Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3271 He has no idea how to exert force


Li Daxiong scolded loudly with a sullen face, but unfortunately no one paid attention.

As soon as they saw the boss being beaten, several young and Dangerous boys rushed over with knives and slashed at Li Qi!

Chen Xin'an neither stopped nor helped, just stood aside and watched quietly.

He wasn't worried about Li Qi at all.

The special operations king who came out of one of the most mysterious special operations forces in the mainland can't even deal with a few gangsters from outer port. So this so-called soldier king is really too weak!

Screams rang out, and Li Qi had already snatched the machete from one person's hand and broke his wrist!

With the knife in his hand, Li Qi was even more powerful. While dodging the knife in front of him, the machete in his hand carried the cold wind and struck the young and Dangerous boy in front of him in the face!

The blade reached his face, and the young and Dangerous boy was so frightened that he screamed, his eyes desperate, as if he had a premonition of death coming.

But just when the blade was less than an inch away from his face, the knife suddenly stopped. .??.

Then he turned the blade over at an extremely fast speed, with the back of the blade facing down, and then hit him on the bridge of his nose!

"Ouch!" The young and Dangerous boy screamed, covering his face with both hands, and nosebleeds flowed from his fingers.

In the eyes of outsiders, this guy was seriously injured and was hit in the face with a machete!

But he himself knew that they were merciful and spared his life.

The remaining young and Dangerous boys also seemed to have been killed to scare the monkeys. They no longer had the vigor they had just before. They were hit hard by Li Qi with the back of the knife. They screamed in pain and ran away holding their heads.

Zhang Huaili, who had already stood up, had red eyes and a ferocious face. He roared at Li Qi and rushed over like an enraged lion.

Li Qi swung the machete in his hand and waited for Zhang Huaili to rush forward. Without saying a word, he swung the machete horizontally and sent Zhang Huaili flying away with a bang!

Zhang Huaili fell to the ground and rolled around twice. He stretched out his arms and stood up again. He ignored the swollen half of his face and cursed at Li Qi:

“You damn thing, you lost your knife and you’re a man and you start a fist fight with me!

If I don't beat you, go to the ground and call me daddy.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Dad, my surname is not Zhang! "

Li Qi grinned, and actually threw the machete aside, pulled his sleeve, and raised his fingers at Zhang Huaili.

"A Li!" Zhang Huaina called out worriedly.

Zhang Huaili ignored her and spit out a mouthful of blood on the ground. He took off his coat in a few moments, revealing a black vest underneath.

The bare arms and chest were clearly covered with scars.

These are his medals of honor, souvenirs of countless street battles he has endured.

Ordinary people would be frightened to the point of weakness just by seeing these scars, let alone attacking him.

But Li Qi seemed not to have seen him, his eyes still showed no emotion when looking at Zhang Huaili, and he raised his fingers at him again.

The enraged Zhang Huaili yelled, clenched his fists and rushed towards Li Qi!

When he rushed in front of Li Qi, Zhang Huaili hit Li Qi's face with a closing fist.

He trusts his fists.

Because even he couldn't count how many people's noses he had broken with his fists!

He felt that his punches, both in speed and strength, had reached a point where it was difficult for ordinary people to resist. Any bullshit kung fu master would be defeated if they boxed with him!

This guy on the other side is really stupid. He doesn't even dodge and fights with him fist to fist!

Then you are looking for death!

I will cripple your hand first, and then take your life!

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhang Huaili's mouth, he clenched his right fist and punched it out with all his strength!

Li Qi also tried his best to fight him with a punch!


The two fists collided, and both sides took a step back.

Zhang Huaili's expression changed, as if he didn't expect that this guy would not lose in a fistfight with him.



There was severe pain in at least three fingers on my right hand, and I didn't know if they were injured.

Now was not the time to check the injuries. Zhang Huaili gritted his teeth and shouted at Li Qi: "You go to hell!"

He punched out his fists in turn, as if he was going to hit the opponent's head like a sandbag!

But no matter how fast his fists are, the opponent can always find traces and collide with his fists one after another!

Amidst a series of collisions, Zhang Huaili's punches were all blocked, and his face became increasingly ugly.

I don’t know how many punches he received, but Zhang Huaili was the first to be unable to bear it. He yelled, feinted, and withdrew his arm.

At this moment, both of his hands were swollen, as if there were a small piece of bread stuck to the back of each hand.

His hands were shaking uncontrollably, and he could no longer even perform the most basic fist-making movements!

There was also a look of horror on his face, as if he couldn't believe that he actually lost in a fist fight!

Li Qi didn't let him go, he rushed directly in front of him and punched him in the face again!

Zhang Huaili was beaten and took a few steps back, his steps staggering. Before he could stand firm, Li Qi followed him like a shadow and rushed over again with his fist raised, punching him twice in the chin!

At this moment, Zhang Huaili couldn't hold on any longer. His body was as stiff as a wooden stake, and he fell straight to the ground!

The young and Dangerous guys around were shocked!

The red stick of their club, who was said to be the best at beating An Xiang, was actually beaten to the ground with fists!

From the beginning to the end, none of them could get the slightest advantage from the other party, and they were completely solved by one person!

So now, seeing Zhang Huaili being knocked down, no one dared to rush up, but stretched their necks and swallowed saliva.

"Ah Qi! Enough!" Chen Xinan shouted, and Li Qi immediately turned around and walked to Chen Xinan's side.

Chen Xinan glanced at his hands, which were only slightly red, and his fingers and joints were

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He was relieved that he was not injured.

Knowing that the boss was worried about him, Li Qi grinned, shook his hands and said:

"That guy is still strong, but he only uses brute force and has no idea of ​​the trick of exerting force.

If this continues, he will definitely get Parkinson's when he gets old!"

Chen Xinan grinned, nodded and said nothing.

Of course, many of the so-called red sticks have a foundation in kung fu, but that was in the past.

Nowadays, most of the red sticks are the more vigorous ones in street fights.

He is more fearless than others and fights more fiercely.

All his skills are accumulated from street fights. He has no professional training and just squanders his strength.

Compared with the strength of those who have received special warfare training, the gap is imaginable.

"Ah Li!" Seeing his brother being knocked down, Zhang Huaina exclaimed loudly and shouted to the man next to him:

"Ah Hao, are you blind? That's your brother-in-law! He was beaten, wouldn't you go to help?

Dad, call your bodyguards and worshippers out!

Our own people were beaten like this, and you are still standing here watching the excitement. Can you bear it?

Are all of you stupid? Come on together, beat those two bastards to death..."

"Shut up!" Li Daxiong shouted angrily, staring at Zhang Huaina and scolding: "If you shout and scream here again, get out first!"

Zhang Huaina was stunned for a long time, her face turned pale, and she wanted to say something, but when she saw Li Daxiong's fierce eyes, she swallowed her words back.

Her father-in-law always spoke politely to her.

Even if she said something too much sometimes, he never argued with her.

But now, she could feel that her father-in-law was really angry.

If she dared to anger him again, he would really let the people around him kick her out of the hospital!

As for whether he would kick her out of the Li family, it depended on when he calmed down.

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