Wang Xintian didn't know what Qin Mu meant, but he obeyed.

After Qin Mu returned to the company, he didn't go back to the Tang family directly. Instead, he sat down in the cafe opposite the Tang family, ordered a cup of coffee and tasted it slowly.

If someone who is familiar with Qin Mu sees Qin Mu as he is now, he will understand that he is angry. Whenever he is angry, people will see his vigorous but calm side, and his enemies should pay a painful price.

He called out and calmly explained, "how many of our people are there in Haicheng now? Let them all come to the Tang Group."

Before long, several cars had stopped at Tang's gate, and Qin Mu called Wang Xintian again.

"Let everyone gather on the top floor and don't show up no matter what happens." Qin Mu didn't give Wang Xintian any chance to ask questions and hung up the phone directly.

Tang's locked door suddenly opened because of the arrival of the vehicle. People got off the vehicle and walked into the company building.

Just around the Tang building, a man who was sitting there eating melon seeds quickly took out his phone when he saw the door of the Tang family open, "brother, tell our father that the company is working."

Such a scene took place in many corners around Tang.

In the ten minutes of the Tang gate, nearly 100 people, with shovel and sticks, appeared in front of Tang's door and kept issuing insults.

"Grass, dog, don't die!"

"Down beast!"

"Get out and die!"

"Smelly woman!"

Because Qin Mu trained the people of Zhengjia village in Haigang City, now they have more anger in their eyes and more vicious abuse in their mouth.

Qin Mu sat in the coffee shop, holding a spoon and leisurely stirring the coffee in the cup.

When Qin Mu picked up his coffee cup, dozens of figures in black appeared behind the villagers of Zhengjia village, near No. 100, in front of the Tang clan.

At the same time, more than a dozen aerial drones flew over Tang. These drones were tied with a small bag. When flying over the villagers of Zhengjia village, all the bags burst open at the same time and sprayed white powder.


A deep voice sounded in the air.

In the sky, countless powders were sprinkled. Before the villagers of Zhengjia village gathered in front of the Tang clan understood what had happened, they felt that they could see nothing in front of them.

The cold flashes, and in the white powder, there is a scream after scream.

After more than a dozen UAVs, a steady stream of UAVs flew from afar, carrying bags filled with powder and exploded over Tang.

The white powder, like a rainstorm, covered only a small part of the area and poured down.

In Down's company, those employees who had just driven here did not dare to show their heads when they heard the scream in front of the company.

Wang Xintian was also in the company. Recalling the order Qin Mu had just given herself, she trembled when she heard the voice outside. She felt that this was the first time she knew Mr. Chu.

Countless scattered powders and the screams in front of the Tang clan attracted the attention of many people around them, but when they looked, they couldn't see anything, and the white powder completely blocked their sight.

The powder lasted three minutes. After three minutes, all the dust settled.

Nearly 100 villagers in Zhengjia village were lying on the ground, screaming and sobbing. Some people had fallen into a coma.

Red blood and powder are mixed together to form a bright red viscous substance, which is everywhere. Some timid people will get goose bumps at a glance.

In just a few minutes, the police came.

"Come on! Make an emergency call and save people!"

"Who saw what happened?" a policeman took evidence from the onlookers.

The onlookers shook their heads. They couldn't see anything just now.

At this moment, Qin Mu also finished his coffee, walked out of the cafe slowly and walked in front of the Tang's gate.

"Extract the surveillance video, we need your cooperation!" a police officer came to the Tang clan and said to the Tang security guard.

"Sorry, officer, our surveillance was smashed by these people a few days ago. It hasn't been repaired or monitored." Qin Mu came at the right time.

The police officer looked at the nearly 100 wounded on the ground. Some of them didn't know how to deal with it, and quickly called the Bureau.

As a result, he only received an order, "send all the injured to the hospital. No one is allowed to take care of the rest!"

On the night of the incident, in front of Haicheng people's hospital.

The head of Zhengjia village stood here with a peach stick.

The young woman who had previously scolded Qin Mu and Su Lingxue stood beside the head of Zhengjia village.

"Patriarch, those two people must have done this. The snake said that when they were on the construction site, it was the man who broke their legs and feet. We can't bear it! When did we Yunzhou Zheng have such grievances!" the young woman was full of resentment and squeezed her fist.

The head of Zhengjia village shook his head. "I'm afraid the man is not an ordinary person. We can't cure him with our current ability."

"Is that how you can swallow it?" the woman said gnashing her teeth.

"The patriarch's daughter is now heard to go to school in Jinzhou. You can find a chance to find her," said village head Zheng.

"But the village head, will the patriarch help us if we find her? After all, we were unhappy with the patriarch at that time. Even this time, the patriarch didn't tell us to go back." the young woman didn't go on, but looked unwilling.

"Hum. If you invite her here, are you afraid that zongmen won't help us?" village head Zheng said.

Hearing this, the woman flashed a pure light in her eyes, and said with a sly smile on her face, "I see."

After nearly 100 people in Zhengjia village were injured, the calm in front of the Tang clan finally returned. Qin Mu paid special attention. Those who secretly paid attention to the Tang clan did not appear again.

As for the beating of someone who broke into the construction site in Haigang City, someone in Zhengjia village called the police, but the police only sent the injured to the hospital, and there was no other following. It seems that the police secretly received some news.

As for the injury of nearly 100 villagers in Zhengjia village in front of the Tang clan, no media dared to report it, and all were suppressed.

Some people send videos online, but those online videos disappear inexplicably in less than ten minutes, and the accounts that publish videos are also permanently banned.

This matter has become the topic of the people of Haicheng after dinner, but no one knows what happened.

As for Su Lingxue, after seeing the result of the matter, she left without saying goodbye again.

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