Taking everyone downstairs, Chen Xinan was dumbfounded!

The entrance of the Four Seasons Hotel was already surrounded by people!

Even the general manager of the hotel, who rarely shows up, had already stood at the entrance with the hotel's administrative staff.

Originally, I thought that the hotel was hosting some group activities. The surroundings were decorated very festively, and there were even banners and large billboards.

When the general manager of the hotel came over with a smile on his face, shook hands with him and said compliments, Chen Xinan realized that these arrangements were prepared for him and everyone came to see him off.

Chen Xinan waved to everyone and turned to ask Li Qi, "Who are these people? Why don't you know them?"

Han Yunmei, who came over, smiled and said, "I don't know who posted the news that you left Dongchao today on the Internet.

You are now a celebrity on Dongchao's Internet, with many fans!

So these people came here spontaneously early in the morning.

Fortunately, the people of the Hongshitai Guard stopped them, and the Chaojing police maintained order, otherwise it would be difficult for you to go to the airport!"

Chen Xinan sighed helplessly.

Fortunately, Gong Musashi was dead, otherwise he would not be able to defend himself in such a crowd!

He never liked this kind of scene, so he said hello to everyone and turned to get on the minibus prepared by the escort team.

The car started, Zhiying suddenly turned around and lay down beside the car window.

Behind the crowd, a group of ragged teenagers were running with the car.

Chen Xinan said to Zhiying, "I'll ask the driver to stop, you say hello to them..."

"No need!" Zhiying didn't look back, lying on the window glass and staring outside, shaking her arms while crying and saying, "I'm afraid I won't want to go down!

But I have to cure my illness so that I can take better care of them!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said nothing more.

Both sides of the road were full of people who came to see him off spontaneously, most of whom were young women, which was unexpected by Chen Xinan.

In fact, it's not surprising. Dongchao was originally a country with a very developed fan circle culture. Any celebrity here has his own fan group.

Chen Xinan uncovered the Saint Master's disguise and deception and knocked him off the altar.

With his own strength, he disrupted and reorganized the eight chaebols that had been entrenched in Dongchao for hundreds of years and controlled the economic lifeline of the entire Dongchao.

Such great achievements have influenced almost every Dongchao person. It can be said that there is no one before and no one after.

The key is that he is still so young and handsome, with superb kung fu and superb medical skills. The most important thing is that he is young and rich. Which star idol can match his strength?

Isn't this a diamond bachelor, the idol in the hearts of all men, and the prince charming of women?

Just look at the girls outside and you will know.

One by one, they stood on the side of the road, holding a pre-made light board in their hands, with Chen Xinan's photo on it, and confessions in Chinese and Dongchao below.

Those words made Chen Xinan, a married man, feel overwhelmed and blushed!

Fortunately, there were guards and police to stop these crazy fans, otherwise Chen Xinan would be wishful thinking to get away!

Facing these women, Chen Xinan felt more nervous than facing Gong Musashi, and even helpless.

Fortunately, he was sitting in the car. Although the convoy was not driving fast, it never stopped and kept moving forward.

The road was not long, and it usually took more than ten minutes to pass, but now it took more than forty minutes.

Turning a corner and getting on the overpass, there were finally no people seeing off on both sides, the road became unblocked, and the speed of the convoy also increased.

An hour later, the convoy arrived at the airport, and his G3 was parked here. It had been specially approved by the chief to take off and the route, and it could take off at any time.

Chen Xinan got out of the car and said goodbye to everyone one by one

, and turned to board the plane.

After the carry-on luggage and gifts prepared in advance, large and small boxes were loaded on the plane, half an hour later, the plane flew into the blue sky with a huge roar and left Dongchao.

Seeing the people and buildings below turned into black dots, Chen Xinan was still reluctant to leave.

At this moment, two black shadows suddenly flashed on both sides. Looking out through the window glass, he saw two Dongchao fighters, one on the left and one on the right, sandwiching the G3 in the middle!

Li Qi glanced at Lei Ming and said in a deep voice, "It's the Dongchao K03 fighter, which claims to be comparable to the Huaxia DF07 fighter, but it's actually a shrunken version of the Eagle Flag Country's Hornet!

It can't even hit my DF05 model even if it locks on it first, and dares to challenge the 07?

I really don't know who gave them the courage to say such nonsense!"

Lei Ming smiled bitterly and said, "They can't beat our trainer plane, but they can beat our civilian airliner!"

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said, "Don't be nervous, they are not here to fight, otherwise they would have started long ago!"

Sure enough, An Jing and Wang Yalu pushed the cart, gave everyone drinks, and said to Chen Xin'an

"Brother Duan received a notice that the Dongchao Air Force sent two escort planes to see Mr. Chen off!"

Li Qi and Lei Ming simultaneously raised their thumbs to Chen Xin'an.




Chen Xin'an laughed and nodded.

In the past two years, he has traveled all over the world and visited many countries.

He was treated like a street rat and shouted at and beaten too many times. Chen Xin'an himself didn't know how many enemies he had made, and he was listed as a person not welcome to enter the country by so many countries!

There is no doubt that the treatment received in Dongchao is the best.

With this standard and treatment, I'm afraid this is nothing more than the first visit, right?

Although Chen Xin'an didn't care about these hypocritical manners, she could not help but feel a little restless after enjoying them.

After all, the feeling of being treated as a distinguished guest is not the slightest difference from the feeling of being chased and beaten like a street rat!

Having reached the boundary of Dongchao's airspace, Chen Xin'an waved to the fighters on both sides through the glass.

The two pilots on each fighter plane raised their right hands to Chen Xin'an at the same time, put them at the corner of their eyebrows, and performed a military salute.

Then the fighter plane tilted to both sides and flew away, drawing two semicircles in the air, turning around and flying towards the base.

Chen Xin'an relaxed completely, lay on the sofa and closed her eyes. Unexpectedly, she fell asleep.

But he just took a nap. After opening his eyes, Lei Ming said to him, "Master, we have arrived in China. We will arrive at Kyoto Airport in half an hour!"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Jing Jing came over, holding a teacup in her hand, and said to Chen Xin'an, "Boss, I made you a cup of tea, do you want to try it?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and took the tea cup. As soon as he opened the lid, a smell of tea came to his nostrils.

I have drank a lot of tea in the past two years and am good at tea ceremony. It is easy to distinguish good tea from bad tea.

"It's a bit like Xiaoqinggan, and a bit like Chen Pu. It tastes pretty good. The key is that it's freshly fried. It's quite fragrant when you drink it.

Not bad, this is our Chinese tea, right?

Why haven't you drank it before? "

Next to her, Wang Yalu covered her mouth and laughed, and said to Chen Xin'an, "Boss, your tea skills are amazing!

This tea was brought here by the landlady when we came here, so it can be drunk on the plane. It is very refreshing. "

Jing Jing nodded and said, "It's a new tea species cultivated by Aunt Xiao. It's called Cowardly Wolf Red. It's very popular in Kyoto now!"

Chen Xin'an asked strangely, "Why is Aunt Xiao growing tea?"

At this moment, Li Qi stood up excitedly, looked out the window and said to Chen Xin'an, "Boss, I saw Kyoto!"

Chen Xin'an turned her head out the window and looked at the tall buildings emerging from the gaps in the clouds below. She smiled and murmured, "We're home!"

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