"You're very strong, but I'm not that stupid to drink it." Song Xiaofan disdains the way.

"I won't betray our employer!" Song Xiaofan has not begun to ask questions, 42 panic, directly said such a sentence.

"I already know who sent someone to kill me. It doesn't matter. The more I come, the more I like it. He doesn't have enough money and I can help him out. " Song Xiaofan is arrogant.

How crazy!

This is the only feeling on the 25th.

What kind of organization is blood prison? It's the most powerful killer organization in the world. This young man who is younger than them can say such words that he is not afraid of death.

"You..." choked 42.

"I won't kill you, and you don't have to bite your tongue to kill yourself. My advice to you is to find more people to kill me." Song Xiaofan also does not hide, is still a pair of arrogant appearance.

He pinched them by the neck and went out the door.

"Kill me!" For a killer, the most humiliating thing is this. He would rather be killed by song Xiaofan than live.

"You will die sooner or later, but it must not be now." Song Xiaofan like carrying a dead dog, carrying two people to go outside the community.

It's not that he's willing to let the tiger go back to the mountain, but that these two people still have a certain use value.

In this case... Don't blame me.

In Song Xiaofan a distraction, 25 directly from his hands to break free, take the opportunity to give song Xiaofan an attack.

Nine cyan spots appeared in the air. Under the control of No. 25 neiqi, they quickly entered song Xiaofan's back, leaving no trace.

Song Xiaofan was both surprised and surprised. It turns out that

It turns out that this guy is the murderer of Zhao Guozhong! Song Xiaofan, who originally wanted to save his life, couldn't help nursing.

The two fists attack like tigers. Song Xiaofan approaches No. 25 step by step, but No. 25 has almost no fighting power. Under the attack of song Xiaofan, No. 25 can't hold.

What's going on? Didn't you have a nice face just now?

Why are you angry first? 25 is a little confused.

42 also see muddle, but didn't dare to hand, he himself a few Jin several Liang, still have a number in mind.

"You must die for me today!" Song Xiaofan forced out the poison power of Jiuqing poison palm in his body, turned his hand into a knife and waved it away.

No. 25, who is five grades behind song Xiaofan, is a big difference in speed and agility.

Hard received song Xiaofan so strong a blow, 25 a mouthful of blood jet out, on the spot dizzy in the past.

"Tell me, who asked you to kill Zhao Guozhong!" Song Xiaofan beat him to flesh and blood, then picked him up and asked.

"Yes... Yes..." before he finished, he bit down the poison bag in his mouth and committed suicide.

Song Xiaofan threw him aside, looking at the 42 who had been scared to shit.

"Big... Sir, I don't know who his employer is. We didn't work together before." No. 42 is trembling for fear that song Xiaofan will slap him in the face.

Not together? So why do you two look so similar?

"He is my twin brother, I failed to assassinate you, so I took the initiative to find him." He explained.

"OK, I see. You go back to your organization and get me more people. If you finally let that beauty scorpion in your organization assassinate me, you will be rewarded heavily." Song Xiaofan seduced him.

"I can help you get rid of the poison bag, let you out of the control of blood prison, and also can arrange a decent, high paid and relaxed bodyguard job for you, as long as you cheat her out." Song Xiaofan can feel that this brother's mind is obviously not as firm as his brother's.

Beauty scorpion?!

No. 42's heart trembled. This name is the name that almost all members of the blood prison would tremble when they heard it, because this woman is too coquettish and terrible.

He didn't expect that the purpose of this man was to attract beauty scorpion, which was really shocking.

But my heart has begun to shake.

He didn't have much affection for the blood prison, and he also yearned for the free and prosperous human life.

More importantly, he also wanted to see how terrible the legendary beauty Scorpion was. He wanted to see what would happen to the boy who didn't know how powerful he was.

"Really?" Asked the 42nd.

"I never cheat." Song Xiaofan said seriously.

Actually, as a younger brother, this man is really on a whim, but looking at the current situation, he really needs a friendly army to help him break into the enemy.

25 is too toxic to use. No. 42 is not smart and belongs to the type of honest people, so it is also the easiest to cheat.

"Well, that's a deal." 42 nodded.

He has no other choice, he is afraid of death, he has not played enough in this colorful world.

So, it is a new day, 42 and Murong Su about to meet in the coffee shop, 42 a embarrassed, bitter tone: "Murong son, this is the deposit you give me, my task failed, please count."

Murong Su is shocked. How can it be!?

He has seen the ability of No. 42 with his own eyes. It's more than enough to solve a little song Xiaofan, unless... Unless song Xiaofan didn't use his best to fight Qinglong hall that day?

No. 42 shows his wounds to show that he has never hit song Xiaofan.

"I also called my brother for help. He was No. 25, a class B killer, and he died in Song Xiaofan's hands." 42 indignantly.

"I don't care! I don't care! Go and help me find a killer who can defeat him. The first class and the supreme class can do it. Money is not a problem. " Murong Su wants to kill song Xiaofan. He has already thought of the state of madness.

His spies in the glory group told him that song Xiaofan took Lin Ruofei home every day and gave her meals, basically staying in the glory group.

Murong su'ang roars, why! Why can song Xiaofan get Lin Ruofei's favor when he has nothing, and he has everything and needs nothing, but he can only be a villain here.

He hated song Xiaofan.

"Yes, I'll go back to the organization to provide you with advanced services." 42 responded.

The so-called advanced service means that it is extremely difficult to assassinate an assassin. Only when two or more assassins are killed can you apply for advanced service.

Under the advanced service, almost all killers can hire by order, and they only need to pay cash on delivery without paying a deposit.

On the 42nd, he was a little worried because there was still no way to count the top five killers of blood prison organization in the advanced service.

The best one left for Murong Su is killer No. 6. She is the female assassin who is one step closer to the top of the class A.

Of course, this person is not a beauty Scorpio. She gives her nickname rosemary. Her appearance is gentle and harmless, and she looks very pure. But as long as she makes a move, she must be vigorous and resolute.

She is very good at camouflage, the most favorite camouflage is female college students, female high school students, young women of the society

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