Hearing the loss adjuster's words, the young man laughed again, "boy, three hundred dollars! Ha ha ha, fifteen thousand for you, you don't want it, you want a hundred dollars!"

The people who watched the excitement showed a look of regret. Fifteen thousand, none, a hundred? This is not a brain problem!

After hearing this, the traffic police rushed Qin Mu and said, "Sir, the fixed loss price has come out. Now the accident compensation should be carried out in strict accordance with the fixed loss price."

"The price is wrong." Qin Mu shook his head.

"No? Boy, how much do you want? I'll give you one million. Do you think it's enough?" the young man looked unhappy.

Even the traffic police frowned. Now he thought that Qin Mu was probably playing a rogue.

Qin Mu took a deep look at the young man, turned his head and said to the loss setter, "I suggest you use your mobile phone now, go to the official website of Huaxia insurance, check the eighth thing in the sky high price policy, and then re determine the loss."

The loss setter was puzzled. He knew that there were ten sky high price policies on the official website of Huaxia insurance. The insured amount of those ten things reached a minimum of one billion! Everything is precious in the world.

Qin Mu saw that the loss determiner didn't take out his mobile phone and reminded him again, "please check it."

With a strange look on his face, the loss setter took out his mobile phone, opened the official website and clicked into the sky high price insurance policy. When he saw the insurance policy ranked No. 8, his expression immediately became wonderful.

As like as two peas in the sky, the eighth is a old motorcycle, which looks exactly like the current accident car.

The loss setter opened the policy, looked at it carefully, raised his head and looked at Qin Mu. These actions made the loss setter open his mouth.

The whole body of the motorcycle polished by the world's top craftsman master hody is made of a rare metal called "rhodium". The price of this metal is three times that of platinum, and one gram is worth thousands of yuan. This metal will also be used in spaceships.

At that time, the motorcycle was produced and the auction price reached 1.8 billion magnesium gold. It was a well deserved luxury. The insured amount of Huaxia insurance alone was tens of millions of Huaxia dollars!

The loss setter looked away from his mobile phone and locked his eyes on the motorcycle in front of him, with some incredible openings, "Sir, you mean, this car..."

"I have insurance information and photos. If you don't believe it, just call to check. This is the insurance certificate number." Qin Mu didn't say much. When Lu Fei transported the car, he had already gone through the relevant formalities.

And this expensive thing can be found directly.

The loss determiner didn't dare to hesitate. He quickly called and began to upload various materials. He took a full picture of the motorcycle in front of him, sent it to the headquarters and waited for a reply.

The insurance company also attached great importance to this sky high price policy. In less than ten minutes, the headquarters sent feedback to the loss adjuster. The certificate number provided by Qin Mu was completely consistent with the insurance information at that time. The photo was determined to be the same person. At the same time, the car in front of the accident was the policy product. The car was completely made of rhodium metal and was made by master Huodi, The auction price is 1.8 billion magnesium gold works of art. The fixed loss price of this damage is 78 million magnesium gold!

Looking at the news fed back from the headquarters on the mobile phone, the loss setter was a little confused.

Such a priceless thing is in front of you! 1.8 billion magnesium gold is such a motorcycle! Just ride out? The life of the rich is so luxurious!

The loss assessor swallowed his saliva and called the traffic policeman who handled the accident aside.

Two minutes later, the traffic police also looked at the motorcycle in front of them with an amazing look, 1.8 billion magnesium gold, my God!

The young man driving a BMW stood aside with an impatient face, "how's it going, officer? Well, I still have millions of business to talk about."

"Well, the loss determination result has come out." the traffic policeman nodded.

"How much is that? Just say it. It's such a small matter that it takes me half a day."

"If you buy insurance for this car, you can deduct it from the amount of three liability insurance. If you don't buy insurance, you have to compensate Mr. Qin Mu for the loss of 78 million magnesium gold." the traffic police said. When they said this, they didn't believe it was true. Just a motorcycle hit and bent two beams, It's 78 million magnesium gold. Ordinary people can't afford to lose their money!

"What?" the young man stared at the traffic police. "78 million magnesium gold, are you kidding me?"

"I'm not kidding. I'm officially informing you that the amount of compensation this time is 78 million magnesium gold. If you have any objection, you can file a complaint with the local court. Now, I need your cooperation, hand over your driving license and driving license, and come with me."

The traffic police went directly to the cab of the BMW and pulled out the car key.

"Fuck you!" when the young man saw the action of the traffic police, he shouted and scolded on the spot, "dead police, are you kidding me? I hit a motorcycle, and you fucking asked me to compensate me for tens of millions of magnesium gold?"

The traffic policeman turned black and said sternly, "don't make trouble unreasonable. All our compensation has a basis. Now please follow us back to the police station for investigation!"

"Sir, this is the insurance policy for the motorcycle you hit." the loss adjuster held it in front of the young man. "If you don't believe it, you can check it online. I just confirmed with the company that you hit the motorcycle with a value of 1.8 billion magnesium gold. All documents and certificates will be placed in front of you early tomorrow morning. Now, please go to the police station to make a record."

The young man stared at the picture of the motorcycle on the loss adjuster's mobile phone, murmured and shook his head, "impossible, absolutely impossible, how possible!"

"Nothing is impossible." Qin Mu glanced at the young man. "I gave you a chance. You don't know how to cherish it."

"Let's go." the traffic policeman pinched the young man's shoulder and took him to the police car.

The young man's original proud face completely disappeared at this time. If this policy is true, he is more than just making a big disaster this time!

If it's only a compensation amount of several thousand yuan, the traffic police are too lazy to take the young man to the police station for notes, but now this amount is really scary!

Don't mention the traffic police. They were frightened. Even Tang Qianyue was shocked.

1.8 billion magnesium gold, which is enough to buy several Down's groups. Qin Mu threw such a valuable motorcycle in the garage to eat ash!

This time, before Tang Qianyue asked, Qin Mu took the initiative to say, "Hey, this is from Gary. I didn't save him before. He had to give me something. I picked up a motorcycle casually. I didn't think it was so valuable at that time."

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