"Chu Shao, what shall we do?" Chen Shichao asked Qin Mu.

At this time, not only a pair of eyes stared at Qin Mu, Luo Daqing and Su Lingxue sitting diagonally opposite Qin Mu also looked at him.

"Wait a minute, don't worry," Qin Mu said.

He didn't think it would be so simple.

Since Qige wants to control the underground group so much, it certainly won't just make such simple rules.

"I don't know how to play. As long as I beat them, I can become the head of the East Province underground group?" at this time, someone stood up on the court.

Seeing someone standing up, everyone looked at each other.

"This man is..." Chen Shichao frowned and couldn't remember where he had seen this man for a moment.

"It's a martial artist from the martial arts hall." Qin Mu said with an eyebrow, with some interest in his eyes.

The people from Wudao hall also came. It seems that things are becoming more and more fun.

"Wudao hall!" Chen Shichao said in a startled voice.

In their understanding, the people in the Wudao hall are high above the others, mysterious and noble. This is the first time they have seen these so-called practitioners in the Wudao hall with their own eyes.

"Brother in law, how do you know?" Tang Ningxi asked in surprise.

Qin Mu's performance was so unexpected that she felt strange.

"Look at his clothes. The people in Wudao hall have a label on their clothes." Qin Mu said, pointing to a black pattern on the man's chest.

Tang Ningxi and others narrowed their eyes when they heard Qin Mu's words and wanted to see the label on the man's clothes. However, where they could see the label on each other's body, even the other's facial features were blurred because of the distance.

Just when they marveled at Qin Mu's eyesight, Qin Mu couldn't get a telescope and lost it.

"Hey, hey... Use this to see." Qin Mu said with a smile.

He has excellent eyesight and can see without tools, but it doesn't mean that others can see.

At this time, because the referee was stunned by a question,

"The rules are very simple. There are six adults here. Those who have not agreed to join the seven cabinet just now need to send people to play. The number of people is arbitrary. As long as they can beat these six adults, they can leave the field. As for what happens in the process of the game, they will bear the consequences."

The referee looked at the six men in black and said.

As soon as the referee finished, there was an uproar.

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, if we don't agree to join, we can't leave here today?"

At this time, those groups who did not agree to join the seven pavilions began to make a noise.

"What's your bullshit rule? There has never been such a precedent since the establishment of our underground group boxing competition in East Province. Also, why should we join the seventh pavilion? What's the bullshit place of the seventh pavilion? It's worth joining us."

In another group next to Qin Mu, a big man with a snake shaped scar on his face who looked ferocious stood up and complained.

"It's brother snake of Sihe gate," said someone next to Qin Mu.

"Brother snake is right. What's the bullshit rule?"

At this time, some people in the crowd began to resist.

"Brother snake, I'm afraid it's going to suffer." Qin Mu sighed and said.

"Why do you say that?" Tang Ningxi asked suspiciously.

At this time, one of the people in black opposite him stood up. Then he waved his robe, and the snake brother who had just spoken suddenly widened his eyes.


The snake fell to the ground and died without warning. Until he died, he didn't know how the other party killed himself.

The people who had just joined brother snake were instantly quiet. Looking at brother snake who fell to the ground and died, they were shocked and trembled all over. Shake.

Tang Ningxi also took a breath and looked at Qin Mu with a creepy face.

Qin Mu looked alert at this time, and his eyes stared at the people in black opposite him.

What powerful Qi, what powerful Qi.

Qin Mu had to admit that even if he was at the top of the mountain with such strong Qi. During the peak period, you can't kill at such a distance.

These are not ordinary death attendants. They are probably elder level masters of the seven pavilions.

"Chu Shao, this man is so powerful." Chen Shichao said with a creepy face.

"Brother-in-law......" Tang Ningxi pulled La Qinmu's clothes, with a little worry on his face.

"It's all right." Qin Mu patted her hand and comforted her.

"I don't know. Is there anyone who refuses to accept and wants to challenge our adults?" the referee said with a proud smile.

The court was quiet this time, and no one dared to speak again.

"If not, then next, I will announce the future leaders of each group." at this time, the referee continued.

"What do you mean?" Chen Shichao frowned and had a bad feeling in his heart.

Similarly, Su Lingxue, sitting opposite Qin Mu, also has a bad face.

"Chen Shichao, if you want to compete with me for the position of Tianshui port, you'd better wait for the next life." Chen Shikai said triumphantly to Chen Shichao.

Then he looked at Qin Mu, "if you want to find help next time, you can come to me. What I'm looking for must be much better than what you're looking for."

"You... If Uncle knew you had made this decision, he would be very disappointed in you." Chen Shichao's green veins on his forehead were exposed.

"His old man is old, so I'd better live at home. I'll decide these little things later." Chen Shikai sneered.

Chen Shichao gnashed his teeth.

This boxing match was originally decided by his second uncle, but I don't know why, the judge changed people.

It seems that the fight itself is a conspiracy.

"First of all, the head of Qingcheng club will be taken over by Cao Yan in the future... Shuidu club, Shan Yi..." the judges named the heads of each group present one by one.

And these people, as if they had already known the results, stood up one by one with a happy face and bowed to the crowd.

Chen Shichao looks a little ugly. Obviously, the situation is completely different from what he imagined at the beginning.

Originally, he thought that as long as his people could win the boxing match, he might go back to Chen's house. Even, he promised Qin Mu to take over Tianshui port.

"Yunlong gate will be taken over by Yu Shilong, Tianshui port, Chen Shikai..."

The referee continued to slowly announce the heads of all the groups.

However, Qin Mu didn't do anything until the referee finished the list of leaders of all the groups.

Even the mobile phone he kept in his pocket kept shaking, and he ignored it.

At this time, he was like a person who had nothing to do, but his eyes were always staring at the people in black sitting in front of him.

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