Qin Mu's mouth slightly grinned, "I said, I never care about the consequences! Do it!"

The figures behind Qin Mu spread around as Qin Mu spit out the word "hands on".

Just then, a harsh horn sounded, followed by a roar in the sky, and two helicopters followed.

"Dragon Lord, please show mercy." a cry suddenly sounded in the air.

Then a figure fell on the altar and stood in front of the village head of Zhangjia village.

Qin Mu squinted at the man who appeared on the altar. He was nearly two meters tall, dressed in silver gray Taiji clothes, with a childlike face, Hefa and Fairy Spirit. He looked out of tune with the world.

"Zhang Jinyuan?" Qin Mu slowly spit out a name.

Zhang Jinyuan, his name, is not well known and is not on the world top 100 list, but his strength can definitely crush anyone on the world top 100 list.

In the martial arts world, there is a supreme power center, that is the martial arts hall, which governs the martial arts practitioners in the whole martial arts world. At the same time, it also transports powerful talents for the world.

In the martial arts hall, martial arts masters abound, and they are also talents of the Xia military and perform the most arduous task of the Xia state.

Zhang Jinyuan, the patriarch of Wudao hall, was also an important member of the military Tai Chi meeting of the Xia state.

He is also one of the strong ones who have broken through the four directions of heaven as he knows so far.

For Zhang Jinyuan, Qin Mu still has some respect in his heart, not because of his strength, but because of his personality.

A person with absolute power also represents absolute power, but Zhang Jinyuan has never been complacent because of his strong strength. Instead, he has been silently contributing and silently guarding the peace of the martial arts world.

"It's rare that you, Dragon Lord, can remember me." Zhang Jinyuan stood on the stage and stared at Qin Mu.

"Why, you want to stand out for this Zhengjia village?" Qin Mu smiled and waved to stop the hell walkers.

The appearance of Zhang Jinyuan was unexpected to Qin Mu.

Two loaded locomotives stopped at the same time. Ten heavily armed soldiers came down from each car. Their movements and postures were elite.

As the two armored vehicles stopped, the helicopter overhead also landed, down came six soldiers with heavy weapons.

Fully armed, it gives people an extremely depressing feeling. The black barrel has a sense of killing, which makes it difficult to breathe.

After Zhang Jinyuan, more than ten figures appeared on the altar of Zhengjia village at a very fast speed. They all stared at Qin Mu. On each face, they were like a great enemy.

These more than ten figures are all Taiji people. When facing the legendary Dragon King, even if there is only one dragon king, they have to be careful.

"Dragon King, let your people go. I'll give you a reasonable explanation for this." another voice came from behind Qin Mu.

Qin Mu turned around and looked at the visitor.

This is a man in his 60s. His hair on his ears is frosty white, and his whole body exudes a sense of dignity, which makes people unable to look directly at him.

Qin Mu raised his mouth and smiled, "Oh, I didn't expect a small village to let you come in person."

The man in front of us is the Third Master of Xia, who is called the Third Master of Xia, a big man who often appears in the news!

The third brother of the Xia kingdom came to visit in person because of a Zhengjia village, which made Qin Mu doubt the identity of the village again.

The third looked above the altar and said, "village head Zheng, let the man go."

"Let people go!" village head Zheng said nothing this time, waved his hand and ordered.

The young woman's face was unhappy, "patriarch, we..."

"Let it go." village head Zheng shouted. Even if he was crazy, he didn't dare to be crazy in front of the Third Master of the Xia state. He naturally obeyed the orders issued by the third master.

The young woman reluctantly went to the cage and opened the lock.

With a creak, the door of the cage opened gently.

The young woman shook her head and walked aside.

"Go and give the man to the Dragon Lord." Zhang Jinyuan said to a woman beside him.

The woman nodded, turned around, picked up Tang Ningxi who had been in a coma from the cage, jumped off the altar and handed it to Qin Mu.

Qin Mu held Tang Ningxi horizontally in his arms. Looking at Tang Ningxi's haggard appearance, he couldn't help looking distressed in his eyes. Tang Ningxi was full of dust, and many places on his arms were scratched. The two jade wrists were red, which was obviously bound by iron chains.

Qin Mu's face became more and more ugly. He could think of the helpless scene when Tang Ningxi was locked in an iron cage. Now he wants to tear up all the people in Zhengjia village!

Qin Mu specially looked at Tang Ningxi's clothes. There was no trace of being torn, which relieved him a lot.

"Don't worry, you've disturbed the ancestral hall of the Zheng family. They just want to sacrifice this woman to their ancestors. The requirement of ancestor worship must be that the woman is innocent. You can rest assured." the woman who just handed Tang Ningxi to Qin Mu said.

As a woman, she was also angry at Tang Ningxi's experience.

Qin Mu nodded. He looked at third master Xia, "how do you want to solve this?"

Third master Xia said, "your wife's company can give her privileges if it needs to build the harbor. And we will make Tang's a leading enterprise in eastern province on the grounds of support."

"Oh." Qin Mu chuckled, "do you think I will care about your support and your privileges?"

Third master Xia smiled, "I know that you have regarded money as something outside your body. You don't care about it. But one thing you should know is that Zheng is not just a village. They are just a small branch of Murong clan. Murong clan has 13 branches. You can't imagine that once you provoke any branch of Murong clan, there will be many in Xia state in the future Trouble. "

"You threaten me?" Qin Mu suddenly stares at third master Xia.

"I'm just telling the truth." Third Master Xia put his eyes on Tang Ningxi, "You are the leader of the Dragon King Island. You are powerful. You walk around the world without scruples. No one can do anything about you. But you should consider that not all the people of the Tang family are like this. No matter your wife or this girl, they don't have your strength. They still have to live in the Xia state, even if they are not in the Xia state or abroad. Murong people want to find them It's easy, unless you take the Tang family to Longwang island to protect them all their life, but do you think it's Fair for them? "

Qin Mu's eyes suddenly cold, "then I'll kill the Murong clan in your mouth."

At the moment when Qin Mu's words fell, those Dragon King envoys showed their weapons together.

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