After Qin Mu gave the president's wife an injection, he said hello to Jiang Qiqi and left the hospital. He was ready to go to the Tang Group to see if Tang Qianyue was finished.

On the way, Qin Mu received a call from Lu Fei, "boss, Lanyan contacted me. They are going to start at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. We are going to start for western province this evening."

"OK." Qin Mu nodded. After confirming the location with Lu Fei, he hung up his mobile phone.

When he came to Tang, Tang Qianyue was holding his forehead in both hands, helpless.

"Wife, what's the matter? You look sad." Qin Mu pushed the door and looked at her painfully.

It was fine when I left at noon. I haven't seen you for only a few hours. How can I worry so much.

"Husband, I may not be able to leave the company these two days." Tang Qianyue said with guilt.

It was she who proposed to go out and play, and it was she who couldn't leave now.

"What happened?" Qin Mu saw on the table a document of Haicheng's land use right.

"The construction of Haigang city has been arranged one after another, because in the planning, we want to build a bridge on the Hengshui River, and then build a road on the other side of the bridge to connect the north and south. It was good when we talked before. Now we are ready to start construction, but the village over there doesn't move us, saying that the trade union destroys the feng shui of their village." Tang Qianyue said helplessly.

"Feng Shui?" Qin Mu raised his eyebrows. I'm afraid it's not because of Feng Shui.

"Do they want money?" if the general construction occupies the land for the village name, it is also necessary to give some compensation to the village name.

"Xiaotian has talked to them. They said it's not about money. In short, it's not to build." because of this problem, Tang Qianyue's head is big.

If the bridge does not rise, the planning of the harbor city will be a failure.

"It's not about money?" Qin Mu wondered.

"I've asked people to go to the top to see if there is any way to convince those village names. If we just want money, Tang Shi will certainly give enough compensation." Tang Qianyue sighed.

"Let's talk about compensation first. If the compensation and door-to-door can't be solved, we'll think of other ways." Qin Mu touched Tang Qianyue's head and comforted him.

"Well." Tang Qianyue smiled and his beautiful eyes narrowed into a line.

Qin Mu had been in the office with Tang Qianyue to deal with the documents and didn't go home until more than 9 p.m.

In the evening, he told Tang Qianyue that he needed to go to western province for a few days.

Tang Qianyue knew that Qin Mu was not Chu siran, and he had a little more understanding of his whereabouts. He just told him to be careful on the way and go home early.

Qin Mu looked at the beautiful woman in front of him and felt ripples in his heart.

Home, the two words made him feel very strange.

Over the years, he has been a cosmopolitan. He hasn't felt the warmth of home for a long time.

"Don't worry, I'll deal with it early and come back." Qin Mu promised Tang Qianyue.

He wanted to ask Tang Qianyue if he knew something about her mother, but when he thought that the man claimed to be Tang Qianyue's biological mother but wanted Tang Qianyue's life, he felt there was no need to say anything more.

Anyway, whoever dares to hurt Tang Qianyue will not let go.

At night, after Tang Qianyue fell asleep, Qin Mu and Lu Fei got on the plane to western province.

the second day.

Original city, high-speed entrance.

A white Land Rover is parked here. On the main driver of the car, there is a cold woman. She is wearing a pair of black loose pants and slim Satin short sleeves, which not only shows her hot figure, but also brings her the temperament of a queen.

The woman has been waiting here for an hour, but her face doesn't look impatient.

"I said Xinlan, what role is it worth waiting for me so long?" a strong man patted the door of Land Rover and asked impatiently.

"Just a friend, Fang Wei, I didn't say to let you wait here." Lan Yanxin glanced at the strong man faintly, and his eyes looked into the distance.

Fang Wei glanced at his mouth without making a sound.

After another half an hour or so, just as Fang Wei was about to explode, a figure appeared at the high-speed entrance and walked slowly towards this side.

At the moment of seeing this figure, a touch of awe appeared in LAN Yanxin's eyes, while Fang Wei was unhappy. He didn't expect that Lan Yanxin was here waiting for a man.

"OK, let's go." Qin Mu stood next to Land Rover and said to blue Yanxin.

Blue Yanxin nodded and was ready to start the vehicle.

Qin Mu went to the front of the co pilot's door. Just as he opened the door, he was pressed by a big hand.

Fang Wei is nearly two meters tall, one head taller than Qin Mu. He is as broad as two Qin Mu.

"Boy, is this where you sit? Get back!" Fang Wei pushed Qin Mu to the back door. He opened the co pilot's door and sat on it.

Fang Wei's move made LAN Yanxin look pale. Who is this? The king of the underground world, the Dragon King of Longwang Island, and what about her and Fang Wei? They are just the heads of two third rate organizations. In front of the Dragon King, they are not even mole ants.

"Fang Wei! What are you doing?" Lan Yanxin scolded for fear that Fang Wei might hurt himself.

"It's all right, let's go." Qin Mu opened the back door, sat up and said calmly.

Seeing that Qin Mu didn't care about it, LAN Yanxin was relieved. She guessed that this should not want to expose her identity.

"Fang Wei, I warn you, be polite to my friend... Friend!" Lan Yanxin hesitated again and again before saying the word friend.

"You're welcome?" Fang Wei grinned. "We, Fang Wei, never know what politeness means."

Fang Wei turned his head and looked at Qin Mu, "boy, where did you come from?"

Qin Mu looked up at Fang Wei and didn't speak.

Thinking that what he wanted to see might be Tang Qianyue's biological mother, Qin Mu was particularly upset and didn't care about anything else.

When Fang Wei saw that Qin Mu ignored himself, he was unhappy and scolded, "grass! Boy, I asked you!"

"All right!" blue Yanxin shouted, "be quiet and go down without taking a bus!"

"Yo!" Fang Wei looked away from Qin Mu and put his eyes on LAN Yanxin. "Why, your little lover? Protect him so much? What should I do? The more you love him, the more I want to tear him to pieces!"

A disdainful smile was aroused at the corners of the blue flame heart's mouth.

Tear him to pieces, who will be torn to pieces!

Land Rover drove to the high-speed and headed in the direction of the original city.

Pingcheng is more than 500 kilometers away from the original city. Although there are not many pieces of blue Yanxin, it arrived in five hours. When they arrived in the original city, it was already evening.

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