Seeing Su Lingxue asleep, Qin Mu left.

However, what Qin Mu didn't know was that as soon as he turned around, Su Lingxue, who was originally lying in bed, opened his eyes, and the tears in his eyes flowed down.

Probably because she really can't compare with Tang Qianyue, Qin Mu is so unmoved.

She took a deep breath, picked up the cell phone next to her and dialed.

"I accept the arrangement from my superior." Su Lingxue said slowly.

After Qin Mu left the manor, he went straight back to the hotel.

One. No words at night.

The next morning, Qin Mu's mobile phone rang. Qin Mu picked it up and saw that it was Tang Qianyue.

"Good morning, wife."

I miss him. Calling him so early makes Qin Mu secretly happy.

"Where are you now?" Tang Qianyue asked in a worried tone.

"I'm still in the hotel. What happened?" Qin Mu was worried when he heard Tang Qianyue's tone.

"Do you remember Miss Lu Yao? I just received a call from sister Rong saying that Lu Yao had a serious car accident and has now been sent to the hospital. She called and asked if there was any way to go to doctor Luo. Maybe there was still a chance. I think..."

Tang Qianyue told Qin Mu about the general problem. Although she only met Lu Yao once, she admired Lu Yao's love and hate from the bottom of her heart.

"Lu Yao?" Qin Mu frowned slightly. They had dinner together yesterday.

"Yes. She got up in the morning and ran in the morning. As a result, she was hit by a car on the way. Because the driver escaped and there were few passers-by in the morning, she had missed the best treatment time when she was found. Just now sister Rong said that she was not in good condition." Tang Qianyue was worried when he heard this situation.

"I see. I'll go and have a look first." Qin muying said.

"You'd better go and have a look. Sister Rong and I say hello. She knows which hospital she is in. However, if it's not a last resort, you'd better not do it." Tang Qianyue explains that she doesn't believe Qin Mu's medical skills, but doesn't want Qin Mu to do it outside. After all, he doesn't have a medical certificate. In case of any accident, the consequences will be very troublesome.

"Don't worry, wife, I know how to do it." Qin Mu said, hung up the phone and called a car according to the address sent by Tang Qianyue.

When Qin Mu came to the hospital, Rong Han had sent someone to wait for him outside the hospital.

As soon as he got to the door of the emergency room, Rong Han came towards him.

"Xiao Chu, you're here? I heard that Qian Yue said that you know doctor Luo, so I want to ask you for help and see if you can ask doctor Luo to come and show Yao." when Rong Han spoke, Hong Yuan followed him.

Seeing Qin Mu, Hong Yuan also followed him. "Mr. Chu, do you have any help to invite Dr. Luo?"

Seeing Rong Han and Hong Yuan, Qin Mu guessed that Lu Yao's situation must not be very good.

"I've called to inform him, but he'll be here for at least three hours. Where is Lu Yao now?" Qin Mu asked.

The time to save people is to race against the clock with the God of death. There is no room for any mistakes.

If Lu Yao's situation is serious, he will certainly not let it go.

"In the rescue room," Rong Han said.

"What's the situation now?" Qin Mu asked.

"The man was hit and flew more than ten meters, with multiple fractures and intracerebral hemorrhage." Hong Yuan said solemnly.

These are the doctor's preliminary diagnosis. The overall situation is not optimistic. Now it has been sent to the emergency room for rescue, and I don't know the result.

"Cerebral hemorrhage?" hearing this, Qin Mu's expression was dignified.

By means of emergency room, craniotomy is usually used for intracerebral hemorrhage, and then hemostasis is with hemostatic forceps.

However, intracerebral hemorrhage is usually caused by brain injury, and it usually carries other trauma. If craniotomy is performed now, the mortality rate will reach only 90%.

"Wait, I'll make a call," Qin Mu said, calling Luo Rongyuan immediately.

Just on the road, he had already said hello to Luo Rongyuan. Now Luo Rongyuan is estimated to be on the road, but he is afraid that it is too late for Luo Rongyuan to catch up.

"Luo Lao, do you know anyone in Jinzhou hospital? If so, I need you to say hello to each other." Qin Mu said.

He can't let Lu Yao perform the operation with a survival rate of only 10%.

Luo Rongyuan heard Qin Mu's words and guessed that Qin Mu wanted to do it himself. It seems that the patient's situation is very dangerous.

"Yes, there happened to be a former student of mine in the traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Jinzhou hospital, who is the director there. I'll contact him to find you right away." Luo Rongyuan quickly replied.

At the same time, he felt a little sorry, but he missed another chance to observe the master's treatment.

"OK, you ask him to come right away and take the blood guide needle and other acupuncture tools." Qin Mu explained.

Although his friendship with Lu Yao is not deep, in his heart, he has regarded Lu Yao as a friend to make.

But he doesn't have a medical qualification certificate, nor is he a doctor in this hospital. If there is no guarantee, the hospital will not allow him to treat Lu Yao, and he can't break through. After all, he has nothing to do with Lu Yao.

Originally, Luo Rongyuan could guarantee him, but he couldn't wait for Luo Rongyuan to come.

"Mr. Chu is a doctor?" Hong Yuan asked when he heard Qin Mu's words.

Qin Mu's previous performance has amazed him. Unexpectedly, Qin Mu still knows medicine!

And he just heard the dialogue between Qin Mu and Luo Rongyuan. Obviously, their relationship is not general. Qin Mu's medical skills may not be too bad if he can speak in this tone with the master of national medicine.

"Well, know something." Qin Mu nodded.

"No wonder you know doctor Luo." Rong Han didn't react, but sighed.

At this time, a doctor about 40 years old trotted towards Qin Mu, followed by a nurse carrying a medicine box.

When the doctor saw Qin Mu, he still had some disbelief in his eyes. His eyes stayed on Hong Yuan and Rong Han for a while before turning to Qin Mu again.

"Are you Mr. Chu?" asked the doctor.

"Yes. I need your authorization and guarantee now. The patients inside can't have craniotomy. I will treat her with acupuncture and moxibustion," Qin Mu said.

But Qin Mu said it lightly, but the content frightened the doctor.

After all, it's a matter of human life, and it's still such a big thing as surgery. If there's one in case, it's fatal to the patient.

"This... I..." the doctor looked embarrassed.

If he hadn't received a call from his teacher Luo Rongyuan, he might have regarded Qin Mu as a neuropathy.

After all, how can such a person be regarded as a doctor if he speaks so unprofessionally and does not consider the patient's condition at all.

"Mr. Chu, is there no other way?"

Interrupt the operation, that's a very serious thing.

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