"Oh, Qiqi, it's not easy for the students in our class to get together once. Your shop is not big, and there won't be much loss if you open it for a few hours. Besides, our party will end at 8.9 PM. If you want to open a shop at that time, just come back and open it." Li Yuwei said.

"Yes, Qiqi, you don't look down on our classmates now that you open a shop, so refuse." Lou Hao said with a bit of disdain in his eyes.

Jiang Qiqi's face was a little ugly when she heard the speech.

If she insists on refusing, Li Yuwei will definitely tell all her classmates that she has become a boss and despises these old classmates, so she won't attend the party.

"OK." Jiang Qiqi had no choice but to agree. Anyway, it's just a meal. Just bear it and it's over.

"Sir, is this your boyfriend?" Li Yuwei asked after seeing Qin Mu sitting in the store all the time.

"No, brother Mu is my brother's friend." Jiang Qiqi quickly explained.

"Oh, it's your brother's friend. Why don't you come with me?" Li Yuwei said with a smile.

"Since you are a classmate party, I, an outsider, can also attend?" Jiang Qiqi can see that the two people have a bad heart. How can Qin Mu not see it.

"What's wrong with this? I'm just a classmate of theirs. Don't I still participate together," Lou Hao said.

"Brother mu, if there's nothing wrong, can you go with me?" Jiang Qiqi thought that if Qin Mu goes together, she still has a speaker.

"OK, then I'll go as your eldest brother." Qin Mu agreed to Jiang Qiqi's invitation.

"Then I'll ask Sisi to come and help look at the store." Jiang Qiqi said and called Yuan Si, the girl who opened the store with her.

"Let's go." seeing that Jiang Qiqi finished calling, Li Yuwei took Jiang Qiqi's hand and went out.

Out of the Sunshine World Square, Li Yuwei pointed to a BMW on the side of the road and said, "I'll take Lou Hao's new car. The address is Hilda hotel. Do you want to take our car or take a taxi?"

"We follow behind." Jiang Qiqi felt speechless for a while and wanted to show off when she changed her new car. It was hopeless.

"There's a car, that's the best." Li Yuwei saw Jiang Qiqi pointing to an Audi on the side of the road. Her face showed a trace of unnaturalness. She skimmed her mouth and got into the car.

Lou Hao left with Li Yuwei in a BMW, while Qin Mu followed behind with Jiang Qiqi.

Hilda hotel is a famous five-star hotel in Haicheng. Many leaders will choose to settle here whenever there are any large-scale activities in Haicheng.

Therefore, being able to eat in Hilda hotel has become a symbol of identity.

Parking in the parking lot, Qin Mu and Jiang Qiqi walked into the lobby of the hotel.

Lou Hao and Li Yuwei are already waiting in the hall.

Seeing Qin Mu and Jiang Qiqi coming in, Lou Hao smiled and said, "brother mu, you've been driving Audi for a long time. It's a little slow."

Then he pretended to look at his watch and said he had waited for several minutes.

In the face of Lou Hao's sarcasm, Qin Mu is not angry, but feels that Lou Hao and Li Yuwei's behavior is very childish.

Qin Mu smiled and said, "the driving is not standard, and the relatives shed tears. Safety is the most important. Speed is nothing. Even if it's late, it's only a few minutes. "

"That's right." Lou Hao smiled, but he sniffed at it in his heart.

"Let's go, the students should all be here." Li Yuwei asked them to enter the elevator together.

Tianqiong is a big private room, where you can not only eat, but also sing, billiards and other entertainment.

For such a private room, the minimum consumption is 5000 yuan, which is absolutely unacceptable for ordinary wages.

Entering the private room, I saw fifteen or six men and women chatting inside.

"Everybody, look who I brought." Li Yuwei shouted as soon as she entered the private room.

People were attracted by Li Yuwei's voice. When they saw Jiang Qiqi, many people showed surprised expressions.

"Wow, isn't this our department flower Qiqi?"

"I haven't seen you for years. Qiqi is still so beautiful."

"I haven't been in touch for a long time. What's Qiqi doing now?"

Many boys greeted with a smile, which shows how attractive beauty is.

"Our Qiqi is the boss now. She opened a clothing store in the sunshine world opposite our former school." Li Yuwei stood next to Jiang Qiqi and said with a smile: "she is a rich woman now, making fifty or sixty thousand a month."

"Sell clothes in the sunshine world. I went back to my alma mater some time ago. I knew you opened a shop there. I will go and support it."

"I'll go there often after that."

Several men laughed.

"Who are these two?" a boy noticed Qin Mu and Lou Hao and asked suspiciously.

"This is my boyfriend Lou Hao, who manages louyun technology. This is Qiqi's brother, but he is a rich man." Li Yuwei specially increased the volume on the words "rich man" when she introduced Qin Mu.

She seems to be telling everyone that Jiang Qiqi can have today because of Qin Mu's help.

All of them know how frustrated Jiang Qiqi was when she was in school. She was both a tutor and a waiter. Throughout her college career, she was almost doing part-time jobs, and even almost dropped out of school because she had no money.

Because there was only one sick mother in her family, and the only eldest brother had no news after joining the army. He didn't know whether to die or live. Life was simply beyond his means.

"Qiqi, didn't your eldest brother join the army? How did he become a rich man? Did you pretend to be low-key?" someone asked suspiciously.

"Brother Mu is not my brother. We are just brothers and sisters who have a good relationship." Jiang Qiqi explained.

"Oh, it's a dry brother and sister." as soon as Jiang Qiqi appeared, he stole the limelight of all female students, which made many girls jealous of Jiang Qiqi.

Hearing Jiang Qiqi say that Qin Mu is brother Gan, the tone of these people became sinister.

In their hearts, they all regard Jiang Qiqi as Qin Mu's mistress.

Even looking at Jiang Qiqi's eyes, they looked down on him a little more.

"Brother Cheng, the woman you like seems to be wrapped by others." on the sofa not far away, two boys didn't come over, one of them said to the other.

"Hum, I pretended to be pure and didn't want money for her mother's treatment. Now I'm not smashed into bed with money." brother Cheng, formerly known as Yu Jiacheng, runs a stone business in his family and is a rich man in Haicheng.

"This boy dares to call himself a rich man. I don't know how many kilograms he has."

"Just ask." Yu Jiacheng smiled coldly, stood up and walked over. He smiled at Qin Mu: "my brother has become a rich man at a young age. I don't know what he does at home?"

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