“Yes, master!”

No. 1 took the order, flew out at a speed several times faster than before, and began to wantonly capture wandering souls on the street!

If before No. 1 captured the wandering soul, it still needed to chase for more than ten seconds, then now it doesn’t need to be so troublesome at all… Fly directly and pounce, open two big hands, grab sharply, and you can easily catch two wandering souls at the same time!

Not only that, the strengthened No. 1 also brought Ye Yan another huge surprise – I saw that it swallowed the two wandering souls directly into his mouth, and then began to continue hunting!

That’s right.

The strengthened resentful soul, due to the strong quantum activity in the body, can already be temporarily stored for wandering souls.

Although the number of stored is not as large as the quantum energy storage tank, it is several times higher than the efficiency of catching one and having to run back!

In less than ten minutes.

Ye Yan stood by the window of the rental house, watching No. 1 fly around the street, swallowing the wandering souls into his mouth.

After storing more than ten wandering souls, No. 1 flew back into the house and spit out all the remaining wandering souls from his mouth to Ye Yan!

“No. 1, the quantum energy storage tank will be open all the time, after you capture the wandering soul, it will be directly shredded, it will be automatically absorbed, understand?”

Ye Yan ordered.

“Yes, master!”

The super serum not only strengthened the strength of No. 1 in all aspects, but even his comprehension ability correspondingly improved a lot… This is why it chose to swallow the wandering soul and bring it back, rather than catch it one by one.

“In this way, the fully automatic soul capture chain has basically been completed!”

“The rest is to create a little more ghost controllers and look for more traces of grievances!”

With the one million given by Zhu Jiashu before, Ye Yan could use the money to build another 20 ghost controllers… But obviously, it doesn’t take so much.

According to Ye Yan’s idea, as long as there are three to five ghost controllers and control three to five grievances, they can basically handle everything.

What’s more, every Ye Yan has to give orders, which is also a more troublesome thing, and after the ghost artificial intelligence program is manufactured, Ye Yan does not need to give instructions one by one, directly through the ghost artificial intelligence program, you can complete the intelligent control of all grievances!

“The Ghost AI program… Be just round the corner! ”


In the following time, Ye Yan went to buy parts again, spent time and effort, and made four ghost controllers.

During this time, No. 1 almost 24 hours a day without stopping, at the speed of capturing 300 wandering souls a day, quickly accumulated raw materials for Ye Yan!

In fact, the number of grievances caught every day is six or seven hundred.

But since the resentful soul itself also needs a certain amount of wandering soul consumption, it devours a lot… This is also within the scope of Ye Yan’s permission.

So the 1,000 wandering souls that were originally particularly difficult were all accumulated in just three days.

Ye Yan did not let No. 1 stop at this point.

In addition to the wandering souls specially used to embed materials for the basis of the ghost artificial intelligence program, the extra wandering souls, Ye Yan will make them all into super serum!

In half a month, Ye Yan’s quantum energy storage tank not only had thousands of values, but also nearly thirty super serums on the table at home!

No. 1 was busy catching wandering souls every day, and Ye Yan used the computer, flying his hands on the keyboard, and began to program the basic programming of the ghost artificial intelligence program!

The so-called artificial intelligence, in fact, is also a data software.

Since it is software, it must be inseparable from the most basic code construction and programming.

In the past half a month, Ye Yan’s biggest job every day is to knock code like countless programmers!

But unlike the programmers, what Ye Yan knocked out was not ordinary code, but real quantum sequence code!

AI programs are much harder than ghost controller code.

Even if Ye Yan knocks for more than 10 hours a day, there is a lot of progress waiting for him!


When the alarm clock rang, Ye Yan didn’t look at it, and directly turned off the alarm clock on his mobile phone.

Then pull a super serum from the table and drink it!

A breath-through and cool feeling of comfort swept through his body, and Ye Yan closed his eyes to enjoy this comfortable and comfortable feeling… A moment later, when Ye Yan opened his eyes again, his vision in front of him became clearer, he saw any object more clearly, and the power in his body was stronger than before!

Super serum, once again raised Ye Yan’s physical limit!

Since the super serum takes time to digest, Ye Yan deliberately calculated the digestion time… Only in this way can he avoid taking too much super serum in one breath and causing his body to explode and die!

Not only him, but also Number One.

Ye Yan originally thought that quantum life was different from material life and could be strengthened at will, but as a result, he poured two bottles of super serum on No. 1 in one go, and No. 1’s quantum activity instantly skyrocketed, and green light appeared all over his body, and he almost exploded and died!

Fortunately, Ye Yan quickly stopped after noticing the abnormality, and only then did he pick up a small life of No. 1.

But after another super blood cleansing, the No. 1 quantum activity continued to rise, reaching more than 5,000, and had properly entered the ranks of high-level grievances!

I believe that after a few more enhancements, No. 1 will be able to successfully evolve from a grumbling soul to a powerful ghost!


Ye Yan was just about to return to knocking the code, when No. 1 returned.


Ye Yan immediately noticed an abnormally high quantum activity fluctuation.

He turned his head and saw No. 1 spit out a hideous-looking low-level resentful soul from his mouth!

“Let me go, big brother!”

“Please don’t eat me! Don’t eat me! ”

As soon as the low-level resentful soul appeared, he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

But when it looked up and saw a smiling human standing in front of it, Dengshi was stunned, and then changed the pleading look just now, and turned into anger, greed, covetousness, and insidiousness!

“Your body, I take it!”

The low-level resentful soul couldn’t wait to pounce.

But before it could make a move, No. 1 used its big fan-like hand to severely strangle the throat of the low-level resentful soul!


“Kill or not?”

Number One asked bluntly.

“You… You…… You…”

The low-level grievance glared at its scarlet eyes when it landed.

A high-level grudge soul actually called a human “master”?!

“Kill what kill?”

“This is your second brother!”

The corner of Ye Yan’s mouth hooked.

Before the low-level resentful soul could understand what was going on, Ye Yan had already pressed the ghost controller of the six-pointed star on its body!

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