Seeing Qin Mu say so, Tang Qianyue didn't say anything more. While eating, he chatted with Qin Mu.

"Husband, why do you have so many foreign friends?" Tang Qianyue asked curiously.

Qin Mu scratched his head. "Those who used to live without a fixed place ran around the world and knew each other."

"Hum!" Tang Qianyue's small mouth was a drum. She fell in love. She no longer looked like the iceberg queen before. Instead, she looked like an immature little girl. "You said that Yinlin and Honglian were so beautiful. Have you ever been moved?"

Qin Mu just drank the water in his mouth and almost sprayed it out. He reached out and scraped the bridge of Tang Qianyue's nose, "wife, what do you think."

Tang Qianyue twisted her head and didn't go to see Qin Mu. She said to herself, oh, what's the matter with me? Why do I think about this?

Qin Mu smiled. The woman looked jealous. She was really cute.

After Lu Fei and others left, they did not go far, but stood at the door with tacit understanding.

Bai Yu asked, "hunting shadow, what's the situation?"

"I feel something wrong." lieying shook his head.

Everyone present knows that the mental sensitivity of film hunting is much higher than that of ordinary people, which is a bit similar to the prediction. Although it is not as exaggerated as what is written in books and played in movies, the hunch about some things is still very accurate.

"Let me see." Yinlin took out a small square with a side length of two centimeters from his pocket. After turning it back and forth, the small square was paved into an ultra-thin tablet like a folding mobile phone. At the moment, everything about the Karen hotel can be seen on the screen.

The crowd looked at the tablet computer and saw the head of the black evil spirit walking towards the door of the box with a crutch.

At the moment, the people of the Black Ghost did not know that their whereabouts had been completely mastered. They dispersed into the Karen Hotel and slowly approached the supreme box of the ninth five year plan.

"First, I found several irrelevant people waiting with the target. Do you want to do it?"

The Black Ghost first looked at the box door in front of him, leaned on crutches with both hands, looked indifferent and said, "kill all!"

The black evil people nodded, and their faces were indifferent to killing.

The corridor leading to the supreme box of the ninth five year plan has been controlled by them. These people are experienced killers and elites. Since they decided to kill everyone, including the associated targets, they would not hesitate at all.

They ran fiercely towards the position of the box. Seeing Lu Fei and others, they immediately accelerated their speed. They didn't make any sound or disturb anyone along the way.

At this time, in their eyes, there is only the goal, and their goal has long been the dead.

Lu Fei, hunting shadow, Bai Yu, Yin Lin and Hong Lian stood on both sides of the box as if they were chatting. It was clear that the killer had rushed towards them, and they still seemed invisible.


The thirty-five killers from the black evil spirit lay on the ground without even seeing the faces of Lu Fei and others. They looked at their limbs intact, but they couldn't move.

The head of Heisha, who was just full of confidence, also lay there, and his leading crutch was thrown aside.

All this came so fast that no one reacted to what had happened at that moment.

"You! Who are you!" the black evil spirit looked at the five people in front of him in horror.

"Ask us who we are?" lieying snorted coldly. "Have you always been so blind in your work?"

Hunting shadow slowly took out his hands from his pocket. On his hands, he had put on a pair of silver gloves.

At the moment of seeing the gloves, the pupil of Heisha's first seat contracted violently.

"Dragon... You are the Dragon Chi Dharma protector..."

Dragon Chi has seven people with gloves. One of them is the Dragon King, Golden Gloves, and a flying dragon is engraved on the gloves. The remaining six people are Dharma protectors and wear silver gloves. Each person's gloves also have a different form of dragon totem.

The holder of the Dragon King's claw is known as the devil and God in the underground world.

In particular, the Dragon King gloves not only represent the position below one person and above ten thousand people, but also represent the terrible strength of the owner. They are known as demons and gods, which shows the degree of terror.

The Black Ghost looked at the glove pattern on the shadow hunting hand and recalled the popular description of the dragon totem. He swallowed his saliva and said in horror, "you are a natural disaster, shadow hunting!"

"Yo, it seems that I don't know anything. I also know that I'm a natural disaster." lieying smiled, then his eyes coagulated and looked at the head of the black evil spirit, "say, who let you come and who's your goal?"

The first black ghost slowly got up from the ground and took a deep breath, "sorry, I can't say."

Lieying had expected that he would answer this, and continued: "I'll give you three times. I'll count three, either tell me the answer or remove the Black Ghost. Remember, I'm never kidding."

The first black ghost's face changed again and again.

In the underground world, the delisting of an organization represents not only the killing of all people in the organization, including their descendants, but also those seedlings that have not grown up, including all people related to the Black Ghost.

It can be said that once removed from the list, it means that the underground world will never hear about the black ghost again. Even these two words will not be mentioned. For the leader of an organization, it is more terrible than killing him. The organization inherited for countless years is destroyed in his own hands. Even after Jiuquan, the ancestors will not forgive themselves.

Hunting shadow played with his fingers and casually counted: "three... Two..."

"Mr. lieying, you have no right to remove the black evil spirit. Long Chi has rules. To remove a second-class organization, more than three long Chi envoys must vote together!" the head of the black evil spirit forced his courage.

The sound of hunting shadow timing suddenly stopped, and he looked around his body.

Bai Yu stretched out his hands and put on gloves.

Lu Fei took out a set of necklaces from his neck. Silver gloves sealed into a circle were hanging on the necklaces.

Yinlin shook her hands, and the gloves were slowly put on her hands like a science fiction lens.

While Honglian slowly opened her cloak and a pair of silver gloves, which she changed into a waist seal and hung on her slender waist.

Seeing Five Dragon Chi Dharma protectors in a row made the first black ghost look like earth, as if he was dreaming.

I didn't expect that it was dragon Chi's Dharma protector who was going to kill him with people!

Heisha, the first of the Dragon Chi Dharma protectors, although he has not seen it with his own eyes, still knows something from hearsay. Several Dharma protectors can overthrow a small country at will. If they like, they can even start a world war. They are not only their own strength, but also their forces behind them!

The first black ghost would never think of it. This time he just thought it was an ordinary mission target, but he provoked the Dragon Chi Dharma protector!

So, what's the identity of those who can sit and eat together with Longchi Dharma protector and talk and laugh!

No wonder!

No wonder blue flame will fail!

No wonder that before that, the man had launched several assassinations without success.

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