After Qiao Silin went in, Qin Mu asked, "tell me, where is the challenge arena?"

Hearing Qin Mu's words, the two waiters looked at each other and saw doubts in their eyes. Then they looked at Qin Mu with more respect.

"Sir, do you want to fight?" one of the waiters asked.

If you want to attend this banquet, you can also rely on the challenge in addition to the invitation letter.

It's just that only people in the martial arts circle know the rules of fighting a challenge. Therefore, it's no doubt that those who participate in fighting a challenge are martial arts practitioners.

Most of those who can become martial arts practitioners are of a certain age. However, it is rare for a young martial arts practitioner like Qin Mu. Therefore, in addition to respect, the waiter still has some doubts.

Doubt the power of Qin Mu.

"Yes." Qin Mu nodded.

"Then please follow me." one of the waiters made an invitation.

The waiter took Qin Mu to the back door of the hotel, but instead of entering the hotel, he took the elevator.

However, the elevator is not up, but down.

At the moment of entering the elevator, Qin Mu slightly and imperceptibly hooked his mouth.

He didn't expect that the Ji family actually built a challenge arena under the hotel.

At the beginning, he casually mentioned the idea.

They came to the third basement floor. At this time, hundreds of people had gathered here, most of them led by the family.

Qin Mu raised his eyebrows curiously. This year's party seems to be much more grand than in previous years.

"It is said that the Feng family has got the map of Long Jing. At this party, they will choose the people who will participate in the search for Long Jing."

"True or false, the Feng family really found the map of Long Jing."

"I don't think the Feng family dare to cheat about such a big thing. Anyway, those who can win the martial arts hall in the challenge arena can enter the party. At that time, everything will be clear."

On the way, someone talked carefully.

The waiter took Qin Mu to the registration office beside the challenge arena, registered and left.

Qin Mu stood beside him alone. His outspoken appearance soon attracted other people's attention.

"I don't know which family my brother belongs to?" a young man who looked similar to Qin Mu's age came over and stopped Qin Mu's way.

Qin Mu frowned slightly and said faintly, "there is no family."

"No family?" the young man smiled contemptuously.

As we all know, how difficult it is to become a martial arts practitioner. Therefore, only large families or martial arts aristocratic families can cultivate martial arts practitioners.

Therefore, Qin Mu is not a member of a big family. How can he have the opportunity to become a martial artist?

"Brother, you have no eyes. It's not fun to fight in the challenge arena. Today's challenge masters are all from the martial arts hall and martial arts practitioners at the warrior level. I advise you to go to another place to join the fun." the young man said that and left with a laugh.

The young man's name is Hu junzhuo. He is the youngest warrior level martial artist in all martial arts families in Xia state.

Before he saw Qin Mu, he always thought he was the best in the martial arts world.

He will come to talk to Qin Mu, because Qin Mu's age is similar to him, and he wants to confirm Qin Mu's strength. He doesn't want someone to rob him of the first place in the world.

Qin Mu ignored Hu junzhuo's chat-up and went straight to the challenge position to wait for him to play.

When he registered, he had read the rules of the challenge.

The challenge masters are all martial arts practitioners above the warrior level in the martial arts hall. If you want to be qualified to enter the party, you can defeat the martial arts practitioners in the martial arts hall, and there is no limit on the number and order of playing. As long as the challenge arena is empty, you can go at any time.

This is equivalent to that the challenge of the whole challenge arena is random.

However, being casual is not easy. On the contrary, it is more difficult to challenge in this way, because you don't know the strength of the challenge master.

Seeing Qin Mu waiting in the challenge area, Hu junzhuo snorted coldly.

He was very dissatisfied with Qin Mu's cold and arrogant attitude.

"Young master, I've made it clear that the next challenge is the junior warrior cultivator of the martial arts hall. We can play the next game." a man about 50 years old walked up to Hu junzhuo and said.

"Hum. My young master's strength is more than enough to deal with a later warrior. You have a lot to do." Hu junzhuo said with some dissatisfaction.

"Young master, this time the master has specially explained that you must enter the party through the challenge, otherwise you may not see the young lady of the Feng family." the man said nervously for fear that Hu junzhuo would go back on his word.

"OK, I see. It's just to fight a challenge arena and meet a woman. What's the big deal?" Hu junzhuo said arrogantly.

"With the young master's strength, it's more than enough to fight in this challenge arena. After entering the venue, it's the beginning of the matter. The eldest lady of the Feng family who left behind has been heard that Mrs. Feng has been regarded as the heir of the Feng family, and she will lead the search for Long Jing this time. So you must grasp it well."

"OK, it's just an illegitimate girl. I can't make it?" Hu junzhuo sneered with disdain.

At this time, Qin Mu has come to the edge of the challenge arena. As long as the person in the challenge arena steps down, it will be his turn to play.

Hu junzhuo sneered when he saw that Qin Mu was about to play.

"What a cat and dog have come to challenge."

At this time, a man in his forties was playing a challenge on the stage. However, he played for only ten seconds and was kicked off the stage by the challenge master.

The onlookers roared with laughter. This is the fastest person to be knocked down in the challenge arena.

Qin Mu sighed.

The man's strength is already in the middle level of the warrior. Unfortunately, the challenge leader he met this time is a martial artist in the lower level of the warrior.

Although there is only one stage difference, both strength and speed are very different.

After the man was beaten down, he was soon taken away by the family for treatment.

The martial artist on the stage soon turned his eyes to Qin Mu. When he saw Qin Mu, he frowned.

"Young man, it's not fun to challenge. If you don't want to end up like the man just now, it's still time to leave."

Obviously, the martial arts practitioners in the challenge arena don't think Qin Mu has the ability to compete with him at all.

"Now that he's here, he won't go." Qin Mu walked to the challenge arena step by step.

When Qin Mu came to the stage, the martial artist on the stage narrowed his eyes slightly, with some displeasure in his eyes.

It's not easy to become a martial arts practitioner, so most martial arts practitioners have a bit of pride, especially those who have entered the warrior stage or above.

Therefore, Qin Mu's action on the stage is a provocation in the eyes of the other party.

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