"Impossible, this is my own composition, and I wrote the words myself. It's definitely not plagiarism!" Jiang Qiqi stepped forward and stressed angrily.

"Really? Come with me," said the examiner standing aside.

As the music director of Guanyu media, he attaches great importance to the copyright of music.

In the case of Jiang Qiqi, if it wasn't because she was brought by the Secretary of the president, he would blow people out directly.

Led by the examiner, they came to another studio and saw aiya singing the song in the studio.

Aiya's singing is only average. Most importantly, she can't understand the feeling of missing in this song.

Originally a moving song, it was a little unusual to sing it from her mouth.

However, her accompaniment is carefully compiled, which naturally sounds much better than Jiang Qiqi's accompaniment.

"This song was originally written by sister ya. We haven't spread it to the outside world. How did you get it?" the examiner asked very severely.

"Chu Shao, this......" Rong Han frowned and looked embarrassed.

She also wants to give Jiang Qiqi a chance, but it's hard for her to do such a thing.

"As you said, this song has never been spread to the outside world, and my sister doesn't know people in your company. Naturally, she can't get it. Even if she gets this song by means, how can she fool into your company?" Qin Mu asked.

Then he looked at Jiang Qiqi and asked, "I believe this song is your own original. Have you published this song online or sent it to others before?"

Jiang Qiqi was somewhat uncertain in her eyes and said, "I haven't published this song on the Internet. After I wrote it, I only listened to one netizen. We usually exchange some things about music together occasionally. Did she leak it?"

"So you mean that we Guanyu media stole your song?" the examiner didn't know the origin of Qin Mu and Jiang Qiqi, so his tone was very serious.

"Miss Jiang, we still have Guanyu media's professional ethics. If our people really do it, I am willing to bear all responsibilities," Rong Han said.

Although Qin Mu helped herself, she didn't want to offend Qin Mu, but Guanyu media is her own industry, so she naturally wants to maintain the reputation of her industry.

"Then check it out." Lengfeng pointed to aiya who was recording and said, "how about coming out and confrontation?"

Rong Han gave the music director a look, and then the man asked aiya to stop recording and come out.

Seeing Qin Mu and Rong Han coming again, aiya's expression was a little impatient.

"Rong Zong, what's the matter?" in front of Rong Han, aiya didn't restrain her temper.

"Did you record this song yourself?" Rong Han asked.

"Of course, I made this song in a week," IYA said very arrogantly.

"You nonsense, this song is obviously my original." Jiang Qiqi was angry when she saw that aiya took her works as her own.

Aiya was surprised when she heard Jiang Qiqi's words, but she soon hid her surprise.

"Your originality? Who are you? Do I know you? You say it's yours?" aiya Leng hum said.

"I've heard this song to a netizen before. If you're not the netizen, she sold it to you!" Jiang Qiqi took out her mobile phone, turned out her chat record with the netizen and said.

"Netizen?" aiya sneered.

"Do people like me still need to make netizens?"

The implication is that Jiang Qiqi is slandering her.

Qin Mu took Jiang Qiqi's mobile phone and looked at the chat records above. Jiang Qiqi did often chat with the netizen about music.

However, recently, they have been chatting by voice, so they can't see the content.

However, he believes in Jiang Qiqi.

"You said you had heard your song to the netizen, but you put it out for everyone to listen to." aiya also saw the above content. There were only more than ten minutes of call records, which could not prove anything at all.

"I......" Jiang Qiqi bit her lips and was too anxious to speak.

That chat, two people are voice calls, where to record can be put out.

"If you can't prove it, dare you say it's your original? Little girl, I advise you. If you want to enter the music world, you'd better do your own creation and plagiarize others' things, even if you really have the chance to come in, you won't stay long." aiya said disdainfully.

Jiang Qiqi's face flushed with anger. She had to come forward to theory, but Qin Mu grabbed her, then smiled at aiya and said, "give you a chance to admit it yourself. If you don't admit it, don't blame me for not giving Rong Zong face."

"Admit? What do I want to admit? Or do you want to threaten me?" aiya is completely not afraid. She is sure that Jiang Qiqi can't give substantive evidence to prove that the song is her original.

Qin Mu looked at Rong Han and said, "sorry, for the sake of my sister's dignity, I can only do something difficult for you."

"Chu Shao, I don't know what to do with this matter. I'll give Miss Jiang 500000 and buy the copyright." Rong Han actually had some speculation in his heart.

If Jiang Qiqi plagiarized aiya's works? So how did Jiang Qiqi get it?

As Qin Mu said, if you really plagiarize, how can Guanyu media throw themselves into the net.

Aiya is an artist in her company. She knows her temper.

Aiya can become popular. Except for her acting skills and beauty, she has no other specialties, let alone her musical ability to write words and songs.

In the past, she just thought that aiya paid for the copyright, but now it's obviously not the case.

She didn't want to make a big deal about it so as not to affect the company's stock market, so she wanted to calm things down.

"Mr. Rong, what do you mean? Don't you admit that I plagiarize? If this gets out, how can I get around in the entertainment industry?" aiya took the lead in opposing.

"This is my hard work. I want everyone to know that I wrote this song. Besides, I will never let my song be sung by such a shameless person." Jiang Qiqi said angrily.

"Shameless? Who are you calling shameless? Believe it or not, I'll send you a lawyer's letter!" aiya said angrily.

"You..." Jiang Qiqi bit her lip, anxious and angry, and her tears swirled in her eyes.

"Sister Rong, we are destined to meet, and I also regard you as a friend. However, I am definitely on my sister's side in this matter. If you wronged my sister for the benefit of the company, I'm afraid we can only tear our faces." Qin Mu absolutely does not allow Jiang Qiqi to be wronged, so his expression becomes extremely serious.

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