Pieces of beasts all over the mountains and plains came galloping with soaring smoke and dust.

All kinds of wild animals, and many strange looking beasts.

They come in groups and pairs.

Compared with the many beast hordes that Lin Tian and others saw, the momentum was not weak at all.

Therefore, subconsciously seeing wild beasts rushing all over the sky, many people were terrified.

The monsters that can appear here, no matter how weak they are, are not that weak.

With so many rushing forward, Wuma Tieyu was unwilling to face it.

But take a closer look at this time.

It was found that there were no monsters in the mountains and plains at all.

All of them are just ordinary beasts!

See this situation.

Lin Tian and the others let out a sigh of relief.

For these ordinary beasts, there is no threat to them.

It only needs to exude a little breath from the body to make these guys flee in a hurry.

And it doesn't have to be done like everyone else.

The frontal beast that galloped over had already seen Lin Tian and the others.

far away.

They have already actively started to bypass.

Almost all of these beasts looked excited, without the slightest hint of panic.

It's like getting free after being trapped for a long time!

And everyone noticed.

These beasts seem to have galloped out from the tops of those mountain peaks.

The earth-shattering loud noises were caused by these beasts.

They spread their legs and run wild.

Lin Tian looked around and found that there were beasts galloping out of the dozen or so mountain peaks that he could see in front of him.

They are full of wildness, flying towards the distance.

"These beasts really came out of these weird mountains! That is, the entrance to the top of the mountain leads directly to the ground?"

Lin Tian frowned, and said in surprise: "Or is there an underground world under this mountain range?"

"Let's go over and see if it's okay!"

Mondo scratched his head and said in a low voice.


Lin Tian said very simply.

Everyone goes forward.

The beasts in front of them quickly avoided one by one.

Soon we reached the top of the mountain.

Here, countless beasts galloped out from the opening of the mountain top.

Of course.

Wild animals have always had a keen sense of smell.

They sensed the existence of Lin Tian and others, and they all changed directions and rushed away.

stand right here.

You can see a bottomless exit at the top of the mountain.

The exit is spiraling downwards, it is very gentle, and there is still light flickering vaguely.

Below, there really is another cave!

Stand here and look into the distance.

can see.

From the mountain peaks where the thick clouds and mist are located, there are almost dark entrances on the top of the mountain.

From these entrances, countless beasts rushed out.

The beasts all over the mountains really came out of the entrance on the top of the mountain.

look around.

The continuous mountain peaks can hardly see the end.

every mountain.

All have dark exits.

Looking at the whole area, it looks like a huge beehive, with countless beasts swarming out of it.

"Below, it's definitely an underground world!"

Mondo clenched his casserole-like fist and shouted excitedly.

Everyone else was excited too.

The underground world means many treasures, many adventures, and more existences that have never been seen or heard before.

For practitioners, exploring more improvements, obtaining more treasures, and improving their powerful cultivation base are all extremely exciting and exciting!

"Wahhahaha...the place where Elder Fenglong sits and transforms must be below here!"

Mo Xiaomo was the most excited. She danced and tugged at Lin Tian's clothes: "Let's go, let's get down!"

Lin Tian glanced at the entrance at the top of the mountain in front of him, then pointed to the distance, and said, "The Fengling just now went to the middle of the mountain! Why don't we go in from there? Follow Fengling, maybe we can get more Quickly find the place where the wind dragon sits and transforms you mentioned!"

"Okay... go over there!"

Mo Xiaomo came to his senses and nodded hastily.

Everyone flew down the mountain peak in front of them, and headed in the direction where Feng Ling was.

There is still a wind spirit fluttering away.

In the center of this mountain peak, there is obviously a tallest mountain peak.

Lin Tian and others moved forward, and all the beasts consciously gave way.

And the number of wild beasts that galloped out is also amazing.

It took a full stick of incense.

At the top of all the peaks, there are still beasts galloping out.

They galloped towards other directions of the island, and disappeared into the clouds not far away.


Lin Tian waited for a group of people to come to the top of the biggest mountain.

The exit at the top of this mountain is significantly larger than the previous ones.

The beast roared excitedly and kept gushing out.

The frontal beasts galloping out from below seem to be endless, and they are far from being cut off!

"Let's wait here for a while!"

Lin Tian thought for a while, then turned around and said to everyone.

Everyone has no objection.

With so many beasts galloping out, no one knew what was going on below.

Going in with these wild beasts in front of them, even the wild beasts retreat, but if there is any danger behind them, it will be bad.


Everyone didn't have to wait long.

About half an hour later.

Finally, no beasts appeared below the exit at the top of the mountain.

Looking back at other mountain peaks, there were no other beasts coming out.

The beasts all over the mountains and plains scattered in all directions, galloping away in all directions.

"Let's go and see!"

Lin Tian said to everyone, and then flew down along the exit.


There is also a wind spirit floating away.

This place may really be like what Mo Xiaomo said, it is the place where the wind dragon of the dragon clan sits and transforms.

What kind of wind dragon can exist in this branch world?

Definitely powerful.

Perhaps, comparable to the abandoned spirits I saw before!

"Yes, yes... definitely!"

Standing on Lin Tian's shoulder, Mo Xiaomo danced and danced, extremely excited: "I sensed the existence of dragon aura, I sensed it! Although it is very faint, it is indeed the unique dragon aura of my dragon clan..."

Hearing Mo Xiaomo's excited words, Lin Tian's consciousness spread downward.

But he couldn't detect anything.

The so-called dragon energy seems to be too weak. As a human race, it is difficult for him to sense it.

And Mo Xiaomo is a Black Dragon Clan after all, so it's normal to be able to sense it. ,

The spiritual sense detected hundreds of meters.

Below, after passing the distance of the mountain peak, there are passages and forks in the road.

It is really like a beehive, and the interior is also extending in all directions, like a maze.

Fortunately, there is a wind spirit floating in front of it.

These wind spirits seem to have a clear direction, without the slightest lingering.

"Ahhh... it's getting thicker and thicker, and the air is full of dragon energy! It must be the elder of the Fenglong branch of my dragon clan who has sat down here! This is definitely the place for that elder to sit down!"

Mo Xiaomo screamed excitedly, full of anticipation.

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