"Go and apologize to the rich boss!" sun Manfei's stepmother pushed her behind Sun Manfei.

Sun Manfei stumbled two steps, came to the rich boss, stroked his hair sideburns and picked up his glass. "Rich boss, I'm really sorry just now. I'll give you a toast."

"Oh? Is this a clear idea? Didn't you even want to look at me?" the rich boss sneered and looked at sun Manfei, full of possessiveness.

Although there are so many beautiful women in the box, sun Manfei is absolutely outstanding in figure. She has the qualification of a model. Her long leg is definitely a fatal weapon to attract men, especially for middle-aged men such as rich bosses.

"Rich boss, what are you talking about?" sun Manfei's stepmother immediately came up and said hello to rich boss. "The girl just got a little uncomfortable. She went out to blow the hair. She will come back to express her feelings to you immediately."

Sun Manfei's stepmother finished and pushed sun Manfei again, making sun Manfei closer to the rich boss.

"Ha ha." the rich boss laughed, "so, sun Meimei, are you sure you want to marry me? In that case, don't stand so far. Come here. We will be unmarried couples in the future. We should sit closer!"

Rich boss said, grabbed sun Manfei's arm and pulled sun Manfei to his arms.

Sun Manfei subconsciously wanted to resist, but where did the rich boss have great strength, he was directly pulled into his arms by the rich boss.

The rich boss looked at the woman in front of him, narrowed his eyes and grabbed sun Manfei unconsciously.

Sun Manfei trembled and looked at the rich boss's hand getting closer and closer to herself. She wanted to resist, but she didn't dare at all.

"Bang!" the box door was kicked open from the outside.

Qin Mu's figure appeared at the door of the box.

Qin Mu glanced at everyone in the box and finally focused on the rich boss. Qin Mu recognized at a glance that this was the person he was looking for, Furen.

When Qin Mu received the location of Furen, he also received his photo.

Qin Mu's sudden appearance stunned Furen. When he was stunned, sun Manfei took this opportunity to stand up and stay away from Furen for a few steps.

Sun Manfei's stepmother frowned and stared at Qin Mu. "What are you doing here? Is this where you came? Sun Manfei, drive him out!"

Sun Manfei's stepmother naturally thought that Qin Mu came to find sun Manfei.

Sun Manfei looked at Qin Mu and said, "brother-in-law."

Qin Mu didn't even look at sun Manfei's stepmother. He nodded at sun Manfei, then strode to Furen and looked down at Furen sitting on the sofa.

At the same time, the younger brothers brought by Furen also stood up.

"Boy, where did you come from? Do you know whose territory this is?" one of them shouted to Qin Mu.

"Furen." Qin Mu didn't see the man, but looked at Furen condescending.

"Boy, you have a lot of courage. You know who I am and dare to harm me?" Furen just heard sun Manfei calling Qin Mu's brother-in-law, so he naturally thought Qin Mu came for sun Manfei.

"Ah..." Qin Mu didn't even bother to say anything. He grabbed Fu Ren's hair and smashed it on the tea table in front of him.

As Fu Ren's head was smashed on the tea table by Qin Mu, a burst of glass fragmentation sounded, and the tea table completely broke open.

None of the women in the box expected such a scene, and they all screamed.

The people brought by Furen didn't expect Qin Mu's hand to be so cruel. They just looked at it and didn't respond at all.

Qin Mu grabbed Furen's hair. Furen's face was covered with glass debris and looked particularly terrible.

"Say, who let you take the land privately?" Qin Mu stared at Furen.

As soon as Fu Ren heard this, fear suddenly appeared in his eyes, "you... You are from the Tang family!"

Qin Mu didn't talk nonsense with Furen at all. He picked up a wine glass and smashed it on Furen's head. While the wine glass broke, blood flowed down Furen's forehead.

The blood on his head and the glass debris on Fu Ren's face are particularly frightening.


Sun Manfei's stepmother, who had just scolded Qin Mu, was very frightened by Qin Mu's action. She slowly walked to sun Manfei and pulled sun Manfei's sleeve. "How did you know such a person? Involved in the underworld? Which sister's brother-in-law is this? Did you recognize a sister outside?"

"No." sun Manfei shook his head, "he is my roommate's brother-in-law, so we shouted together?"

"Who is your roommate's sister?" sun Manfei's stepmother couldn't help asking.

"It's Tang Qianyue, President of the Tang family." sun Manfei replied.

"What!" sun Manfei's stepmother was shocked. "Do you mean that this boy's wife is the president of Tang family?"

"Yes." sun Manfei nodded. "I just wanted to say that if you want to know Tang's people, your brother-in-law is here."

Sun Manfei's stepmother swallowed her saliva and was full of fear. She just scolded president Tang's husband. If the other party really wants to settle accounts with herself, what can she do.

Fu Ren was seized by Qin Mu and his legs kept shaking. During this time, he had been hiding. He learned about the smashing of Tang's at that time through channels. Seeing that it had been half a month, he dared to show his head, but he didn't expect that he was found by Tang's people just when he came out to be natural and unrestrained. This Tang's is also terrible.

Seeing that Furen didn't speak, Qin Mu picked up a glass again and said, "give you a choice, either say or eat this cup. My patience is limited. Choose!"

Furen subconsciously looked at the glass in Qin Mu's hand. According to Qin Mu's actions from entering the door to now, he had no doubt that the young man was a kind-hearted person. Thinking of the scene that the glass was stuffed into his mouth, Furen couldn't help shivering. Can he live if he really eats the glass? If this matter is said, he will certainly be found, but otherwise, he will die now. Furen made a choice on the spot.

Fu Ren grimaced. "Yes... It's the people of song's group who asked me to do it. They said that as long as I dig that land, I'll give me a million yuan. Brother, I'm just a small man. I'm ordered to act."

"Song family?" Qin Mu frowned. He didn't think it would have something to do with the Song family.

He asked Furen, "who do you think song is? Song group in Jinzhou?"

"Yes, yes!" Fu Ren nodded tremblingly.

"Do you have evidence?"

"I have, I have." Furen took out his mobile phone and opened a video. The video played the scene when song's people came to him.

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