"Otherwise, will you kill me?" Qin Mu asked with a smile.

At the same time, he began to think about how he could escape from this place.

His strength is far from that of Tu Dao. It is impossible for him to leave unharmed today.

Even, he suspected that even if Lu Fei came, they might not be able to retreat all over, because the butchery gave him a very different feeling.

At this time, he felt like facing an insurmountable mountain.

"No, I won't kill you." Tu Dao Jie smiled.

"I will make you a supplier of my true Qi, and daily practice will provide me with true Qi."

While talking, Tu Daohua looked at Qin Mu's Dantian position, and his turbid eyes were full of greedy desire.

Qin Mu's eyes narrowed slightly and his body retreated vigilantly.

"Younger martial brother, don't make unnecessary struggle. In front of me, you are like a mayfly shaking a tree. As long as I make a slight effort, you will die without a burial place." Tu Dao sneered coldly.

"If you are willing to hand over the sacred incense wood, I can leave you a whole body."

With that, Tu Dao slowly stood up.

As he stood, a strong wind blew in the woods.

The bamboo leaves were cut off by the strong wind and fell like snowflakes. However, when they fell into the air, they suddenly stopped, as if time was static, and the leaves were fixed in the air.

Seeing this phenomenon, Qin Mu took a breath secretly.

He has seen his master show this ability.

Control objects in space, and control the leaves of the whole bamboo forest.

I'm afraid the butcher's strength is equal to that of his master.

Suddenly, Qin Mu raised his mouth and said, "sure enough, you won't show your original shape unless you force you."

Hearing Qin Mu's words, Tu Daona's wrinkled eyebrows suddenly became more wrinkled.

"Why, are you doubting my strength?"

"I was just thinking, since you are so strong, why do you need the divine incense wood in my body? Besides, if the divine incense wood is useful, why should I give it to you?" Qin Mu asked word by word, looking at TU Dao's eyes.

"Because no one will think their strength is strong, just like you, they won't think their money is more." Tu Dao laughed.

"As for the sacred incense wood, it's up to you whether you give it or not."

While talking, Tu Dao suddenly shot Qin Mu.

The butcher's fingers turned into claws and grabbed Qin Mu's Dantian. The lightning speed made Qin Mu almost unable to avoid.

Although Kankan escaped Tu Dao's attack, Qin Mu was also shocked several meters away by Tu Dao's strength.

Qin Mu knew that whether he was attacking or hiding, he could not escape today, so he quickly prepared for the worst.

"I said, you are not my opponent at all." Tu Dao put away his outstretched palm, looked at Qin Mu standing a few meters away and smiled proudly.

"Even if you are in your heyday, you are not my opponent. What's more, the seeds of divine incense wood have begun to sprout teeth. Maybe your strength will decline to the level of the day after tomorrow in a short time."

"These have nothing to do with you," Qin Mu said coldly.

He knew the difference between himself and Tu Dao, but it was absolutely impossible for him to become the true Qi supplier of Tu Dao.

"If you are willing to give me the seeds of sacred incense wood, I will tell you how to cultivate and restore your original strength." Tu Dao coaxed.

"Sorry, I don't practice magic." when Qin Mu spoke, the silver needle in his hand quickly flew out of his hand and directly faced the heart of Tu Dao.

"Don't measure your strength." Tu Dao's face became gloomy. With a wave of his cuff robe, he blocked all the silver needles issued by Qin Mu. Then he picked up a bamboo leaf and flew to Qin Mu's face door.

Seeing that his silver needle was thrown away, Qin Mu didn't panic. He stepped back a few steps and threw out the silver needle again.

This time, the silver needle in Qin Mu's hand seemed to be given a path, and each one quickly flew to Tu Dao in different directions.

Tu Dao snorted coldly and quickly dodged away from Qin Mu's silver needle.

Qin Mu had no time to avoid the bamboo leaves shot by Tu Dao because he wanted to control the silver needle. The bamboo leaves crossed Qin Mu's shoulder and immediately bled.

"I didn't expect your flying needle skill to be so exquisite." Tu Dao appreciated it very much, and then sneered: "it's a pity, no matter how powerful, you can't leave my bamboo forest today."

After all, the bamboo forest that originally grew regularly began to move, and the movement of bamboo position completely changed the environment of the whole bamboo forest.

Just now the lights were bright, and the bamboo forest as bright as day restored its original appearance, while the secluded forest trails and pavilions disappeared completely as if they did not exist.

Qin Mu said in his heart that it was not good.

Just now he was so careless that he didn't find that the bamboo forest was still a gossip array.

He once studied Bagua array with his master, but he can hardly see Bagua array in the modern world. Therefore, when he first entered the bamboo forest, he didn't think it was an array at all.

A moment of darkness plunged his eyes into the dark, but he soon recovered. Although he was not clear, he could see some shadows in the dark.

For example, Tu Dao.

"Your strength also surprised me." Qin Mu said coldly.

"Younger martial brother, I'll give you another chance to hand over the seeds of sacred incense wood." Tu Dao said again.

"It's not impossible to want the seeds of divine incense wood, but you have to go back to my two questions." he asked him to hand over the seeds of divine incense wood again and again. Obviously, Tu Dao didn't know where the seeds of divine incense wood were on him.

In fact, he didn't know where he had its seeds.

"OK," Tu said.

"Since you said you were also planted with divine incense wood, why do you want the divine incense wood on me?"

Hearing Qin Mu's question, Tu Dao hummed coldly. Because of Tu Dao's body vibration, Qin Mu could feel the vibration of the bamboo forest.

Suddenly, Qin Mu seemed to think of something!

Is this bamboo forest actually the spiritual world of Tu Dao?

Qin Mu thought of what his master once said. When a person enters the innate realm, he can control the space world where he is. Including people and things in this space world.

But now in the world, some hypnosis and illusions actually use this ability, but compared with the realm of Tu Dao, hypnosis and illusions are not even fur.

Thinking that he might be trapped in the spiritual world of Tu Dao, Qin Mu put away his senses for the outside world.

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