Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3274 You really opened my eyes today

Silver needles had already been pierced into Li Zhuo's shoulders. Even if the nurse reacted, she could no longer stop him.

Seeing Chen Xin'an's movements, the woman suddenly felt a strange feeling.

She has indeed studied ancient medicine, so it can be seen that Chen Xin'an is very familiar with the technique of acupuncture, and the acupuncture points are very accurate, she can do it easily!

This is definitely not something a person who only knows how to talk can do!

At this moment, the woman felt confident and had hope.

Maybe this person can really create miracles!

Doctor Cao shouted angrily: "Nurse Sun, hurry up and call security to come over and take this person away!

Dean Xie, you are fully responsible for what happened today!

No matter what the consequences are, it has nothing to do with us! "

"Okay!" the woman shouted to everyone: "I am fully responsible for this matter!

Thank you all for your hard work. Now you can go out and leave this place to me! "

Dr. Cao snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Other doctors and nurses quickly followed.

But when they were about to reach the door, everyone stopped.

Turning his head, Dean Xie was already standing next to the operating table, standing next to the stranger. He didn't say a word, but watched him intently as he performed the injection.

As if by magic, the stranger took out a needle bag with his left hand and spread it on the injured person.

The densely packed silver needles inside sparkled under the shadowless lamp.

The stranger's hands were like mechanical arms, quickly and accurately pulling out silver needles of different lengths, and dexterously lowering them onto the injured person's body.

The whole process was tense and orderly, but silent.

We are all doctors and experts. When encountering such a scene, our eyes are like being sucked by a magnet and we cannot move away.

I don't know who took the lead, but the group of people who were about to walk out unexpectedly turned around and returned to the operating table. They formed a circle and watched Chen Xin'an injecting the needle without blinking.

Chen Xin'an has no other focus at all and doesn't care about the other side.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

There was no one, just lowering their heads and doing their own thing.

Li Zhuo's biggest problem now is nerve necrosis.

But if you want to activate nerves, there is no more effective way than ancient medicine and acupuncture.

Therefore, Li Zhuo's current situation may be a headache for modern medicine.

However, in front of Chen Xin'an, it was an ordinary case with rich experience. He had done so many treatments like this since he was a child!

One hundred and thirty-eight silver needles were spread all over Li Zhuo's shoulders and chest.

The position and depth of each needle, as well as the time it remains in the body, are different.

Some even require a few seconds to pull out and then insert again.

Some of them cannot stop for a moment and must keep vibrating at all times.

Therefore, Chen Xin'an's hands never stopped from beginning to end.

Because the movement was so fast, afterimages even appeared in everyone’s eyes!

Everyone who had been rejecting and doubting Chen Xin'an just now had a common thought in their hearts: What a miraculous skill!

In fact, in outer Hong Kong, the attitude towards the inheritance of ancient medicine is not as repulsive as in the mainland, or is full of contempt and ridicule.

There are many inheritors of ancient medicine in Outerport, and there are also many masters of ancient medicine who can be called experts.

When everyone saw Chen Xin'an's actions, they knew that this person was a true descendant of ancient medicine, and his acupuncture skills had reached a very high level.

Not knowing how long it took, Chen Xin'an pulled out the silver needles, leaving only six needles stuck in Li Zhuo's shoulders.

He breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head and said to the woman beside him: "These six needles will be taken out after tonight. As long as he can endure pain and endure hardships during the recovery process, even if his arms return to their original appearance, it will be fine." not a problem!"

The woman seemed to have not recovered from the shock in her heart, and did not speak for a long time.



At this moment, a burst of applause came from her ears, which startled her!

Turning her head, she realized that no one from the group of people who had said they did not dare to take responsibility and wanted to leave the operating room had left, and they were all surrounding!

"You..." The woman looked at everyone strangely.

All of them looked repulsive and disgusted just now, but now they all looked admired, as if they had met their idols. .??.

But she also understood the mood of these guys. After all, she herself viewed the young man in front of her the same way.

“It’s true that since ancient times heroes have emerged from youth!” The woman praised sincerely: “Mr. Chen’s medical skills really opened my eyes.

You are right, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

No matter what the result is, Mr. Chen’s acupuncture technique today has opened my eyes!

If I read it correctly, this should be the long-lost Chen family acupuncture method, right?

The acupuncture technique created by Chen Shutang, the great hero of the previous dynasty, is indeed extraordinary!

Mr. Chen is actually a descendant of Master Chen, disrespectful! "

Chen Xin'an was shocked. He didn't expect that this woman could actually see the roots of his formation!

Before he could say anything, the woman turned around and ordered: "Send the injured to the inpatient department, and you should get off work as soon as possible!

Mr. Chen, it’s not convenient for you to go to my office. I want to have a chat with you! "

Chen Xinan nodded and said, "Then I'm sorry to bother Dean Xie!"

The people who had been waiting outside for more than an hour saw the operating light turned off and gathered at the door.

When Li Zhuo was pushed out from inside, everyone gathered around him.

Zhang Huaina burst into tears when she saw her son's pale face and motionless appearance!

"What did I say? That bastard came to harm my son!

He killed my son!

Zhuo'er, open your eyes and look at your mother!

Can you call me mother?

# Whenever verification appears, please do not use the incognito mode!

Zhuo'er, mom will avenge you! Even if I risk my life, I will make that bastard pay with his life!

Doctor Luo, nurse, the guy who just went in is still in there, right?

He is the murderer who killed my son, don't let him go! "

Li Daxiong frowned and cursed: "Why are you howling! If Xiao Zhuo was really dead, the white cloth would have covered him long ago!"

Doctor Luo said to her angrily: "What are you talking about? The injured person is just sleeping under anesthesia, who said he is dead?

Also, the person who just went in is a real master of ancient medicine!

Don't misunderstand him, okay?

If it weren't for his superb acupuncture to activate the injured person's arm nerves, the injured person would be a cripple in the future, and even need to be fed to drink water!

If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. People saved your son, and you still want to fight with them. Is there a mother like you? "

"Ah?" Zhang Huaina was dumbfounded, looking at Doctor Luo in disbelief, and then at her son.

Li Zihao on the side excitedly said to Dr. Luo: "You just said that my son's arm has healed?"

Dr. Luo said unhappily: "If he can endure the pain during the recovery period, he will be able to recover to the same state as before!"

"Great! Dad, did you hear that? My son is fine! You don't have to worry about him becoming a waste! He can still inherit the Li family in the future!" Li Zihao shouted excitedly to Li Daxiong.

Li Daxiong glared at him, but when he heard that his grandson had hope of recovery, his face eased and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Chen Xin'an and Ah Han coming out together, Li Daxiong walked over quickly, bowed deeply to Chen Xin'an and said:

"Mr. Chen, I... I don't need to thank you for your kindness. I was wrong before. In the future, even if I am marrying up, I have made friends with Mr. Chen!"

The woman scolded him rudely: "If you want to marry up, you have to ask if the other person is willing!

Get out of the way, I have something to say to Xiao Chen, don't block it here, accompany your grandson to the ward!"

Li Daxiong shook his head and smiled bitterly, but still got out of the way obediently.

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