Qin Mu didn't stay in the Tang family for too long. After coming out of the Tang family, he informed Lu Fei and arranged to return to the island.

Long Jing can't drag on any longer, because he knows that many things will happen next. This is a sense of powerlessness he has never felt for so many years.

Longwang Island, an island located in the Black Sea area of Europe, where even European Royal Cruise Ships dare not easily set foot, and the nearest port is closed all year round and no ordinary people are allowed to enter.

Just ten days ago, due to a notice from Longwang Island, the perennial closed port was finally opened, and a ship appeared beside the port. Many people who knew that place began to look forward to this secret contest in the underground world.

Qin Mu arrived at Longwang island in the early morning. A full moon seemed to be overhead and within reach.

The full moon, with faint light, sprinkles on the island that has fallen into darkness, with silence.

"Welcome the Dragon Lord back to the island." a neat greeting broke the silence of the sea.

Qin Mu waved his hand, and then followed Lu Fei to the laboratory on the island.

On Longwang Island, it has the world's top and most tightly guarded laboratory. Here is Yinlin's world. She can carry out her research here unscrupulously.

The laboratory is not on the island, but set up 15 meters below the island. The top of the laboratory is covered with granite. If Guangming island is destroyed one day, the laboratory will definitely be destroyed last. Here, the most important thing on the island and what the world is looking for, Long Jing, and a map about the possession of Long Jing!

"Boss, you are finally back." seeing Qin Mu, Yinlin showed great excitement.

"Last time, according to what you told me, I studied Longjing again and really found something."

"Let me see." Qin Mu nodded.

About Long Jing, Qin Mu just guessed that Long Jing contained powerful energy, because he thought that when he was a child, his master would let him sit on a stone slab. Now I think that the stone slab may be made by Long Jing.

Qin Mu and Yin Lin came to the entrance of the laboratory.

Yinlin took out a tablet computer, reached out and scratched on the computer. The ground in front of Yinlin gradually separated towards both sides. A square entrance two meters long and two meters wide appeared at the foot of Yinlin.

They walked down the entrance. Below, there was the laboratory on Longwang island.

The laboratory is divided into several areas, each with a special handle and identification code lock.

The two entered one of the laboratories, which was filled with countless test tubes. Yinlin took three out of one of the cabinets.

"Boss, this is the liquid extracted from the Dragon Crystal. The energy density of the Dragon Crystal is very high and the extraction is very troublesome. However, the energy of the Dragon Crystal is very strong. I took out a drop and did an experiment on the white mouse. As a result, the bone and strength of the mouse increased significantly, and even broke through the glass of the experimental box and escaped." Yin Lin handed three test tubes to Qin Mu.

Qin Mu looked at the liquid in the test tube. It was light gold. Qin Mu looked at it and said, "that is to say, Longjing extract can help increase strength?"

"You can say so." Yin Lin nodded, "but the energy is not lasting. At that time, the experimental white mouse soon became normal because of the disappearance of energy. However, it is still stronger than before."

"No wonder so many people are eyeing Longjing because of this." Qin Mu smiled helplessly.

"Yes, if you get Dragon Crystal and refine it, you can get immeasurable energy." Yin Lin doesn't know whether it is good or not.

"What effect will it have on people?" Qin Mu asked.

"I haven't tried it on people yet. After all, with so much energy, I can't find a suitable experimental object at once?" Yin Lin shook his head.

Before, she thought of taking herself as an experimental object, but due to her limited strength, she was afraid that she could not bear so much energy.

"Why don't I try?" Qin Mu said after a few seconds of silence.

If there is such a large amount of energy, it may also affect the surrounding environment.

"Boss... That's not good. Although I calculated that if a martial arts practitioner uses this liquid, it may affect the environment, but this liquid is risky and will cause damage to the human body." Yin Lin repeatedly refused.

"It's all right." Qin Mu shook his head. "For so many years, what kind of experiments have not been done, and those with risks are not bad. What should I do?"

During this period, many problems lingered in Qin Mu's mind and brought a lot of pressure to Qin Mu. Although Qin Mu didn't show it on the surface, he was eager to be stronger in his heart.

About that world, the people of that world, the ancient clan and those who are eyeing Longjing in the world, now with his strength, he can't protect so many people he wants to protect.

"This......" Yinlin hesitated.

Qin Mu can be said to be the best experimental object of this experiment, but what Qin Mu carries makes her dare not even think about it.

"Let's go to the seaside," said Yin Lin after a while.

Qin Mu and Yin Lin walked outside the city wall in the dark and stood on the edge of the island.

Qin Mu took out a medicine and slowly unscrewed the mouth of the bottle.

Yinlin said, "boss, don't take too much. 10ml is the most!"

One of the potions she gave Qin Mu contained 50 ml.

Qin Mu nodded, took a deep breath and took the medicine. The entrance of the medicine was a little like soda water. There was no peculiar smell. When he swallowed the medicine, Qin Mu didn't have any special feeling.

"How long will it take?" Qin Mu moved his limbs.

"About three minutes." Yinlin took the tablet. "Boss, tell me all your physical reactions."

A minute later, Qin Mu didn't feel anything different. Sleep.

In the third minute, Qin Mu's chest tightness when he first tested crystal gas suddenly hit.

"Chest tightness." Qin Mu said.

Yinlin hurriedly recorded, "what else?"

Qin Mu closed his eyes and could see that at this time, Qin Mu's body was trembling slightly. Shake.

"Skin tingling, unconscious beating of meridians, headache..." Qin Mu's voice sounded slowly in Yinlin's ear.

Yinlin's fingers record something on the tablet quickly.

Qin Mu took a deep breath, "also, my skin is red and feels like fire. There is an indescribable strong feeling gathering in my body, such as..."

For example, when the word fell, Qin Mu suddenly stretched out a fist and hit the ground heavily.

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