His father, Zhang Dong, did know. But now there is no time to grieve. Instead of dealing with the second son, I rush to the main company group building to deal with major emergencies.

Zhang Cheng went to the company and was blinded.

This is a subsidiary of Zhangjia group, the whole company is empty, even the door security are missing.

"What's the matter? Check it right away! What the hell happened! " Zhang Jianli and Maling's secretaries investigate.

After the investigation, all the people in this subsidiary company were poached.

You dig if you want, you rob the security?

His father Zhang Dong's situation is more serious. The head office lost a lot of staff, and all kinds of contracts signed earlier became invalid, and a lot of creditors came to the door.

Even the company building was found to have a problem with the building, which needs to be demolished immediately.

At the same time, a series of negative news about Zhangjia made headlines and the stock market plummeted.

That night, the property of Zhangjia shrank sharply, leaving less than 10 million real estate in Zhangjia, and the debt was as high as 3 billion.

Zhang Dong has the heart to jump, but because he still has tens of millions of insurance in his name, he can save some money, which is enough for him to be happy for the rest of his life.

That night, Zhang Dong called a meeting of senior executives of the company.

At the meeting, Zhang Dong announced on the spot that the company would be inherited by Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng was confused on the spot? What is this? Let him take the blame.

"Don't worry, son. Dad won't leave you alone. You give your father support, and he will help you solve the debt after he has dealt with the practice. " Zhang Dong pats Zhang Cheng on the shoulder and gives him a look of "father believes in you".

Zhang Cheng wants to cry without tears. Dare he refuse? Behind him stood four big men.

Under the threat, Zhang Cheng can only agree tearfully.

In this way, Zhang Chengcheng took over all the debts of Zhang Jia for the sake of Zhang Jia.

As for Zhang Dong, he didn't want to help Zhang Cheng solve his debt at all.

What son? Just another one.

That night, I went to the hotel with Xiao San and Xiao Si.

"Zhang Da Shao... Oh no, it should be the master of Zhang Jia. Look, it's less than one day. I promised you that I would do it."

Song Xiaofan swaggers into Zhang Cheng's office and laughs.

"How did you get in?" Zhang Cheng was shocked. His father was afraid that he would run away, so he left people at the bottom to guard him.

But when song Xiaofan is so powerful, those people at the bottom may have no choice but to take him. Otherwise, song Xiaofan would not appear in his office.

"What is that? Pure broken is blind cat meets dead mouse, say again I this calculate which family Zhang Jia master? " Zhang Cheng is not afraid of song Xiaofan now.

With so many debts, he can't pay them off in his 18 lives. What else can song Xiaofan do with him? That's the life.

"Don't worry, Master Zhang, I said that it's not time for you to take charge of Zhang in one day." Song Xiaofan smiles.

"Ha ha." Zhang Cheng grinned and didn't make a sound. He was lying on the table, decadent to the extreme.

Unconsciously, Zhang Chenggong fell asleep on the table. At dawn, he was awakened by urine.

As soon as Zhang Cheng left the office, he saw that the company was full of employees.

One eye staring at him, let Zhang Cheng hair.

"If you want money, if you want life, you can do it!" Zhang Cheng's heart a horizontal, anyway all like this, love who who who.

"Master Zhang!" Unexpectedly, a group of employees bowed to salute Zhang Cheng.

The Secretary reported that this morning, the bank suddenly cancelled the freezing of Zhang Jia's account. At the same time, creditors not only didn't demand debts, but also added funds to Zhang Jia's account.

At the same time, the value of Zhangjia shares rose to the price one day ago.

Zhang Jia, live again! And the company also appreciate 300 million!

Zhang Cheng, who accounts for all the assets of Zhang's family, has become a rich man worth 2.5 billion.

It's all dreamlike and unreal.

Zhang Cheng rubbed his eyes and pinched his face. It hurt! an ecstasy!

I didn't expect that Zhang Cheng had today!

Soon, Zhang Cheng's father, Zhang Dong, was in a hurry to enter the company.

"Son, I've settled the matter for you. You can go down and have a rest." Zhang Dong is dignified and solemn.

"You solved it for me? Who are you getting? " Zhang Dong sneered.

"Son of a bitch! I'm your father Zhang Dong is angry. With a wave of his hand, he wants his men to control Zhang Cheng.

"No, no, now I'm your father." Zhang Cheng shook his head.

"Asshole! Do it for me Zhang Dong was angry, but no one dared to attack Zhang Cheng.

People are not stupid. Whoever has money under his hands has the final say. Zhang Dong is worth tens of millions at best. How can he compare with Zhang Cheng, who is worth billions?

Father and son? Forget it.

Zhang Cheng waves and climbs up to Zhang Cheng with Zhang Donglai's three and four.

Zhang Dong stamped his feet angrily, "son of a bitch, if you do this, you won't be afraid of retribution!"

"Retribution? Oh! You'd better kneel down and beg me now. I'm in a good mood and I can keep a job, otherwise. I'll drive you out of Zhangjia! " Zhang Cheng sneered.

Zhang Dong is impatient and goes forward to fight with Zhang Cheng.

People have not been up, Zhang Cheng was ordered, his men rushed up, beat him half dead, thrown out of the company.

Zhang Cheng sits in the office. It's not over.

This is a scandal for Zhang. Zhang Cheng knows who his father Zhang Dong is.

That's a cruel character. Zhang Cheng won't give him a chance to take revenge.

Zhang Cheng contacted the black hand and immediately drove a car into Zhang Dong's mansion.

Four people climbed into the window and knocked Zhang Dong unconscious. They immediately drove to foreign countries and sent Zhang Dong to a desert island, letting him live and die.

When Zhang Cheng heard that he had succeeded and that he was on the road, he hummed happily.

"Master Zhang!" Song Xiaofan pushes the door in, while Li Miaomiao follows song Xiaofan carefully.

Teng! Zhang Cheng jumped out of his seat.

"Oh, what brings you here?" Zhang Cheng laughs and his eyes are cruel.

He quietly pressed the red button under the table, the company's security received the alarm, and all rushed to Zhang Cheng's office.

"Master Zhang, I've done it for you. Now it's time for you to fulfill my request." Song Xiaofan casually finds a seat and asks Li Miaomiao to sit down.

"Miaomiao, this is my home. Don't worry. Sit down."

Zhang Cheng's face is gloomy. What's his home? This is his company, OK!

"What are you doing here with me?" Zhang Cheng cursed.

"Pay attention to your words. You are my dog now. I give you everything you have!" Song Xiaofan looks unhappy.

Zhang Chengwen laughs. He doesn't believe that anyone in the world has such ability.

All these are just fortunes, pure fortunes.

It was God who favored him and made him the head of the family.

"Oh, just pretend. But... Seeing how beautiful your sister is, I'll give you a chance to apologize. " Zhang Cheng stares at Li Miaomiao's face.

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