Sun Shaoming's face was gloomy. He didn't expect that he and Tang Qianyue would be dispersed. Just when he turned back to find someone, he couldn't see her, so he thought Tang Qianyue had run out with the crowd.

In order to win the treasure smoothly, Yang Jing and others painted flammable materials outside the 17th and 18th floors of the hotel. Combined with the current structure of the hotel, the fire is difficult to control.

"No, I must save her." Sun Shaoming gritted his teeth, picked up a fire extinguisher and rushed to the stairs. The security guard of the hotel couldn't stop him.

On the top floor of another building of the hotel, Yang Jing and others have been received here. The fragments of the eight treasure map are successful. They want to send them abroad immediately.

"Brother Jing, the fire is a little fierce. The scene of President sun saving people should be spectacular later." a man participating in the fire said proudly.

"The fire is much bigger than I thought. You should immediately contact president sun to see if he is going well." Yang Jing suddenly had a bad hunch in his heart. In order to show sun Shaoming's courage, he specially painted flammable materials on the outer wall of the 18th floor this time.

At this time, the sound of "bang!" exploded. A piece of glass couldn't bear the high temperature and completely burst open. Glass fragments fell from the sky, causing the onlookers downstairs to scream.

The fire spread rapidly on the 18th floor, and even the 16th floor had begun to burn.

In the hotel, sun Shaoming wants to go upstairs through the fire passage just now, but the fire has spread to the whole passage and can't go up at all.

Sun Shaoming was anxious and didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

He braved the fire and rushed to the 17th floor. However, the 17th floor has almost become a sea of fire. The passage to the 18th floor is completely covered by fire, which is impossible to pass. The most important thing is the thick black smoke, which makes him almost suffocate and his eyes can hardly open.

He can't solve this situation by himself.

"Bang bang!"

After several explosions, one glass after another could not bear the high temperature and burst.

The fire seemed to find a vent, and it surged madly into the building. The fire seemed to be out of control.

The fire engine received the alarm call and drove downstairs of Hongtao Hotel, but the height of the fire was really beyond the reach of the fire engine.

On the 18th floor.

The strong black smoke made Tang Qianyue unable to open her eyes. She tried to lower her body and ran to the bathroom. She took off her shirt and covered her mouth and nose after soaking in water. Dense beads of sweat appeared on the woman's white skin. She kept coughing. She only wore a close fitting clothes and hid in the sanitary room. There was a vent that could let her breathe a little.

At the moment, the 18th floor was completely covered by the fire. Now Tang Qianyue only felt that his head was faint and his limbs were soft. He could fall down at any time.


Suddenly, a strong explosion hit. Sun Shaoming, standing in the safe passage, felt a shock at his feet. He didn't know what was detonated in the building. A wave of air rushed straight to the safe passage.

He quickly retreated, bit his teeth and said to the direction of the 18th floor, "shallow, sorry."

With that, he quickly ran downstairs.

He has more important things to do. He can't ignore his life for Tang Qianyue.

The fire was fierce. It spread from the 17th floor to the 18th and 16th floors, and even the 15th floor began to burn.

An asmadington screamed sharply downstairs of Hongtao hotel. Before the car was stable, Qin Mu opened the door and rushed out. He ran all the way downstairs of Hongtao hotel. When he saw many security guards and customers standing under the hotel, he was relieved.

However, in the crowd, he looked around, but he didn't see Tang Qianyue.

Qin Mu frowned. He called Tang Qianyue. None of the calls he dialed could be connected.

"Are you sure shallow is here tonight?" Qin Mu had an ominous feeling. He worried whether it would be the hands of those people in western province.

"Sure." Luffy nodded definitely.

At this time, the people who had participated in the auction on the 18th floor ran down. At this time, no matter how valuable their identity was, they all looked embarrassed.

Qin Mu looked at the surrounding crowd with a gloomy face. He grabbed one of the security guards who had just run down and shouted, "is there anyone else who hasn't escaped?"

The security guard was startled by Qin Mu's eyes and said tremblingly: "yes... A woman was trapped on the 18th floor, and a man went up to save her."

But it's hard to say whether we can save it.

"Shallow." Qin Mu's face suddenly changed. He looked up. With his eyesight, he could clearly see that the highest three floors of Hongtao hotel had been covered by fire and black smoke.

Without thinking, Qin Mu plunged into Hongtao hotel.

"Boss, don't go in!" Lu Fei shouted.

Qin Mu didn't hear Lu Fei's voice. After he rushed into the building, he didn't consider taking the elevator at all. He rushed into the fire passage and ran up.

At the corner of the eighth floor, Qin Mu met sun Shaoming who had just come down from the upstairs.

Qin Mu glanced at him without stopping.

"Qin Mu, you can't go up! It's completely covered by fire and can't go up at all." Sun Shaoming stretched out his hand and pulled Qin Mu away.

Seeing that Qin Mu was not afraid to rush up, sun Shaoming immediately understood why Tang Qianyue couldn't let go of the waste.

"There is an emergency parachute in the second room on the 18th floor." Sun Shaoming yelled at the passage.

If Qin Mu can save Tang Qianyue, I just don't know if he has this luck.

Qin Mu rushed all the way to the 16th floor. The thick smoke in front of him completely obscured his sight. The third floor on the top floor of Hongtao hotel had been completely burned.

Qin Mu knew he didn't have much time. He looked at the side of his eyes and almost didn't hesitate. He rushed out of the fire passage and thought of rushing to the 17th floor where the fire was burning.

Outside Hongtao Hotel, firefighters are anxiously trying to find a way. They brought one fire pipe after another and began to lengthen it, trying to drag it to the top floor.

Someone also rushed into the building and began to increase the water pressure and put out the fire with the fire pipe in the building.

But now, fire fighting is secondary. The most important thing is that someone is still trapped in the attic, but there is no way to rescue!

"Mr. Sun, how are you?" as soon as sun Shaoming ran out, he was recognized by Yang Jing and others.

"Yang Jing, you've done a good job. Go back and settle accounts with you." Sun Shaoming stared at Yang Jing with gnashing teeth.

Yang Jing shivered all over and immediately reacted. Tang Qianyue didn't come down with him. I'm afraid he had been killed.

"Look! Who's that! God, what's he doing!"

In the crowd of onlookers, a young man with a telescope suddenly exclaimed.

"There's a man! There's a man climbing upstairs! He's crazy and dead!"

"My God, did he die!"

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