Lin Li took Lin Ruofei's hand and said.

"Maybe Chen Weiguo got you in!"

Mother in law naturally knew that Lin Li did not have that strength, that is to say, someone must have opened the back door for her.

According to this guess, song Xiaofan thinks that Chen Weiguo is the most suspect.

"How is your relationship with manager Chen, ruofe?"

"Now that Lily has gone to their group, we need to help her."

My mother-in-law stood by and said with a mysterious smile.

Song Xiaofan stood by and looked at the two dreamy mothers and daughters, feeling a trace of speechless.

Are these two so mindless?

Lin Ruofei frowned on one side and said in some difficulty: "in fact, I'm not familiar with him at all. Basically, I've given all the things I've done to him to my subordinates!"

"Besides, although it's a group, your two companies are not the same!"

"Oh, what's the matter with that!" My mother-in-law suddenly poked her head out of the kitchen and said.

"Maybe people like Lily?"

"I think nine times out of ten it has something to do with that boy!"

My mother-in-law has a very good impression of Chen Weiguo.

In her eyes, Chen Weiguo is a perfect person if he wants to have skills, money and looks.

"Better than some people, at least!"

His mother-in-law looked at Song Xiaofan, who could not help but look white.

Although song Xiaofan and Lin Ruofei came back together, their mother-in-law and Lin Li always ignored song Xiaofan.

In their opinion, song Xiaofan can't even compare with Chen Weiguo.

"Song Xiaofan, you come to cook!"

Seeing song Xiaofan's cowardly face, his mother-in-law couldn't help feeling angry.

When even if the cooking thing to song Xiaofan.

As for cooking, song Xiaofan didn't know how long he had been doing it. Naturally, he was easy to catch.

Just when mother-in-law and Lin Li are chatting, suddenly Lin Ruofei seems to think of something.

In a hurry, he took out his cell phone and made a call to Li Ming.

"Li Ming, please contact the manager of the personnel department tomorrow to see if you can find some technical staff, mainly for the maintenance and operation of machinery. The salary is not a problem."

"In addition, you are responsible for selecting and checking. Remember, don't work as a general worker!"

Lin Ruofei finished all this and just hung up the phone.

One side of the mother-in-law suddenly asked“ How come I've never heard that your company needs to recruit technicians? "

Lin Ruofei's company is mainly engaged in business. She has never heard of when Lin Ruofei's company will deal with machinery.

"Is it Chen Weiguo?"

My mother-in-law laughed a little unkindly.

Lin Ruofei looked at this daydreaming mother, can not help but some speechless, also can only tell this afternoon what happened to his mother-in-law and Lin Li.

After hearing this, Lin Li said excitedly, "sister, do you mean Lin Fangze took the initiative to find you?"

Before Lin Ruofei could say it, she heard her mother-in-law say, "you know, your sister is a famous strong woman in the whole North County. She doesn't look like some scum. She only knows how to spend her family's money!"

When mother-in-law said this, her eyes could not help drifting to song Xiaofan. She thought in her heart, "smelly boy, if you don't get out of the Lin family for me, you will feel better in the future!"

"In fact, this is not the case!" Lin Ruofei is not happy.

"I know what you're going to say. Who's the one that stinky boy's looking for?"

"Ruofe, you're not old enough. You should have some brains. Don't you know what other people are and what they are?"

"I don't know where he got the grapevine."

"Maybe they just want to cooperate with you, and in the end it will be his credit."

The mother-in-law persuades Lin Ruofei with sincere words, and between the lines is disdain for song Xiaofan.

But all these things are dispensable to song Xiaofan. If song Xiaofan is really angry with his mother-in-law, his years of forbearance will be in vain.

"Can you stop talking?"

Lin Ruofei said displeased.

"I'll go to the bathroom and we'll be ready to eat!"

Mother in law quickly got up and ran all the way back to the room.

Lin Li also has some doubts when she looks at her mother-in-law's behavior.

"There's a bathroom on the first floor. Why go back to your room?"

As early as a few minutes ago, song Xiaofan had already cooked the rest of the dishes.

See mother-in-law such abnormal behavior, song Xiaofan is to see in the eyes.

Song Xiaofan's mother-in-law's careful thinking is not clear. This woman has been secretly helping Lin Longshan fight against Lin Ruofei. Although it's not to harm Lin Ruofei, it's obvious that the purpose is to drive him out of the Lin family.

"It's really rubbish!"

Lin Ruofei saw song Xiaofan standing silent and muttered angrily.

Just now, although her mother-in-law said that song Xiaofan was not good, she was also very upset, but seeing song Xiaofan so weak and incomparable, she was even more angry.

Although song Xiaofan's performance sometimes surprised her, Lin Ruofei was more willing to believe that all this was just song Xiaofan's radical actions. As for normality, it was more like a counsellor.

Lin Li's impression of song Xiaofan has changed since Song Xiaofan helped her last time. However, when she saw her mother-in-law slandering song Xiaofan like that, song Xiaofan didn't respond. She let her mother-in-law abuse her at will and had no family status at all.

"It's really useless!" Lin Li also said with a trace of disappointment.

Song Xiaofan looks at Lin Ruofei and Lin Li's actions. Although he feels uncomfortable, it's a good thing for him.

A few days ago, he was too high-profile.

If you want to help Lin Ruofei secretly, you must let others not notice yourself.

Now the only best way is to use his mother-in-law to make others feel that they have as much waste wood as they have. Only in this way can people's impression of him be diluted.

So that anyone who mentions song Xiaofan is the weak son-in-law of the Lin family.

The next day, Lin Longshan came to Gaolong Technology Co., Ltd.

Today's Lin Longshan is very ceremoniously dressed. It looks like he is going to have a wedding.

When it comes to reasons, Lin Ruofei can't do without it.

But today he came here to pry away Lin Ruofei's list!

When his mother-in-law called him last night, he still had a trace of disbelief.

It was only a day before the gambling, but song Xiaofan did it to Lin Ruofei yesterday.

Obviously, behind this, either Lin Ruofei secretly instigated or master Lin secretly helped.

As for song Xiaofan, he is a man of great strength.

"I don't care who's behind you. If you meet me, you'll be unlucky!"

Lin Longshan checked the documents he had with him and came to the front desk after confirming that they were correct.

"Tell you the president, it's Lin Longshan who has something to do with him!"

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