She thought and said, "well, you go back with me and ask my grandpa. As long as my grandpa nods, I'll worship you as a teacher, okay?"

In the inner hall of the old house, more than ten famous doctors gathered together. When Fang Xianzong and Luo Rongyuan walked in, most of the doctors present got up to meet and greet each other.

Of course, there are also some people who are very ambitious and don't take Luo Rongyuan in their eyes. For example, Ruan Changming in Pingzhou city and the rites in Zhongcheng city are like this!

As for the two big figures in the system, Jinzhou and Haicheng, they stood aside and became bystanders.

Just as everyone was greeting and courteous, Fang Zhenshan came out with the pushed Wei Tianshuo. They were old and not angry. As soon as they came out, they made everyone quiet.

Seeing Wei Lao and Fang Zhenshan coming out, everyone stood up respectfully: "Wei Lao, Fang Lao."

"You're welcome. Sit down." Wei Lao's voice is loud and ruddy. Except that his legs can't walk for a long time, everything else is very healthy.

When they heard the speech, they took their seats.

At this time, he pushed Wei Tianshuo's old housekeeper to look at an old doctor on his side and said, "doctor Yue, tell me about Wei's condition."

Doctor Yue is a famous local doctor in Kyoto. Although his medical skills are not as good as Luo Rongyuan, he is still very famous in Kyoto. Wei Lao's body has always been conditioned and treated by him.

Wei Lao's leg disease has a history of more than ten years. After Dr. Yue's treatment, the symptoms will soon be relieved. But this time, Dr. Yue was helpless. After hearing that Mr. Fang was cured, he proposed that Mr. Wei come to Haicheng to find the Fang family to introduce the famous doctor.

But unexpectedly, famous doctors from all over the country were well-informed. When old Wei came to Haicheng, these doctors followed him, so they became today's consultation of doctors.

Doctor Yue nodded. He got up and said, "Wei Lao's leg disease is caused by frostbite and cold invading the muscles and veins. I used acupuncture and moxibustion before..."

Dr. Yue explained the problems encountered in his treatment and the solutions. After listening to his story, the doctors present nodded secretly and felt that there was nothing wrong.

Doctor Yue came to Wei Lao and pulled up Wei Lao's trouser legs. He saw that Wei Lao's lower legs and stomach showed a strange blue color, and the green tendons expanded like curved centipedes, which was very terrible.

Doctor Yue then said, "since last month, Wei Lao's leg disease began to worsen. My method still had some effects at the beginning, but it didn't work seven days ago. Even Wei Lao's legs are gradually losing consciousness."

When doctor Yue finished, Ruan Changming took the lead in getting up and walking over. He squatted down, looked carefully at Wei Lao's legs, and then felt the pulse for Wei Lao again.

"Blood blocked, cold stagnant!" Ruan Changming frowned tightly and walked back to his seat in silence.

Seeing this, Zhu Li also went to check for Wei Lao. After that, others also shot one after another.

More than a dozen doctors took turns to check up. It was half an hour later.

However, within half an hour, no one, whether Ruan Changming, Zhu Li or others, said the cure. They frowned one by one, obviously without any clue.

Luo Rongyuan stood aside. He had previously diagnosed Wei Lao and had no particularly good treatment plan.

He looked anxiously at the time. According to the time, Qin Mu should have arrived, but he hadn't seen anyone at this time. He wanted to go out and ask about the situation, but he couldn't leave now.

"It seems that everyone has no good way." Wei Tianshuo sighed disappointed when he saw the doctors.

"Dr. Luo, I don't know if the medicine steaming method is feasible." a doctor asked.

"Although it is feasible, I'm afraid that water and fire will not tolerate, causing damage to the meridians." Luo Rongyuan shook his head.

"The thirteen needles of the ghost sect handed down by my ancestors can dredge the blood vessels, but the blood vessels of Wei Lao have been completely blocked and may not be effective." Shi Weisong said.

"What if I assisted with massage?" a middle-aged woman said.

"I think I can try!" Dr. Yue nodded.

They told their treatment direction, and everyone present demonstrated it together, and finally confirmed a more feasible scheme.

After determining the scheme, Shi Weisong took the lead in stimulating the acupoints with 13 needles of ghost gate, and then the female traditional Chinese medicine dredged the blood vessels with massage.

With the combination of the two, Wei Lao's calf and stomach began to become ruddy, which was a sign that the blood began to flow smoothly.

Seeing this, Shi Weisong and the woman were very excited and energetic.

But at this time, Wei Lao coughed violently. They were so frightened that they stopped immediately. Luo Rongyuan immediately came forward to take a pulse.

"No, we can't continue. Although we dredged the blood of the legs, the cold in the blood entered Wei Lao's lungs. If we continue, Wei Lao's cold will enter his lungs, which will be more difficult to treat." Luo Rongyuan said solemnly.

Hearing the speech, Shi Weisong quickly took off the silver needle. Before long, Wei Lao's calf stomach turned blue and purple again, and Wei Lao was painful because of the expansion of calf blood vessels.

"Is there no other way?" the old housekeeper was annoyed when he saw that Wei Lao was more serious.

Everyone looked dignified, and they were all thinking hard.

"We need to determine a priority." at this time, Zhu Li stood up and spoke.

"At present, the most important thing is to dispel the cold. If the cold is not removed, even if the blood vessels are unblocked, there will be endless future trouble, and the blood vessels will be blocked again because of the cold residue. Since the oral administration of traditional Chinese medicine has no effect, we might as well make traditional Chinese medicine into ointment and apply it on the lower legs."

"That's a good idea..."

Qin Mu didn't expect that the little girl he wanted to be an apprentice was the granddaughter of today's distinguished guests of the Fang family, and he also learned from Wei Ying what happened to the Fang family today.

It turned out that Wei Ying's grandfather came to see a doctor, and Luo Rongyuan asked him to come. It should show that Wei was very ill.

Since Wei Ying needs to ask Wei Lao's advice, and he just wants to treat Wei Lao, Qin Mu has to come in and meet Wei Ying's grandfather.

As soon as he entered the yard, Qin Mu saw Qiao Silin's irritable face, while the three young people thought they were very funny chattering.

Seeing Qin Mu coming in with a girl, Qiao Silin immediately found an excuse, said goodbye to the three young people and ran to Qin Mu.

"Didn't you get back on the bus? This is Qiao Silin?" Qiao Silin asked, looking at Wei Ying.

Qin Mu said with a smile, "this is the little apprentice I just accepted. How about it? Shuiling? When I grow up, I will definitely be more beautiful than you?"

"Apprentice? People like you still take apprentices?" Qiao Silin sniffed and then demolished Qin Mu's platform: "little sister, this man has impure motives. Don't believe him!"

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