Qin Mu didn't urge him either. He sat on the sofa and ate snacks. He looked at Meng Xinghua with a smile.

Tang Qianyue couldn't see it. He pushed him and motioned him to give face to Meng Xinghua.

When Meng Xinghua was ready to take a risk, the private room door was suddenly pushed open, and then six young men and women came in.

"Platinum emperor palace billiards king, playing billiards again?" Wan Shangyu is also a billiards lover. In the past, the title of billiards king was generally his, but he lost to Meng Xinghua in the last platinum emperor palace billiards game.

Today, I learned that Meng Xinghua came again. He took his billiards master and wanted to find face.

"What? Do you want to find the venue?" Meng Xinghua snorted to Wan Shangyu.

Wan Shangyu didn't reply immediately. He looked around the table and said with a smile, "why? Don't you know how to start?"

"You have the ability, you try." Meng Xinghua sniffed. With his technology, he was not sure. Wan Shangyu was worse than him.

"Shifu, will you try?" Wan Shangyu looked at a handsome man behind him.

"Little fun." the handsome man's name is sun Yanping. He is a professional billiards player. Although he has not won international awards, he has performed well in some domestic competitions.

Sun Yanping went to one side, picked up the club, and then directly billiards.

With a bang, a ball went into the bag. Sun Yanping didn't stop. He saw the white ball draw a beautiful curve and bring a ball into the bag again.

Several balls that had been difficult for Meng Xinghua were easily solved by sun Yanping. This is the strength of professional players.

"How? Do you know what a master is?" Wan Shangyu said proudly when he saw sun Yanping's performance.

"With your skill, you still have the face to accept the name of platinum emperor palace billiards king? Rubbish!" Sun Yanping said proudly.

"You..." Meng Xinghua blushed with anger and his neck was thick. He said angrily, "have the ability to have a game of magnesium billiards!"

"No problem, but there must be some color." Sun Yanping's eyes swept Qin Mu and others, and then his eyes fell on Tang Qianyue. His eyes suddenly glowed. He said with a grin: "why not, if you lose, let the beauty have a drink with me. If I lose, let the beauty behind me have a wet kiss with you."

Hearing this, Qin Mu immediately frowned slightly and looked at Sun Yanping with a little cold in his eyes.

Tang Qianyue and Qiao Silin were angry on their faces.

"Shallow Yue is my friend. I have no right to use her as a color head." Meng Xinghua said angrily.

Hearing Meng Xinghua's words, Qin Mu felt that although this guy hated a little, he still had a bottom line.

When sun Yanping heard the speech, he was very unhappy and hummed: "since you can't be a woman's master, how about playing with money? Losing a ball is 200000."

"Meng Xinghua, don't touch gambling money." Qiao Silin quickly reminded Meng Xinghua.

"Why? Don't you dare to play? It's only 200000 a ball. Don't you have the courage? Is it a man?" Wan Shangyu said sarcastically when he saw Meng Xinghua hesitate.

Although Meng Xinghua has established his own company with stable income, cars and houses, his annual salary is actually more than one million. Moreover, the company has just started and needs investment in many aspects to continue its development.

One ball is 200000, which is by no means a small number for Meng Xinghua.

Originally, he hesitated, but after hearing Wan Shangyu's sarcasm, he said angrily: "OK, just play, who is afraid of who?"

"Meng Xinghua." Qiao Silin and others were a little anxious when they saw Meng Xinghua's promise.

Even they can see that sun Yanping's skills are very good. Even in magnesium billiards, Meng Xinghua's winning side is very small.

"Everyone is a witness, let's start." Wan Shangyu smiled at the corner of his mouth.

After Meng Xinghua promised, he also had regret in his heart, but he didn't want to lose face and repent. He had to hold his face and let the youth around him swing the ball.

Because of the emergence of sun Yanping, Qiao Silin and others have long forgotten the punishment game between Qin Mu and Meng Xinghua.

Losing a ball is 200000, which is definitely a big bet for ordinary people. The crowd gathered around the table excitedly, waiting for the duel between Meng Xinghua and sun Yanping.

"Let you kick off first." Sun Yanping leaned against the table next to him and said contemptuously.

Meng Xinghua calmed himself down. After some calculation, he slammed the ball.

There was a crisp bang, followed by the sound of billiards colliding with each other, and a No. 1 ball went directly into the bag.

Magnesium billiards is divided into large and small balls. Meng Xinghua's small ball goes into the bag, which means that his goal is No. 1 to No. 7.

Compared with the previous playing method with Qin Mu, magnesium billiards is more difficult, because many of the balls they need are blocked by the other party's ball. Once the other party's ball hits the goal bag, it will be a foul.

Once again, Meng Xinghua took another ball, and there were two balls on the table, which were very friendly to him.

Sure enough, after scoring two goals in a row again, Meng Xinghua frowned. His remaining three goals were blocked and it was difficult to start. After thinking over and over again, he gently hit the cue ball and stopped it in a tricky position. He deliberately made the other party unable to score.

Seeing Meng Xinghua's small moves, sun Yanping sniffed: "carving insects and small skills! Think this can stop me?"

Speaking, sun Yanping had come to the side of the mother ball, and then a beautiful Spin Ball scored a No. 9 ball.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Meng Xinghua and Qiao Silin became ugly. They are classmates with Meng Xinghua. Naturally, they don't want Meng Xinghua to lose, but the other party's technology is obviously professional.

Sun Yanping played billiards one after another with a confident smile. He hit the ball into the goal hole accurately every time, and the stop position of the mother ball was in the best position of the next target.

Don't think about it. Meng Xinghua will lose. The other party has the strength to clear Taiwan with one shot.

Meng Xinghua's expression became more and more ugly with the other party's goal. In his punishment game with Qin Mu, if he lost, he would eat some ice cream, but if he lost, it would be real money.

"Billiards king, get ready for 800000!" although Meng Xinghua had only three trumpets left, with black eight, he lost four.

When Liang Yang finished speaking, heiba went into the bag beautifully, and sun Yanping finished clearing the platform.

Meng Xinghua's face turned gray when he saw this. This is 800000. He worked hard to earn only one million a year, and then he got rid of 800000 at once.

If 800000 is his own spare money, it's OK, but the 800000 still has to use the running water of the company. In case something happens to the company later, he will face the outcome of bankruptcy.

Sun Yanping put the club away and said with a smile, "how's it going? Have you taken it? Do you want to play another game?"

"What are you crazy about? Do you think you are a master? We also have masters." Meng Xinghua suddenly thought that Qin Mu's ball skills were very good, so he opened his mouth and said.

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