Kyoto is more than 1000 kilometers away from Tianrong City, and Qin Mu doesn't care too much. Lu Fei arranges the nearest plane to leave for Tianrong city.

When he got the news from Tang Qianyue, he couldn't wait for a moment.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon when I came to Tianrong city. I took a taxi directly according to the address sent by Lu Fei. However, when I arrived at the airport, I saw Qinglian suddenly appear at the airport and look at him with a smile.

"Shallow?" Qin Mu asked directly.

"I've been waiting for you at the airport these two days. Dragon Lord, your men don't have much ability." Qinglian said with a sneer.

"I ask you, shallow?" Qin Mu asked. He almost roared in a low voice.

These days, although he is busy with Kyoto, he is not worried about Tang Qianyue for a moment.

"When you come, my young lady will be dead long ago." Qinglian sneered.

"I've been waiting for you here for two days. My wife said that if you don't show up today, you won't see my miss again."

"What do you mean?" Qin Mu frowned.

It seems that Tang Qianyue's disappearance is the ghost of that woman.

No wonder his people couldn't find any news about Tang Qianyue.

"So, are you trying to test me?" Qin Mu asked coldly.

"Well, when you see my wife, ask her again." Qinglian turned and asked Qin Mu to go with her.

Tianrong city is a tourist city with strange mountains and waters and beautiful scenery. At the same time, it is also a multi-ethnic province. Among the ethnic minorities in Xia state, Miao Jiang is located in Tianrong city.

And the blood demons on him came from Miao.

Qin Mu got into a car with Qinglian. About 50 minutes later, they came to a hotel. Qinglian handed Qin Mu a door card.

"Miss is up there," said Qinglian.

Qin Mu took the room card, got off without hesitation and walked towards the hotel.

In the hotel, Tang Qianyue was pale and lying in bed. His face was very ugly. There were some mottled red blood on both sides of his neck. It looked as if he was seriously ill.

After coming to Tianrong city this time, her body began to react and she was unconscious for two days. However, she went to the hospital for examination, but she couldn't find anything.

Feng Su was still wearing a cheongsam. She sat by the bed, drinking tea and looking at her.

"Don't worry, as long as Chu siran can find the person who poisoned, you will be well soon." Feng Su said slowly.

"Did you tell him?" Tang Qianyue looked at Feng Su in surprise.

"Didn't you promise not to let him know?"

Tang Qianyue touched his face and looked a little flustered.

"Why don't you let me know?" at this time, Qin Mu pushed the room away.

When he saw Tang Qianyue's pale face in the room, he immediately understood what was going on.

"Who did it?" he asked.

This kind of disease is obviously not as simple as illness, but in Gu!

Tang Qianyue closed his eyes and turned his head without answering.

Qin Mu looked at Feng Su with a gloomy face and asked her to answer.

"Miao ghost clan." Feng Su looked at Qin Mu and said with a smile.

Qin Mu looked straight at Feng Su and clenched his hands on his side into a fist.

"If shallow has any accident, you should be ready to bear the Dragon King's anger," Qin Mu said in a voice that only two people can hear.

He can bear anything against him, but he won't let Tang Qianyue do anything.

"Kill the elder of the ghost clan and the Gu poison society will be relieved naturally. It shouldn't be difficult for the Dragon King." Feng Su also whispered with a voice that two people can hear.

Then the tone changed and said, "it's great that you came. Shallow didn't want you to know about her illness, but you are her husband after all, so I made my own decision and informed you."

Qin Mu glanced at Feng Su in disgust, went to Tang Qianyue and gently put his hand on her forehead.

"Shallow, don't be afraid, there is me."

"Then have a good chat and I'll go first." Feng Su looked at the two people in front of him with satisfaction. After drinking the last sip of tea in the cup, she twisted her waist and left.

Tang Qianyue opened his eyes and looked at the man he thought about day and night. He couldn't help leaning his head against his arms.

"I'm so afraid that I'll never see you again."

At this moment, she finally vented all her grievances for many days.

Before, she had no choice but to be imprisoned by Fengsu. She listened to Fengsu's words and didn't want to implicate Qin Mu, so she said a lot of cruel words to him.

When she came to Tianrong City, she became like this again. She had to be cruel and didn't answer Qin Mu's phone or contact him.

But only she knew how much she missed Qin Mu.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Qin Mu asked painfully, wiping away the tears on Tang Qianyue's face.

His girl has always been held in the palm of his hand. When did he let her suffer such injustice.

But Feng su

This time, he will never let anyone take Tang Qianyue from him.

Tang Qianyue told Qin Mu what had happened in the past two days.

After they came to Tianrong city that day, they stopped at the hotel near their destination and prepared to go to the cave the next day to see if there was really a so-called Longjing.

Originally, the disciples of those aristocratic families cooperated fairly, but I didn't expect that the next day, the disciples of several aristocratic families clashed because of disagreement.

She was just representing the Feng family, and she didn't have any martial arts strength, so Qinglian suggested that she don't care about those people.

After going to the cave that day, those people fought again, which disturbed the nearby villagers.

I thought it was just an ordinary villager, but I didn't expect that the other party was a Miao nationality. Now I poisoned those people.

She is the person in charge of looking for Long Jing this time, so she can only go to the other party's elder in person and ask him to show mercy and let go of the children of those aristocratic families.

"So, that man transferred the poison to you?" Qin Mu asked with a gloomy face.

Tang Qianyue didn't have to say what happened later. He could probably guess.

"At first, I didn't know. When I returned to the hotel, I found that a lot of blood had grown on my neck. I thought I was bitten by some insect, so I went to the hospital for examination, but I didn't find anything. Later, I learned that the elder had poisoned me." Tang Qianyue said.

She had never come into contact with these people. She never thought that a person's heart could be so bad.

"So, you don't want to see me because of this? It's rumored outside that you're missing?" Qin Mu asked.

"I... I just don't want you to worry. Feng Su told me that the ghost clan is very powerful, and I don't want you to go to them for trouble. That's why I thought, let you think I'm missing. If you can't find me, you'll give up..." Tang Qianyue bowed his head, like a child in trouble.

"Fool." Qin Mu took Tang Qianyue in his arms.

"Don't worry, I will bring back the dismissal method." Qin Mu said slowly.

After soothing Tang Qianyue to sleep, Qin Mu left the hotel.

His medical skills can cure many diseases, but he can't cure Gu poison alone.

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