An hour later, Qin Mu sent Jiang Qiqi back to their community.

"If nothing happens these days, don't go to a strange place and stay at home with aunt Hui, you know?" Qin Mu explained.

Jiang Qiqi knew what Qin Mu meant and nodded skillfully.

"Brother mu, you must be careful."

Qin Mu beat Wen Tianrong so badly this time. The Wen family retaliates at any time.

"Don't worry." Qin Mu nodded.

Seeing Jiang Qiqi into the community, Qin Mu immediately took out his mobile phone and called Lu Fei.

"Check the Jinzhou writers. If they still want to avenge Wen Tianrong, let me know."

With that, Qin Mu drove away.

Wen Tianrong called the police and was sent to Haicheng first people's Hospital for treatment when the hotel staff found him lying on the ground dying when delivering meals that evening.

Outside the ward, Wen Tianrong's father Wen Xian was furious. He took the phone and shouted hysterically: "check it for me. Be sure to find out who did it. I want him to be broken into pieces!"

On the other hand, a middle-aged woman in a "system" uniform shouted angrily to the phone: "my son was beaten like this. What's the matter with public security? You must give me an explanation."

Although the Wenjia family is not a top-level rich family, it has great energy in eastern province. With the pressure exerted by the Wenjia couple, all forces in eastern province have been mobilized.

At this time, Qin Mu is happily preparing dinner for Tang Qianyue.

Qiao Silin didn't come back for dinner because of something, so he and Tang Qianyue could finally live in a world of two.

Just then, Qin Mu's cell phone rang.

"Boss, the Wen family began to investigate. They should find Jiang Qiqi's trouble soon."

"I see. I'll arrange it." Qin Mu hung up and dialed Chen Shichao instead. The phone was connected. Chen Shichao immediately sent respectful greetings. Qin Mu ignored his nonsense and said directly: "help me look at the people in Room 202, unit 1, No. 3, Jinyu community. Anyone who wants to get close to them will be dealt with by me..."

In the past, he would not go to Chen Shichao for help, but now Chen Shichao is much stronger than the literati. As for the so-called power within the system, Chen Shichao now has Tianshui port in his hand, how can he be afraid of this energy.

Therefore, under the protection of Chen Shichao, Jiang Qiqi can't be moved by the writers.

As for the Wen family, he has figured out who can cure it.

Soon after Qin Mu finished his meal, Tang Qianyue went home. Because they had just expressed their feelings to each other, Tang Qianyue blushed rarely when he saw Qin Mu.

They sat opposite each other for dinner. Although they didn't speak, the ambiguous atmosphere began to spread around them.

After dinner, Tang Qianyue couldn't stand this embarrassing atmosphere. He took Qin Mu's hand and asked him to take a walk with him.

"In fact, I have one thing to tell you." Tang Qianyue lowered his head and said.

That matter has been hidden in her heart. It is her past and her shame.

She likes Qin Mu, so she hopes Qin Mu can accept her past and everything about her.

"What's the matter?" Qin Mu asked curiously.

"I......" Tang Qianyue hesitated, with an awkward appearance.

"Do you mind if I'm not a virgin?"

Like summoning up courage, Tang Qianyue looked up at Qin Mu and asked.

Qin Mu was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Tang Qianyue to ask such a question.

"Don't mind." Qin Mu shook his head and said firmly.

He could still remember that night. Without Tang Qianyue, he would have been eroded by poison and died.

Moreover, he also took the responsibility of Tang Qianyue.

Hearing Qin Mu's answer, Tang Qianyue breathed a sigh and relaxed instantly.

"If you don't mind, I've been brooding about it, but I don't know who the man is. So I just want to hate him, and I have no reason." what happened that night, she felt like a dream. If it wasn't for her real feelings, she didn't want to admit that she had a skin relationship with a strange man.

"Shallow, I don't mind. I don't mind at all, because..." Qin Mu scratched his head helplessly and looked helpless and tangled.

Who would have thought that the Dragon Lord who was surprised by the wind and cloud should also have such a tangle, as if he were a young man.

"Because of what?" Tang Qianyue asked with a frown.

"Shallow, tell me, do you hate him?" Qin Mu asked.

"Don't hate. But I won't forgive him either." Tang Qianyue replied.

"If you want revenge, I will help you find him. If you want to kill or cut him, you can deal with it at that time." Qin Mu said seriously.

He wanted to tell Tang Qianyue the truth, but now it was obviously inappropriate.

Tang Qianyue chuckled and shook his head and said, "why did I kill him and cut him? In fact, the situation was a little complicated at that time. I wanted to help him, but I didn't expect that he would treat me like that. What's the use of revenge? After so many years, it seems that it's not so uncomfortable to think of it."

"It's all right. You'll have me in the future. I won't make you uncomfortable." Qin Mu couldn't help but pull Tang Qianyue into his arms.

This matter also made him very guilty. Afterwards, he thought about making up for it, but he couldn't find anyone for a long time.

"In the future, I won't let anyone bully you or hurt you." Qin Mu said seriously.

"Oh, hey, this is a big crowd. Can you two pay attention to your image." not far away, Qiao Silin's angry voice came.

She learned medicine all day today. She was so tired that her back hurt. She was so hungry that her chest was close to her back. She finally wanted to go home and eat something. As a result, she didn't eat anything. Instead, she was fed a mouthful of dog food.

"Silin, when did you come back?" seeing Qiao Silin coming back, Tang Qianyue hurriedly pushed Qin Mu away, his face red like cooked shrimp.

"You saw it when you hugged. I said you were enough. If you want to hug, can't you hug at home? You have to stand outside the gate." Qiao Silin snorted discontentedly.

She was not unhappy to see Qin Mu holding Tang Qianyue together, but worried that Tang Qianyue was cheated and trapped too deep to extricate herself.

Before she came, the idea was to tell Tang Qianyue the truth, and then they would divorce smoothly.

But now I find that things are not as simple as I thought.

"Since you want to show your love, of course you should show it to others." Qin Mu took Tang Qianyue's hand and said affectionately.

"If Miss Qiao can't stand it, it's better to find a boyfriend quickly, so that you can hug and show your love with your boyfriend every day." Qin Mu said with a smile.

I don't know which man dares to provoke a female Tyrannosaurus Rex like Qiao Silin.

"Shameless! It's none of your business if I can't find a boyfriend!" Qiao Silin's face suddenly darkened. After humming, he walked into the door dissatisfied.

Tang Qianyue also frowned slightly and motioned Qin Mu not to say any more.

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