"I haven't seen you for many years, but you are becoming more and more talkative." Feng Su smiled and said, "as long as I find Long Jing and let me go back to that place, you can do whatever you want."

Mrs. ice and snow laughed like a silver bell, "giggle, it's enough to have Fengzu. Long Jing, we will make that man spit out."

Feng Su looked up at the sky outside the window and raised her mouth slightly.

"The time is coming. The beginning of spring in three months is the best time for me to go back. I must get Longjing at that time."

"Yes, Fengzu." the woman bent over and smiled.

With a satisfied smile, Feng Su threw down his telescope and turned and strode away.

The smile on Mrs. Xue Xue's face remained the same. She looked out of the window and murmured, "Long Jing, if I really have such great ability, why should I let you out?"

At Tianrong airport, Qin Mu asked Lu Fei to arrange a private plane to fly back to Haicheng. At this time, Tang Qianyue had been placed on the plane,

When Qin Mu boarded the plane, Tang Qianyue immediately ran towards him.

"I'm so afraid I'll never see you again." Tang Qianyue held Qin Mu tightly for fear that they would separate at the next moment.

"Fool, how could I let you leave me?" Qin Mu asked Tang Qianyue rou. Soft body in his arms, heart full of apology,.

For his own reasons, Tang Qianyue was also involved, which was the last thing he wanted to see.

"How do you feel?" Qin Mu stretched out his hand to explore his pulse. Tang Qianyue could not find out that she was poisoned except that she was a little weak.

Tang Qianyue shook his head, "I'm fine, but I'm a little tired recently. I want to have a good rest."

Then he leaned on Qin Mu's shoulder and closed his eyes to rest.

Qin Mu looked at Tang Qianyue painfully, filled with guilt.

This is probably the most terrible place of Gu poison.

People will become weaker and weaker because of Gu poison, but they can't find out the cause. When Gu poison breaks out, they are basically unable to return to heaven.

During this period of time, the blood evil Gu was silent, so that he almost thought that the blood evil Gu had been suppressed and would not attack.

The attack of blood ghost Gu may be related to the son Gu on Tang Qianyue.

It seems that he must find a way to remove the blood ghost Gu as soon as possible.

Qin Mu and Tang Qianyue returned to Haicheng at more than 4 a.m. when they got home, Tang Qianyue fell to the ground with a heart.

Thinking of what happened during this period of time, Tang Qianyue still felt a little untrue.

If I didn't go to Kyoto, wouldn't the later things happen?

"What do you think?" seeing Tang Qianyue's sad face, Qin Mu bounced on her head.

"No, it's just a sudden feeling." Tang Qianyue thought of what he had said to Qin Mu before, and his heart was a little bitter. Such a good man, he always pushed each other away again and again.

If Qin Mu really left one day, what should she do?

"Fool, go and wash your face. I'll clean up your room. I haven't lived in it for several days. It's estimated that it's a little dusty." Qin Mu said, so he fetched a bucket of water and went upstairs to clean.

"Old......" Tang Qianyue just wanted to call Qin Mu. Don't worry about cleaning, he heard the door knocked.

"Miss Tang! Miss Tang, are you back?" an anxious voice sounded outside the door.


Qin Mu, who was just about to go upstairs, heard the sound and came down again.

You know, it's early in the morning. It's not dawn outside. How can someone knock at the door?

"Mr. Chu, it's me, Wang Fengda."

Hearing that it was Wang Fengda, Qin Mu was surprised, but he opened the door soon.

"Director Wang?" Qin Mu looked at each other unexpectedly.

"Mr. Chu, you are finally back. I have asked the security guard here to pay attention to you seven days ago." Wang Fengda said quickly.

"Seven days ago?" Qin Mu frowned. "What happened?"

"It's Miss Tang Ningxi. She's been taken away by people in Zhengjia village for seven days now!" Wang Fengda's face was anxious.

"Xiao Ning was taken away? What's the matter?" Tang Qianyue heard this, and the whole person was nervous and excited.

Tang Ningxi was studying in Jinzhou. How could she be arrested?

"What's the matter?" Qin Mu asked hurriedly.

"Mr. Chu, Miss Tang, it's a long story. Why don't you go to the police station with me first and show you some information." Wang Fengda looked at Qin Mu and Tang Qianyue in the room.

"OK, let's go now." Qin Mu nodded.

About Zhengjia village, Qin Mu thought that the matter was over, so he was kind-hearted and didn't kill them. Unexpectedly, the people of Zhengjia village dared to arrest people.

"Husband, what's the matter? Why was Xiaoning captured?" Tang Qianyue was so worried that she was trembling all over. What else was Zheng Village? She didn't know when and where.

"Miss Tang, come with me. After all, it's your own business." Wang Fengda said.

"Don't worry," Qin Mu comforted Tang Qianyue.

Qin Mu and Tang Qianyue reached Yinzhou Municipal Bureau with Wang Feng.

Wang Fengda directly took them to the office, took out a document, put it in front of them, and poured tea for them.

Looking at the documents taken out by Wang Fengda, Qin Mu and Tang Qianyue frowned.

"How could this happen? I said clearly that we would not move the ground until we had negotiated?" Tang Qianyue held the document in his hand, which was the land above the ancestral hall of Zhengjia village.

Before, she went to Kyoto because of the negotiation problem, and also told the engineering department that she must not start the land without permission before she came back.

But now not only the ground is broken, but also the people in Zhengjia village react violently.

Wang Fengda sat opposite the two and said, "it's not clear. Miss Tang was kidnapped by people from Zhengjia village at Jinzhou airport. But because Miss Tang Ningxi is your sister and Zhengjia village is also in our Haicheng District, our bureau picked it up."

Wang Fengda looked bitter.

This Zhengjia village was specifically explained by the above at the beginning, so he didn't mind. Naturally, he didn't dare to offend. Qin Mu's identity also made him dare not offend. Now he is caught in the middle, which can be said to be very uncomfortable.

And he didn't take the initiative to take it. The case was kicked around for two days before it fell on him.

"Does my grandfather know this?" Tang Qianyue asked.

She was afraid that these things worried her grandfather.

"Mr. Tang doesn't know yet. If you haven't come back these two days, we'll inform him," Wang Fengda said.

"Why did they catch Xiao Ning?" Qin Mu asked.

Last time in Jinzhou, he took Tang Ningxi to the airport and then turned to Kyoto.

It should be at that time that people in Zhengjia village can take advantage of it.

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