"You come to Haicheng to kill people and ask who we are? What's the reason?"

Two luxury cars stopped. Yin Lin was wearing a long white skirt. Shi Shi ran got off and said.

Bai Yu, Hong Lian and hunting shadow got off with Yin Lin.

Lu Fei patted his forehead with a headache. Why are these guys here!

The woman frowned slightly and subconsciously touched her body. When she touched the bulge in her pocket, she put down a lot of her hanging heart and looked at Lu Fei and the four extraordinary men and women who had just arrived. The woman tried to make herself calm and said proudly, "do you know who I am?"

"Isn't it the blue flame!" said Hong Lian, stroking her hair.

"Since you know I'm a blue flame, which force are you? You should know our rules!" the woman snorted coldly.

"Rules?" Lu Fei smiled. "Sorry, I only know how to make rules all the time, but I don't know how to abide by them. Why don't you tell me what rules are!"

When Lu Fei smiled, he bared his white eyes and looked very sunny, but it made women feel like falling into an ice cellar.

At this time, the dark sky suddenly emitted a blue light, and phosphorous fires with blue flames flew from all around.

Seeing these phosphorous fires, Lu Fei and others looked at the light source.

The woman suddenly laughed. She knew that her people were coming.

Different from other underground groups, blue flame's people will not easily give up any partner. When the attacker is captured, as long as he is not dead, blue flame will do everything to rescue him.

This time she dared to act alone because she knew that more than a dozen small partners of her group were ordered to hunt Tang Qianyue in Haicheng.

She acted in advance and thought that if she could kill Tang Qianyue, the credit would be hers. If not, it would be all right. Anyway, blue Yan's people would come to save her.

The blue phosphorous fire in the sky represents the coming of blue flame.

Lu Fei looked up at the sky and said, "cut, it's like walking at night. It's boring!"

After the appearance of phosphorous fire, more than ten figures appeared in a row. Everyone was dressed in a blue cloak. The first was a woman. She was wearing a long black dress with a red flame embroidered on it. She was very exquisite.

But the people present know that this woman is definitely the kind who can easily kill people.

"The appearance of blue flame is still so strange." Lu Fei went out of the factory and looked at more than ten figures that had just appeared. "This should be the second leader of blue flame, red flame?"

The dress woman took a step forward, covered her mouth and said with a smile, "you are really interesting. It seems that you are waiting for us."

Lu Fei shrugged, which was tantamount to acquiescence in each other's words.

The red flame waved at the woman, "come here."

The woman walked towards the red flame without saying a word all her life, and Lu Fei and others didn't stop her.

When the horsetail woman came to the red flame, the red flame spoke again, "everyone, we blue flame are not unreasonable people. Tell me, what do the people who let us go this time want?"

"I really want something." Lu Fei said with a smile, "everyone knows the rules of the underground world. Now I give you blue flame two choices. First, tell me who your employer is."

The red flame smiled and was particularly beautiful. "Sir, since you know the rules, you should understand that we will never divulge the information of the employer. Just say the second choice."

"In fact, I don't suggest you choose the second one." Lu Fei spread his hand and said with a smile, "the second one, all the people you came today stay here."

Although Lu Fei smiled, his words brought a chill.

The red flame looked at Lu Fei and others. She glanced at them, and then the corners of her mouth started up slightly.

There are only five people on the other side, but there are twelve people on my side. They have an absolute advantage in the number of people. Moreover, Lu Fei and others look very loose. They don't look like capable people at all. They can't compare with their specially trained thugs!

Of course, Hongyan also admits that Lu Fei and others dare to be here and wait for themselves, they will definitely have a card, but Lanyan is not bullied by others.

"Your Excellency, your words are too rampant." red flame stared at Lu Fei and was ready to take action at any time.

"Whether it is rampant or not is not something you should consider." Lu Fei put his hands in his pockets. "What you should consider now is how to choose. Remind you, I'm not kidding."

Red flame stepped forward slightly. "Since your excellency insists on leaving us, don't blame us. Blue flame doesn't speak morality!"

As soon as the word "morality" fell in the mouth of the red flame, the blue flame members standing behind her dispersed at the first time, and everyone held a dagger in their hands.

Lu Fei shook his head and showed a trace of regret on his face. "Seriously, you have made the most wrong choice in your life. Brothers and sisters, you can move your muscles and bones."

Lu Fei nuzui. The four people who had stood carelessly came to Lu Fei. Almost at the same time, they made the same action. When each person stretched out his hand again, each person wore a set of silver gloves, and each person's gloves had a pair of dragon claws in different forms.

The silver gloves glittered in the dark, like a cold dagger.

At this moment, the self-confident appearance of red flame became flustered. She stared, because the flowers were pale in front of these people.

"You are dragon Chi Dharma protector..."

Dragon Chi Dharma protector may sound like a joke to ordinary people.

After all, the term "protecting the law" only appears in TV dramas.

But in the underground world, dragon Chi protects the Dharma. These four words represent controlling everything in this world!

Including death!

The red flame looked at the gloves in their hands, with unbelievable eyes, "you... You..."

"I said, you made the most wrong choice in your life. We are really sorry about this." Lu Fei also put on a pair of gloves. His original gentle voice now seems a little hoarse.

At this time, Hongyan has only one idea in his heart. Who is that task target, that woman! Why? Why does even long Chi's Dharma protector serve her!

Looking at these people in front of her, Hongyan couldn't even resist. Now she has only one idea, that is, she wants to tell the news to her eldest sister, don't do it to that woman again.

But the red flame in the mind knows, oneself this news, afraid forever, can't spread out.

Lu Fei took out a butterfly knife from his cuff. He spit out, "kill!"

For a moment, five figures surrounded the blue flame. This time, there was no blue flame, only bright red and cold white.

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