After being surprised, Qiao Silin's face changed again, and his eyes were more alert to Qin Mu.

Even if the son-in-law comes to the door and does some nanny work every day, there must be a problem that a big man cooks so delicious.

"It's delicious. Since I ate the food he cooked, I now eat the food outside. Even if it's the food of a five-star hotel, I think it's very general." Tang Qianyue said with a bit of pride in his tone.

She was right, because her appetite was obviously spoiled.

"Really..." Qiao Silin took a breath secretly, and his heart couldn't stop accelerating.

Because she thought of a news, that is, in order to retain customers, some shops will add some addictive things to soup or meals.

After these customers eat these meals, they will rely on this store

Thinking of this, the delicious sandwich that had surprised her suddenly tasted like chewing wax.

"Well, how do you do all this?" Qiao Silin asked weakly.

If Chu siran really had so many tricks in front of her, it would be too difficult for her to save Tang Qianyue from the clutches.

No, she can't wait to die!

"It's very simple. It's just a sandwich. The ingredients were bought by me and shallow in the supermarket. It's just simple processing, mainly seasoning." Qin Mu smiled.

At the same time, Qin Mu also found a problem, that is, Qiao Silin seemed hostile to himself.

"Oh..." Qiao Silin replied absently.

"Eat more when you are delicious. When you go abroad, you won't have a chance to eat." Tang Qianyue didn't notice the change in Qiao Silin's mood and still said with a smile.

"Going abroad? No... shallow, I suddenly felt that I couldn't go so fast. After returning home, I found that I still deeply loved this land, and even the plants and trees here made me feel nostalgic. Therefore, I decided that I would stay in China for a while and don't go for the time being." Qiao Silin stared at Tang Qianyue and said.

"Ah? Don't go?" Tang Qianyue showed some gaffes because of the unexpected news. His small mouth was wide open, and some couldn't return to God.

"Yes." Qiao Silin nodded hard.

Now, knowing the situation of Chu siran, how could she leave so soon.

"Why, aren't you welcome?" she squinted and smiled, her curved eyes like a pair of curved moons.

After being stunned for two seconds, Tang Qianyue reacted, "no, how can you not welcome."

"Hey, hey, I knew you must hate me. Then I'll stay with you. Don't blame me for disturbing your couple's life." Qiao Silin also glanced at Qin Mu.

"Of course not." Tang Qianyue smiled bitterly and looked at Qin Mu.

Of course, she doesn't dislike Qiao Silin. The main thing is that if Qiao Silin knows that Chu siran is not Chu siran, or that she and Chu siran actually don't have a husband and wife, wouldn't it be revealed at that time?

Qin Mu saw Tang Qianyue's expression, stretched out his hand and patted her hand, making an OK in secret.

His ability, how Qiao Silin wants to test him, can't fail.

Tang Qianyue saw Qin Mu's appearance and felt helpless.

She knows that Qin Mu has many abilities she can't think of, but this is not a problem. The question now is, how can she make Qiao Silin not find out that Chu siran is not Chu siran. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing. Moreover, she didn't want Qin Mu to leave.

After breakfast, Qiao Silin was ready to go out. Originally, she planned to take a taxi by herself, but in order to implement the plan and separate Tang Qianyue and Qin Mu, she asked Qin Mu to go out with her.

"Go out? Where?" Tang Qianyue asked curiously.

"Of course, go to the National Medical Museum," Qiao Silin said.

Since she doesn't go abroad for the time being, she naturally wants to find ways to visit old Mr. Luo Rongyuan, otherwise she won't waste her time.

Qin Mu didn't want to go out with Qiao Silin, because he could feel that Qiao Silin was dissatisfied with himself, but Tang Qianyue had nodded. As a big man, he couldn't be angry with a girl.

"Hey, what kind of way did you use to keep my house so obedient?" Qiao Silin asked as soon as he walked out of the door.

"Naturally, we love each other." Qin Mu said faintly and went to the garage to pick up the car.

Looking at Qin Mu's expressionless face, Qiao Silin snorted coldly: "you have to find a good excuse to cheat. Don't you look better? My family is not so shallow."

The scale of the National Medical Museum is not very large, but every week today, there will be a long line of people here.

When Qin Mu and Qiao Silin arrived, more than 30 people had lined up outside the medical center, while more than a dozen people were waiting inside the medical center.

"Come on, let's go in." when he came to the door of the hospital, Qiao Silin directly took Qin Mu into the hospital and went directly to the front of the team.

Qin Mu could feel that when they walked towards the front of the team, many eyes fell on them.

If they jump the queue, they can definitely be drowned by spittle stars.

In the hall of the Medical Museum, there is a sandalwood table. An old man in white coat and more than 60 years old is sitting there to give a pulse to the patient.

Qin Mu didn't know what Qiao Silin came here for, so he just followed quietly.

When he came to the table, Qiao Silin became stiff, even his breath softened, and there was no just aggressive momentum.

She stood quietly and watched the old man's every move.

After asking the patient, the old man picked up his pen and wrote the prescription: "remember to drink after dinner at night. After drinking, go out for a walk."

"Thank you, doctor." after thanking the patient, he went to the front desk to fill the medicine.

"Teacher." seeing that the old man had seen a patient, Qiao Silin began to speak respectfully.

"Xiao Lin is coming. Just watch." the old man smiled kindly at Qiao Silin. After saying this, he continued to diagnose the patient.

Qiao Silin moved a stool and sat beside the old man. Then he whispered to Qin Mu, "I want to watch the teacher diagnose. You can go outside."

Then he took out the prescription paper on the table and began to help record it.

"No, I'll wait for you here." Qin Mu said and went to an empty seat on one side.

He had thought Qiao Silin was coming to see a doctor. Unexpectedly, she was a student of the old doctor.

There are some pharmacology of traditional Chinese medicine hanging on the wall of the medical museum. In addition, there are profiles of several doctors.

At the front, Qin Mu saw the introduction of the old doctor.

"Ye Quankun, a master of national medicine, Luo Rongyuan, is a director of Xiaguo traditional Chinese Medicine Association, an honorary professor of Kyoto Medical College and a national first-class medical expert..."

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