Ouyang Qingrou tilted her head and thought.

She admitted that Qin Mu was really powerful. As for handsome

It's really handsome, and Qin Mu's handsome is more masculine than ordinary men.

"Hey, sister Qingrou, would you like my master to help you with that? My master is very kind." Wei Ying blinked her big eyes and smiled.

Ouyang Qingrou's pretty face didn't get red. Then he said reluctantly, "little girl, what do you know? I just don't want to marry someone I hate."

"Hey, hey, I don't know if that man is annoying. Anyway, my master doesn't hate it, does he?"

"He?" Ouyang Qingrou glanced at Qin Mu walking behind him. "He's also very annoying!"

What Ouyang Qingrou said about dislike does not mean Qin Mu, but the person who makes himself think of involuntarily through Qin Mu.

Wei Ying said she was bored less than half an hour after she finished at the playground, so several people went to the nearby memorial hall again.

There are not many places in Kyoto that can be played. Most of them are scenic and memorial places.

Along the way, Wei Ying chattered and walked with Ouyang Qingrou. Two very different women attracted many heads. One was cute and the other was as beautiful as an immortal.

Qin Mu was quiet all the way, but he was also interested in where he went.

Over the years, although Qin Mu has gone to many places, it can be said that he has traveled all over the world. He has stayed and enjoyed the most prosperous places and the most bitter places, but he has not enjoyed the scenery once.

Near noon, Ouyang Qingrou's cell phone rang constantly.

Although Qin Mu couldn't hear what Ouyang Qingrou said, she could see that her eyes were full of impatience when she called. After hanging up, Ouyang Qingrou simply turned off her mobile phone.

After all this, Ouyang Qingrou looked at Qin Mu and sipped his red lips.

"Beauty, can I help you?" Qin Mu asked.

Ouyang Qingrou was stunned and nodded.

"It's a little busy. Can you, when I... Ouyang Qingrou hesitated," boyfriend?

"Sorry." Qin Mu shook his head. "I'm married."

Ouyang Qingrou waved her hand and explained, "it's not to let you really be my boyfriend, but to let my father have a look. Our family advocates martial style. My father wants me to marry a man who is good at boxing, but I don't like him. Can you help me?"

Ouyang Qingrou doesn't know how to explain the martial arts family to Qin Mu. He can only summarize it in a sentence advocating martial style.

Qin Mu smiled in his heart.

He knew that the Ouyang family were very obsessed with martial arts. Even in those years, Ouyang Feng wanted to go to Longwang island to practice martial arts, but later he was stopped by several older people of the Ouyang family. It is said that the old lady of the Ouyang family forced her to stop the idea.

Unexpectedly, now he has such strange requirements for his daughter's life.

Qin Mu deliberately asked, "would you like to introduce someone who is good at boxing? Has the other party won any awards?"

"Award..." Ouyang Qingrou felt that she was a little confused with Qin Mu. The disciples of the martial arts family were not allowed to participate in Sanda and free fighting. "There was no award. His family practiced martial arts."

"Oh, OK, no problem." Qin Mu made an OK gesture. It's also the slug who cried behind his ass in those years. Can you help or need to help.

Seeing Qin Mu's promise, Ouyang Qingrou was also happy. She simply turned on the cell phone she had just turned off and dialed a number. "You wait at home. I'll take him back now!"

After Ouyang Qingrou called, the scenic spot didn't go either. He drove to the suburbs with Wei Ying and Qin Mu.

Wei Ying was also very excited when she thought that such an interesting thing would happen soon.

Qin Mu still remembers that Ouyang's house is in the suburbs. There is a manor. Some martial arts families with scattered branches and leaves still have the tradition of leaving a manor. The younger generation of the family will live in the urban area. The elders will provide for the elderly in the manor and grow everything they eat. They pay attention to self-sufficiency, which also means that martial arts will continue to be carried forward.

Ouyang Qingrou drives to the gate of the manor, which is locked.

Ouyang Qingrou honked several times, but the door didn't open.

"It's estimated that there's something wrong with the system again. Let's walk over." Ouyang Qingrou said, opened the door and got out of the car.

Next to Ouyang's door, there is a small door for people to enter.

Qin Mu came to this manor before. Now, it is almost the same as before. It is a field of pepper. Now tomatoes are planted. The whole manor gives people a feeling of antique fragrance.

Ouyang Qingrou walked in the manor and looked puzzled, "strange, why is there no one?"

Normally, there are more than ten Ouyang manors, from nannies to cooks, plus Ouyang Qingrou's parents and some elders, but now it seems that the whole manor is very empty.

Ouyang Qingrou walks to a room and just wants to open the door.

"Be careful!" Qin Mu suddenly snapped and pulled Ouyang Qingrou. A delicate body rushed into Qin Mu's arms, and Qin Mu withdrew slightly.

The next second, just where Ouyang Qingrou was standing, the gate was kicked open from the inside, and a bright dagger appeared.

"Boy, the reaction is quite fast!" a hoarse voice sounded, and a man in black and a mask came out of the house.

"Just in time, the eldest lady of Ouyang's family came back by herself, which saved us from looking for it and catching it all!"

Not far behind Ouyang Qingrou, several figures came out with sharp blades, machetes and sticks in their hands.

"Accept your fate, Miss Ouyang." a sharp laugh rang out.

A total of more than ten figures formed a circle around Qin Mu. They all covered their faces and couldn't see clearly.

Ouyang Qingrou got up from Qin Mu's chest and glanced at the more than ten people. It seemed that he suddenly thought of something. His nervous face changed and shook his head at one of them.

Seeing Ouyang Qingrou's action, the man deliberately twisted his head and shouted to Qin Mu: "boy, as long as we have this girl in front of us, it has nothing to do with you. Now get out, it's still time!"

"Er..." Qin Mu glanced and asked curiously, "are you robbing?"

"It's to take life!" a man took a machete and stepped forward.

"Hey." Qin Mu sighed, "I won't roll. You thieves won't let me roll."

"Thief?" the man with the knife was angry when he heard Qin Mu's words. He immediately waved his machete and chopped at Qin Mu.

When the man was cutting, the man standing behind him warned in a very low voice, "be careful, don't hurt anyone."

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