Hearing this, Qin Mu knew that Chen Shichao had such an experience.

"Who do you think is more suitable for the boss of Shuigang that day?" Qin Mu asked.

Speaking of Tianshui port, Tang Ningxi also frowned.

In fact, she just wanted to find Lin Zijun for emergency. After all, Lin Zijun's grandfather is now in charge of Tianshui port.

Just because Qin Mu was present, she believed Qin Mu could handle it, and she didn't want others to know that she knew people in Tianshui port, so she didn't call it.

"How to say this?" Xu Guanwen scratched his head and thought a little.

"In fact, I personally prefer Chen Jiahao and his son. But young master Chen is not young now. This time, it is young master Chen Shichao who wants to compete for the position of head of Tianshui port."

He knew more or less about the internal affairs of Tianshui port, and he learned it from his big brother.

He just didn't think that his eldest brother would stand on the side of young master Chen so soon.

After all, this underground boxing match has just begun. No one knows what the outcome is.

"As far as I know, young master Chen resolutely forbids the appearance of white goods on his territory and doesn't let people in the group do things that violate the law and discipline. In fact, my eldest brother has always been influenced by young master Chen. For so many years, he never touches these things himself and doesn't allow us to touch them. Sometimes when we come to the bar and meet some embarrassed college students, we will have trouble Hand help. "

Xu Guanwen paused with some regret on his face.

"It's a pity. I heard that several powerful thugs were invited to the Chen family this time, and young master Chen is weak. It's difficult to win this boxing match."

Xu Guanwen's frivolous look rarely becomes deep. If Chen Shichao can't win this boxing match, they may have a hard time in the future.

"So it is." Qin Mu nodded. It seems that this boxing match is not only about the underground group of East Province, but also the housework of Tianshui port.

Tang Ningxi was stunned. She didn't think there was such a thing in it.

No wonder, when she was in the gambling house, she wondered why Chen Shichao appeared and said she was from Tianshui port.

It turned out that Chen Shichao was from the Chen family in Jinzhou.

"Yes, brother-in-law, Tianshui port has been very chaotic in recent years. Coupled with the return of young master Chen, Tianshui port has become more chaotic. As far as I know, the group was divided into two factions in the past. Now, as soon as young master Chen comes back, the division becomes more serious."

Xu Guanwen sighed and sighed. It seems that he can't mix well after that.

Qin Mu nodded thoughtfully.

When he met Chen Shichao, he naturally preferred him more. In this underground boxing match, he also promised Chen Shichao that he would help him win the game.

In the past, he certainly wouldn't take care of this kind of thing. It's only a favor to take care of it at most. But now that he knows the purpose of those people in the seven pavilions, he will not miss such a good opportunity to let Chen Shichao become the head of Tianshui port.

When Chen Shichao becomes the head of Tianshui port, he may be able to help Su Lingxue's Yunlong gate in the future.

After knowing the general situation, Qin Mu looked at the time and planned to go to the underground boxing field.

He didn't appear in the underground boxing field on time. He mainly wanted to see if there was anything moving over there.

I just didn't expect that so far, there has been no movement at all.

On the contrary, he couldn't guess what the seventh Pavilion wanted to do.

"It's the ability to decide the outcome of underground boxing. In fact, it's also good for the Chen family to do so. Whoever has the ability in the future will be the leader of Tianshui port," Qin Mu said.

In the future, he is not in the mood to take care of Tianshui port. As long as Chen Shichao can cooperate with Su Lingxue in the future, it will be enough.

Because of Guo Haiwei, Tang Ningxi and several other girls lost interest. After singing a few more songs, they were ready to leave.

Qin Mu originally planned to send them back to school and then go to the underground boxing field. Unexpectedly, as soon as they got out of the KTV, they saw a crowd of people around the KTV door. The two young people who had just pressed Xu Guanwen were the first, while Guo Haiwei was supported and stood by the roadside.

In this situation, Xu Guanwen's face immediately darkened.

"Guo Haiwei, are you trying to do something?"

"Xu Guanwen, it's none of your business now. I'll settle accounts with him now." Guo Haiwei pointed to Qin Mu and glared angrily: "boy, you were so crazy just now, try it. Can you be crazy now!"

Qin Mu looked at the dark crowd in front of him. There were at least more than 30 people, and each one was still holding a long stick. It was obvious that the comer was not good.

In the face of these people, Qin Mu was very indifferent.

"Brother in law......" Tang Ningxi nervously pulled La Qinmu's sleeve and was ready to call Lin Zijun to ask him to help.

Sun Manfei and Zhao Minyi did not dare to say anything at this time.

This battle, even Xu Guanwen looked a little afraid, not to mention them.

"Nothing." Qin Mu patted Tang Ningxi's hand, comforted them and motioned them to stand aside.

He took a step and held his hand on the roadside fence. A strong steel pipe fence with thick wrists was pinched by Qin Mu.

This scene shocked Tang Ningxi and others standing behind Qin Mu.

If they didn't know that these guardrails were made of steel pipes, they might think that they were made of plastic.

At this time, those who stood in front of the crowd and saw Qin Mu's actions couldn't help taking a breath, and several subconsciously retreated a few steps.

Qin Mu looked at the bent steel pipe with satisfaction, smiled, turned to look at the more than 30 people in front of him, and asked, "who wants to do it? Stand up“

If you don't see Qin Mu bending the guardrail with his bare hands, they are all eager to try. But now, they look at me and you one by one. No one dares to take the first step first. Even some people regret that they followed in order to make a small profit.

They are not Guo Haiwei's men, but Guo Haiwei gave them money to teach Qin Mu a lesson.

Qin Mu had expected this situation for a long time. Even if he didn't pinch the bend guardrail just now, these people don't necessarily dare to do it.

These people looked at the crowd, but frankly, they just took money to join the fun. If they really wanted to help Guo Haiwei avenge, they would do it as soon as they saw themselves.

Guo Haiwei was unmoved when he saw the person he called, and his face couldn't hang.

He knew that Qin Mu's moves just now were really bluffing, but he spent money to invite these people. Even if he didn't show his fists and legs, his money would be wasted.

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