"What phone?" Qin Mu asked.

"A phone call from the highest level of Xia state." Su Lingxue smiled.

Qin Mu frowned when he heard this.

The highest level of Xia Guo ordered the police not to take care of this matter?

"What exactly is Zhengjia village?" Qin Mu asked with a frown.

"I don't know. The director told me four words."

"Which four words?"

"Yunzhou Zheng."

"Zheng's family in Yunzhou?" Qin Mu thought in his mind. It seems that in the Xiuwu family, Zheng's family name is indeed.

So, is the other party a martial arts family?

"So, there is an order that we are not allowed to help Tang, but we also have our own position." Su Lingxue continued.

"Since you can't come in the open, come in the dark. Anyway, you have to be satisfied." Su Lingxue smiled.

Qin Mu was surprised by Su Lingxue's smile. Yan.

Qin Mu didn't know how to deal with this beautiful woman like an angel.

Su Lingxue looks at the expression on Qin Mu's face and the indifference in her eyes, which makes Su Lingxue feel dejected. She knows what Qin Mu thinks and that there can be no result between herself and Qin Mu. He is a man with a wife. His wife is very excellent and loves him very much.

But Su Lingxue couldn't help being nice to Qin Mu. When she heard a little about him, she couldn't help wanting to help him.

When she was with Qin Mu, Su Lingxue felt that she was one percent of the soul who was not lonely.

"Let's go. There's another document on my car. You'll have a look later." Su Lingxue said and took the lead out of the door.

Su Lingxue drove to Zhengjia village.

On the way, Qin Mu learned about Zhengjia village again from the documents brought by Su Lingxue.

Zhengjia village lives at the extreme edge of Haicheng and is located at the extreme end of Haicheng planning. If it is not for the construction of a bridge connecting Haigang city and Jinzhou, it is basically a forgotten area.

Qin Mu remembers the general appearance of the village. In this era, Zhengjia village seems very backward in all aspects. In the era when convenience stores at the entrance of the community had the scale of supermarkets, the shops at the entrance of the village still looked like small shops in more than 20 years.

The village is very large. The land area of the whole village is 127 square kilometers, and the cultivated land area is 100000 mu. Most of them make a living by planting tea. The total population of the village is only more than 500 people. On average, four people occupy an area of one square kilometer. It can be said that the policy is quite preferential. After all, this is an era when every inch of land and every inch of money.

The land of the whole village was officially authorized to Zhengjia village. The road in the village was not repaired much. When the car drove on it, you can obviously feel the ruggedness of the road.

Su Lingxue's car was stopped shortly after entering the village.

This is a young man in his twenties. After the young man stopped the car and looked at Su Lingxue, he looked aside and didn't Miss Su Lingxue at all.

"What are you doing?" the young man asked sternly.

"The tea buyer made an appointment with village head Zheng to meet today." Su Lingxue said.

"You wait." the young man said and trotted to the bungalow next to the road. Two minutes later, the young man ran out again, "go."

"Thank you." Su Lingxue thanked and drove into the village.

Su Lingxue looked at Qin Mu with Yu Guang and found that Qin Mu's face was a little wrong. She asked, "what's the matter, isn't he feeling well?"

"No." Qin Mu shook his head. "Something's wrong with this village."

"Something's wrong?" Su Lingxue wondered, "I don't feel anything wrong?"

"You can't see it." Qin Mu didn't explain much.

As far as a normal man is concerned, if he doesn't know whether he has a bad heart, he will look more at beautiful women such as Su Lingxue, including Qin Mu himself. But the young man just saw Su Lingxue and didn't have a special expression. When he looked at Su Lingxue, it was like Su Lingxue was no different from ordinary robots.

Qin Mu didn't know how to describe the meaning in the youth's eyes.

The car drove all the way into Zhengjia village. The village head of Zhengjia village lived in the innermost part of the village. Along the way, Qin Mu and Su Lingxue met many people who stopped the car for inquiry and investigation. It was really as rigorous as the ancient costume drama in TV.

After several kilometers of investigation, Su Lingxue drove for nearly 20 minutes and came to the place where the head of Zhengjia village lived.

The house where the village head lives is behind a thick wall. The wall is not high, about one meter eight. Qin Mu can see the scene inside the wall on tiptoe. There is a simple house inside the wall. The tiles on the roof symbolize the age of the house.

"Guys, stop here. The patriarch is worshipping his ancestors. Wait." outside the fence, a young woman stopped the car.

Qin Mu subconsciously looked at the young woman. The other party wore very ordinary clothes and looked ordinary, but it gave Qin Mu a bright feeling.

Qin Mu looked at Su Lingxue and found that Su Lingxue was also staring at the young woman, just because the other party's temperament was ethereal and gave people a sense of dust.

When the young woman saw that both of them were staring at herself, a touch of arrogance appeared on her face and said sternly, "look again, I'll dig out your eyes!"

Qin Mu frowned. He heard about the tyranny of Zhengjia village people in the morning, but he didn't expect that it had reached such a level.

Qin Mu was about to speak when he heard an old voice in the wall.

"Let them in."

Once the overbearing young woman heard the voice, she immediately stood up straight and lowered her head, "yes, patriarch."

After the young woman finished, she looked at Qin Mu and Su Lingxue and said unhappily, "go in! Pay attention, don't look around!"

Su Lingxue pulled down Qin Mu's sleeve and walked towards the gate of the wall.

It was a very old wooden door. Many parts of the door were broken and the board was nailed again.

When Qin Mu opened the wooden door, he made a "creak" sound, and the door panel was also shaky.

The hospital is not big. There is an old locust tree in the hospital. There is a wooden table and several wooden chairs under the locust tree, which are very old.

A tall, gray haired old man sat on a wooden chair with tea poured on the table.

When Qin Mu entered the hospital, he smelled a faint fragrance in the air.

The clothes on the old man are clean and spotless. He also gives people a feeling of dust.

"Village head Zheng, Hello, I'm from Jiangzhou. I've made an appointment to buy tea with you." Su Lingxue went to the old man and held out her hand.

The old man smiled with a touch of light in his eyes. He looked up and down at Su Lingxue and said slowly, "buy tea? I think you're a policeman."

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