr. Chu, take a rest first. If you need anything, just speak at any time."

Luo Daqing finished and hurried out of the room.

Standing outside the door, Luo Daqing felt a chill coming from behind him. When he reached out and touched it, he found that there was sweat behind him.

It was clear and crisp in autumn, and he was sweating all over.

Although Qin Mu didn't say anything just now, he still keenly felt a trace of killing intention.

In the room, Qin Mu looked as usual, but his eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

He had some doubts about his reaction. Why did Luo Daqing reject him when he mentioned looking for other women for him.

But before he came and thought about it, the telephone in the room rang.

"Chu siran, don't ask who I am. I'll give you 15 minutes to come to the sun Lake Hotel immediately. If you don't come, you can see the news of the floating corpse of the Sun River on the news headlines tomorrow, and that floating corpse will be Tang Ningxi."

The person on the phone said coldly.

Qin Mu suddenly changed his face and asked, "who are you? Where is Tang Ningxi?"

"You still have 14 minutes left. If you don't come, don't blame us for being cruel. Your sister's beautiful appearance and my brother can't wait to enjoy it. By the way, don't call the police, otherwise you know the consequences." the person on the phone said with a sad smile.

Qin Mu looked cold and said angrily, "wait for me. If my sister has a mistake, I will make you regret living in this world."

Qin Mu called Tang Ningxi immediately after hanging up the phone. As a result, Tang Ningxi's phone was turned off.

He frowned and rushed out of the door.

The sun Lake Hotel is about ten kilometers away from Qin Mu's hotel. Qin Mu stopped a car as soon as he left the hotel. At the same time, Lu Fei was asked to check Tang Ningxin's location on the road. As a result, it was located in the sun Lake Hotel.

Qin Mu knew very well that these people came for themselves.

But if you dare to kidnap Tang Ningxi, don't blame him for his impoliteness.

At this time, the sun Lake Hotel has put up a sign of suspension of business. More than a dozen big men have gathered in the lobby of the hotel, each holding a weapon.

"Ah San, are you sure Chu Si ran won't call the police?" one of the big men asked.

They received the news and asked them to deal with chusran.

They are not afraid of how powerful the people are, but they are afraid that the other party will call the police.

"Call the police?" the man called ah San shook his head and sneered, "he won't call the police unless he really doesn't care about Tang Ningxi's life or death."

"In short, we should be careful. Brother also said that the man has good strength."

"What are you afraid of? Are we afraid that he won't succeed alone this time?" another big man disdained.

"Yes, we must avenge big brother this time."

"That's right. I can't get out of bed now. We must get it back for my brother."

"This time, we must beat the boy to his knees and beg for mercy..."

More than a dozen people were gnashing their teeth and wanted to tear Qin Mu apart.

Ten minutes later, Qin Mu came to the door of the sun Lake Hotel.

The location of the hotel is hidden. In the corner of the street, it is only five stories high. The outside is very dilapidated. It looks very eye-catching on the street because of dilapidation.

After the driver stopped the car, he kindly reminded Qin Mu not to stay in the hotel here. Although it was cheap, it looked unsanitary and unsafe.

Qin Mu smiled at the driver and got out of the car.

When you stand at the door of the hotel, the locked door opens automatically.

Qin Mu had excellent eyesight. With the help of weak light, he saw more than a dozen big men waiting for him in the hotel.

The corner of his mouth slightly stirred up. Sure enough, it was aimed at him.

As soon as Qin Mu entered, the door of the hotel was closed.

"You are very brave." seeing Qin Mu appear alone, the man named a San looked at Qin Mu somewhat unexpectedly.

However, their task today is not to kill Qin Mu, but to make Qin Mu kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Where is my sister?" Qin Mu smiled when he saw the dozen people.

He thought the other party would be a group of powerful people. Unexpectedly, it was a group of gangsters.

"It's easy to see Tang Ningxi. Kneel down, kowtow to our big brother upstairs, say three times I'm wrong, and I'll take you to see your sister." one of the big men said with a smile.

Qin Mu looked up at the ceiling.

The lobby on the first and second floors of the hotel is open. The second floor is surrounded by a fence. You can see a person standing faintly in the middle passage.

"What if I don't?" Qin Mu was curious.

This is his first time to Jinzhou. How did he get into trouble with anyone?

"Boy, don't make a toast without penalty. Although we heard that you have good strength, our brothers are not vegetarian. Now you have time to regret." ah San said coldly.

Seeing Qin Mu's confident and fearless appearance, he was suddenly curious.

"Ah San, don't talk nonsense to him. Since you don't know how to kneel down and beg for mercy, let's teach him how to kneel down and beg for mercy." the man said, and the electric stick in his hand had been thrown over Qin Mu's head.

Qin Mu leaned to avoid the electric stick.

When others saw their brothers do it, they all began to do it to Qin Mu.

Electric sticks, long knives and iron bars came to Qin Mu one after another.

If other people encounter such a scene, I'm afraid they will retreat in fear.

However, Qin Mu not only did not retreat, but also walked towards them.

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