Walking on the road, Qin Mu and Tang Ningxi drew a distance. Kong Shuai took the opportunity to come forward and slowly gathered together. He whispered, "I know you are Xiao Ning's brother-in-law, right?"

Seeing that Kong Shuai knew the truth and stopped pretending, Qin Mu said, "then what?"

"I'll give you ten thousand yuan, and you can say something nice to Xiao Ning. If we become, as my brother-in-law, I will never treat you badly." Kong Shuai smiled. He believed that ten thousand yuan was enough to impress Qin Mu.

After all, the 10000 yuan only needs Qin Mu to say two good words, and nothing else needs to be paid.

"If you have the ability, go after it. I don't need your money." Qin Mu said and immediately opened a distance with him.

"Shit!" seeing Qin Mu's refusal, Kong Shuai scolded in a low voice, and then walked to Zhao Yi with him.

"Why? He refused?" Zhao Yi asked suspiciously when he saw Kong Shuai's expression.


Seeing Kong Shuai nodding, Zhao Yi hummed, "this boy has a big appetite. He doesn't look at ten thousand yuan! If you really want to get Tang Ningxi, add ten thousand. This guy wears ordinary clothes and must have poor conditions. Twenty thousand yuan can definitely make him interested."

"Shit, let him say two good words and give 20000? What's the difference between this and losing money?" Kong Shuai's family has tens of millions of assets, but his monthly living expenses are not too much.

Twenty thousand yuan is not a big money for him, but he always thinks it's not worth twenty thousand yuan to let Qin Mu say two good words.

"At least Tang Ningxi is also a popular candidate in the school flower list. You don't spend tens of thousands of yuan, but you still want to soak school flowers? Do you know how much Guo Chen spent chasing Murong evening voice? It's 500000! I can hear the wind. Several people have been eyeing Tang Ningxi. If you don't hurry up, Tang Ningxi won't necessarily let anyone get ahead of him." Zhao Yi said.

"Well, it's 20000 yuan. It's dinner." Kong Shuai said and came to Qin Mu again. He said, "20000 yuan, as long as you say a few good words for me."

Qin Mu smelled the speech and looked at Kong Shuai with disgust. He said, "I didn't want to take care of Xiaoning's private affairs, but now I want to warn you not to harass Xiaoning in the future, otherwise I will bear the consequences!"

Hearing Qin Mu's threat, Kong Shuai was also angry. He hummed: "don't take yourself too seriously. If it weren't for Xiao Ning's face, labor and capital would talk to you so politely?"

Kong Shuai's words made Qin Mu sneer. He stared at Kong Shuai and said, "you'd better listen to my words, otherwise it's too late to regret."

"Really? Let's wait and see who will regret." Kong Shuai clenched his fist. If Tang Ningxi wasn't present, he would have started with Qin Mu.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it." Qin Mu smiled faintly and walked away quickly.

Kong Shuai's face turned red and his neck was thick. He walked to Zhao Yi and angrily said, "madder, he's so arrogant that he threatened me to keep me away from Tang Ningxi!"

"Shit, I'm not interested in 20000 yuan and threaten you? Does it mean that Tang Ningxi's relationship with him is not just his brother-in-law and sister-in-law?" Zhao Yi's eyes opened in surprise.

Kong Shuai was also surprised when he heard the speech, and then he shook his head and said, "Tang Ningxi doesn't look like such a person."

"Can you see such a thing? The more beautiful this woman is, the more waves in her bones. Maybe Tang Ningxi colluded with her brother-in-law! Think about it. Otherwise, why did she always talk about her brother-in-law and offend the people of the Taekwondo Association?" Zhao Yi smiled.

"What you said is also somewhat reasonable. If so, why bother so much? I'll directly find someone to catch her and threaten her with this stubble when it's finished." Kong Shuai said with a cold look in his eyes.

"This is OK. Shall I give you some advice, brother?" Zhao Yi whispered with a smile.

"Ha ha... Your Zhao Minyi is also with you? Is there any difference between one person and two people after getting drunk?" Kong Shuai also smiled insidiously.

Two friends whispered. They thought no one heard them. In fact, Qin Mu heard all their words!

"Two scum." Qin Mu whispered, hoping to find a chance to teach them a lesson.

The agreed place is a Taekwondo Hall next to the school.

When Qin Mu and others arrived, there were about 20 people in the middle of the guild hall. They looked very powerful.

Sitting in the front chair is a girl with dirty braids and heavy makeup. She stands on her one leg and chews gum in her mouth. This scene makes Qin Mu smile and shake his head. Why is it so like the appointment scene in the ancient confused boy movie.

Girl or big sister?

Seeing Qin Mu laughing, Xie Peng immediately hummed coldly, "see if you can laugh later."

The other party also saw Qin Mu laughing. When they saw Qin Mu, they also laughed.

In the eyes of these people, they think Qin Mu should be tall and powerful. At least he looks strong enough to deserve the praise of Tang Ningxi.

They all know Tang Ningxi, so at a glance, they can see that in the crowd, they are beautiful, even young, and like Qin Mu, a cream boy.

How could such a person be the omnipotent brother-in-law in Tang Ningxi's mouth?

"Tang Ningxi, is this the man you brought?" Du Mengyu asked with a sneer.

She thought what a powerful person downing Xi would call, but she didn't expect to bring a group of waste.

"Du Mengyu, don't laugh too early. One of the people I brought can top you a hundred." Tang Ningxi said and pushed Qin Mu hard.

Qin Mu didn't notice and was pushed to the front.

He pulled the corner of his mouth awkwardly.

Let him fight with these people in front of him. It's really bullying.

"Rely on him?" Du Mengyu disdained to smile. "At that moment, don't cry and shout mom."

With a wave of his right hand, a very tall and powerful man stood up.

The man has muscular limbs and is nearly two meters tall. Standing there alone gives people a sense of oppression.

"How, are you afraid?" Du Mengyu hissed coldly.

"Aren't you very capable in school? Say your brother-in-law is very powerful, but coach Xue can't? If you don't kneel down and apologize today, and send a statement to the school forum that you have been slandering coach Xue, you won't want to leave here today." Du Mengyu said and stood up excitedly.

Qin Mu sighed deeply.

He didn't know it was because of it.

"Xiao Ning, take them out first. I'll solve the problems here," Qin Mu said.

"Go out? Why? Brother-in-law, I won't go out. I want to see you beat them down." Tang Ningxi said unhappily.

"Go out." Qin Mu drank coldly.

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