The Sky Palace built on the mountain occupies a large area.

Visually estimate the past.

At least as big as several football fields!

Having experienced the devastation and erosion of wind and rain for an unknown number of years, it is already very dilapidated.

But it still can't hide its original majestic and magnificent momentum.

The canine-toothed mountains and rocks lined up all around, as well as the huge mountain behind the main hall, look natural and majestic.

Looking at such a large hall in front of him.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"This should be the main hall of this sect back then!"

Standing in front of the crowd, Wu Derong also had a thick green light in his eyes, and there was a little greed in his expression: "The most precious treasure may be right here!"

Just saying this.

He couldn't help gnashing his teeth again.

Because according to the original plan, Ji Hai should not appear here.

can now.

The guy followed.

There are so many treasures, it is absolutely impossible for him to swallow them all!

"Let's go in and have a look!"

Ji Hai nodded with a sneer, his eyes glowing with excitement, then he turned his head and said to the crowd: "When you enter the hall, don't touch anything rashly! If there are any traps or traps in the hall, how can you die?" Do not know at all!"

"There are still some treasures, which may be restricted or the like. If the treasures are not obtained, they may have been destroyed, and they will be killed!"

After some reminders and warnings, Dewu Dalang and others fell silent.

They naturally thought of traps and organs.

However, what Ji Hai said is more to remind them that the precious treasures that may be inside are not something they can touch, so they should not reach out.

if not.

Maybe you have to face Ji Hai's thunderous wrath!

Seeing that everyone bowed their heads in silence, Ji Hai nodded in satisfaction.


He turned his head and glanced at the old man beside him who had been silent with his hands down.

That moment.

in his eyes.

There was a flash of respect!


Then he turned around and walked towards the hall. ,

other people.

follow behind.

The plaque of the main hall is crooked, and many places outside are dilapidated, but the gate as a whole is intact and firmly closed.

Go to the gate.

Ji Hai wanted to raise his hand and push it away.

But the old man next to him suddenly grabbed Ji Hai's arm.

"Master... Mr. He, what's wrong?"

Ji Hai was stunned, and looked back in astonishment.

Wu Degong and others beside him also showed doubts.

Wu Derong had never seen this old man before.

Hearing Ji Hai call him Mr. He, he couldn't help frowning.

In the Wuyishan sect, there is no such an old man!

"This gate is restricted by formations, it cannot be pushed open!"

That old He's voice was hoarse, and he said to Ji Hai in a deep voice.

Formation restriction?

To Wu Dalang and others, such strange titles sound somewhat confusing.

The expression on Ji Hai's face changed slightly.


He stepped forward, trying to push the door with both hands!

But, nothing!

At the same time, he didn't dare to use his strength, fearing that there would be some traps or attacks prohibited by the formation.

Wu Degong next to him was a little impatient.

He snorted coldly.

With a backhand, he pulled out the long sword from his waist.

"Just break it open!"

With a clear shout, Wu Derong held a long sword and slashed at the door of the main hall.

No matter how strong the gate is, it will definitely not be able to stop the chopping of the sword.



Sparks fly.

The long sword snapped at the sound!

But Wu Derong's face was pale, and he staggered back for a long distance.

On the gate, there is an extremely terrifying anti-shock force.

Rao Shiru, who has the cultivation base of the early stage of the foundation period, almost can't bear it!

Although he was not injured, the sword was broken!

"Oh my god, this formation is so restrictive!"

Among the group of people including Wu Dalang, many people couldn't help but let out exclamations.

They looked at the gate of the main hall with fear and palpitations on their faces.

If they touch this, they will definitely not die or be disabled!

Wu Derong, who was back from the shock, had a pale face, but his eyes suddenly burst into more intense green light.

"There is definitely a peerless treasure in here!"

Wu Derong looked at the main hall in front of him and said excitedly: "It's just the main hall of the sect, how could it be protected with such a powerful formation!"

He has a foundation-building stage cultivation base, and there are not many formations that can block his attack under a full-strength attack.

"Now, how do we do it?"

Wu Derong calmed down a little, turned to look at Ji Hai, and asked.

Ji Hai was also excited and excited at this time.

But he ignored Wu Derong, turned to look at Mr. He, and said, "Mr. He, can you handle this?"

"This formation is indeed unique and powerful, but it can still be broken!"

He Lao chuckled, nodded and said.

His Huaxia language sounds a little awkward.

This made Wu Degong and others couldn't help guessing about the identity of this old He.

And Lin Tian, ​​who had already seen that He Lao was a warrior of the Yamato Island Sword, was also extremely surprised at this time.

This guy actually knows how to decipher the magic circle of a cultivator?

It is almost impossible for those who do not have cultivation methods and practice formations to break through the formations and restrictions!

Unless this old man is not only practicing the way of sword and martial arts, but also practicing formation!


He Lao began to search around the main hall for a clue.

After finding the eye of the formation, he began to draw the pattern of the formation to break the formation.

Originally, the formation here has gone through too long years, and it has long been broken.

No matter how powerful it is, the eyes of the formation are already vulnerable.


This old He was already quite powerful in formation techniques.


But ten minutes.

With a buzzing sound, the formations around the hall suddenly collapsed.

There were also bursts of smoke and dust around the hall.

"He turned out to be an array mage!"

Wu Derong looked at Mr. He in astonishment, and couldn't help but make a sound.

But Mr. He pretended not to hear, after finishing everything, he asked Ji Hai to open the door.

Ji Hai couldn't bear it long ago, stepped forward and pushed the door of the main hall open.

Under the clatter.

Inside the hall.


It is a majestic decaying atmosphere, with a long time, and the meaning of dilapidated vicissitudes.

What's more, it smells of rot and mustiness!

The main hall is huge and deep.

It is divided into front hall, middle hall and back hall.

The front hall is the most spacious.

It's just that there are only rows of messy futons here.

Come to think of it, this was the place where the sect masters gave lectures to their disciples.

Almost nothing.

And the nave.

In the middle seems to be the meeting hall of the high-level Zongmen.

On the side, there is an attic in the palace!

There is also a plaque at the entrance of the attic-Zangzhen Pavilion!

"It's here!"

Seeing the attic, Ji Hai exclaimed excitedly, "The precious things in this place should all be in there!"

"He Lao, is there a formation protecting this place?"

This time Ji Hai became more careful.

He didn't want to be as embarrassed as Wu Derong, and even get injured.

"There is no formation here, go in and have a look!"

He Lao shook his head and said firmly.

Ji Hai felt relieved and stepped in first.

Everyone else followed in.

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