"Listen, you've read abroad before." sitting in the car, Qiao Silin pestered Qin Mu with boredom.

"Yes, I've read it in Germany." Qin Mu and Tang Qianyue said after looking at each other.

Tang Qianyue was a little nervous and wanted to give Qin Mu a hint. As a result, Qin Mu spoke by himself.

Qin Mu investigated Chu siran, so he knew that Chu siran had studied in Germany when he was 18. However, because his grades were average and could not integrate into school life, he applied to drop out of school and go home in less than a year.

"De Shi?" Qiao Silin looked surprised.

"Which school did you study in Germany? When I was in college, I also applied to be an exchange student in Germany and studied there for a year." Qiao Silin became excited when he heard that Qin Mu had also stayed in Germany.

Tang Qianyue held the steering wheel with both hands and locked his shoulders. He looked at the front with his eyes and listened to the dialogue between the two. He looked very nervous.

"I read in derslin University," Qin Mu replied with a smile.

Hearing Qin muying's words, Tang Qianyue was relieved.

She didn't forget that Qin Mu was not really Chu siran, so she was very worried that Qin Mu would ask three questions.

But now Qin Mu answered like a stream, which made her wonder.

Isn't Qin Mu really Chu siran? It's not Chu Si ran. How do you know these things.

"Deslin, that university is very famous in Germany." Qiao Silin said with bright eyes, "since you have studied in Germany, you must have eaten the oyster door banquet over there."

Hearing this, Tang Qianyue's heartbeat suddenly missed a beat and hurriedly interrupted: "do you want to eat oysters? I know there is a restaurant in Haicheng that makes oysters very delicious. Let's go to eat when we get back."

"Ouch, how can the oysters here compare to the oyster feast in Germany? If you don't believe it, ask Chu siran." Qiao Silin patted Qin Mu's chair and asked.

Speaking of the oyster door banquet, Tang Qianyue also knows, but she hasn't had a chance to taste it.

In fact, oysters are not so good and expensive in Germany, and even ordinary cities and small shops have this kind of food.

However, the oyster door banquet is different, because both the ingredients and practices are the high-end catering culture of Germany, which is difficult for ordinary people to taste. Moreover, the only authentic oyster door banquet in Germany is the desburg restaurant, and desburg is a famous and difficult restaurant. Some people even have to queue up for three months or even six months in order to have an oyster door banquet.

Tang Qianyue was trying to extricate Qin Mu, when he heard Qin Mu's voice ring first.

"I'm really lucky to have eaten the oyster gate banquet once. The quality of the oyster gate banquet is very rich, and it requires fresh food for cooking, so the taste is very delicious, which can make people feel the lasting charm of the front, middle and back, and make people have endless aftertaste. However, oyster gate is generally not eaten alone, but also mixed with tartar beef, and then mixed with salt, pepper and sauce In order to match the taste, people also like to mix quail eggs together. "

As soon as Qin Mu's voice fell, Qiao Silin's applause rang out.

"Pa. Pa. PA!"

"Unexpectedly, you know how to eat. I tell you, I was most impressed by this oyster feast in Germany. I can still feel the fresh flavor of oysters in my mouth now. But I didn't know to match the tartar beef you said at that time. Later I heard that it would taste better with tartar beef. I will go to Germany next time Qiao Silin looked intoxicated as he spoke.

"I ate it once, and it was brought by an elder at that time." Qin Mu smiled.

Tang Qianyue looked at the man around him. Every word and expression were impeccable. Such a man makes her more sure that he and Chu siran are people from two worlds.

Thinking of Qin Mu's previous performances, the more excellent he was, the more reluctant she was to expose him.

Seeing Tang Qianyue looking at himself, Qin Mu turned his head and smiled at her. It seemed that he was saying, what's up? My performance was OK.

Tang Qianyue snorted, turned his head and drove seriously, hiding that he had just had a flustered look in his eyes.

Qiao Silin looked at their interaction through the rearview mirror and couldn't help sighing.

Their relationship seems so good. What should she do next?

"Chu siran, really, I'm curious about how you made Miss Tang compromise and marry you." Qiao Silin asked curiously.

She has also heard about the marriage between Tang Qianyue and Chu siran. However, according to her understanding of Tang Qianyue, even if they really have an engagement, if Tang Qianyue would rather die than obey, the old man of the Tang family can't really force Tang Qianyue to marry Chu siran.

Therefore, Tang Qianyue agreed to marry Chu siran because of what, which has been bothering her for the past two years.

However, she asked Tang Qianyue many times, and the other party refused to let go.

Hearing this question, Tang Qianyue stretched out his hand to pull Qin Mu's arm and winked at him, "don't pay attention to her. It's a woman who likes gossip."

"What gossip woman? Please, I'm your best friend. I'm concerned about you." Qiao Silin put on a look. I'm just for you.

"You are clearly gossip, how can you care." Tang Qianyue turned his eyes and said.

"In fact, shallow is attracted by my talent." Qin Mu said with a smile.

"Talent?" Qiao Silin questioned, "although shallow told me you are a talent, but seriously, shallow doesn't lack talent around. Why is it your turn?"

Qiao Silin's words made Tang Qianyue frown slightly.

What's the matter with her best friend today and how to ask such strange questions.

"Because I'm different from others." Qin Mu looked at Tang Qianyue and motioned that she didn't have to worry about saying something wrong.

"In fact, we don't have any emotional foundation like what the outside world says. We actually knew each other before we got married. At that time, at master Feilin's painting exhibition, shallow and I were attracted by master Feilin's waves and put forward different opinions. It's also like we don't know each other. Although our opinions are completely different, we make friends because of it."

Qiao Silin looked strange. "It turns out that you have known each other at master Feilin's Painting Exhibition for a long time. Shallow really likes master Feilin's paintings. It's a pity that master Feilin's paintings are expensive and can't be collected if you want to."

Hearing master Feilin's exhibition, Tang Qianyue widened his eyes and looked at Qin Mu in surprise.

She is a fan of master Feilin, but few people know about it. Even her grandfather doesn't know. How does Qin Mu know?

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