However, he felt a chill in his neck at the moment. When he looked down, it was the dagger that purton often used.

Needless to imagine, the one standing behind him is song Xiaofan who came all the way to kill him. At this time, the prey has changed his identity and become the supreme hunter.

"Hands up!" Song Xiaofan's serious and cold voice made Klein's psychological defense line collapse in an instant.

Bean point big sweat from his forehead to his neck, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, said: "let me go, how much money I am willing to give you."

Although he knew that the other party would not be greedy for the money, it was his only way to survive.

"Ah!" Just finish saying this sentence, song Xiaofan stabbed the dagger into Klein's left arm in an instant, and the pig cry like killing pig resounded through the whole floor.

"Does it hurt?" Song Xiaofan asked coldly.

"It hurts." Klein doesn't have the strong defensive ability of Upton. In terms of physique, he is just a little stronger than normal people.

He was almost bursting into tears.

"You have to be ready to be killed before you kill, don't you? It looks like you're not ready Then song Xiaofan raised the dagger again and poked it into Klein's right arm.

"Hiss... Hiss... Hiss." Crane clenched his teeth and didn't shout.

There are several blood grooves designed on this knife. It is extremely vicious, and the pain it brings is several times stronger than ordinary daggers.

"One bullet, one knife." Song Xiaofan pulls out the dagger, plays with it and appreciates Klein's expression

Klein seems to see the hope of life, a bullet a knife, it is not his own will not die, this at most also waste two arms.

"Let me go, let me go." Klein prayed.

He still has a lot of money to run out, he still has a lot of things to enjoy, he should not end here.

Song Xiaofan's expression is fierce again, but there are still some banter in it.

He picked up the AWM lying flat on the ground and slowly picked it up: "kill you with your proudest thing, you should not be too lonely in hell."

Klein panicked again, didn't he say one bullet and one knife?

"A wound, a bullet." Said, song Xiaofan directly and rudely put AWM into Klein's mouth.

Slam the trigger.

"Bang!" Brain splash, Klein's eyes still remain frightened, the whole back of the head has been shot into a flower.

Plasma and white brain flower mixed together, some nausea.

This guy doesn't know how many lives there are in his hands. He does it for the sake of the dead.

Song Xiaofan also sat down wearily against the wall, tore off a piece of cloth from Klein's clothes and covered his bleeding left arm wound.

He went back to the car, folded the cloth, bit the cloth tightly, disinfected the wound with cotton alcohol, and then took the tweezers from the medical box to slowly remove the bullet.

In the absence of anesthetics, the pain was almost heartfelt. Song Xiaofan's head was covered with sweat and his throat was hissing.

"It's such a mess." Song Xiaofan bandaged the wound with gauze in the medical box and put the magland bullet into his pocket.

It's a symbol of honor. I've been wandering in the bloody wind and rain for so many years, but I've never been shot. Today, this is the first time. Of course, such a commemorative bullet should be preserved.

"How? Has it been solved? " Rosemary kept a close eye on the instrument and found that the red and green dots were together. It was obvious that they had already played each other.

"OK, but I got a bullet in my arm. I'm afraid it will affect my next fight." Song Xiaofan was a little worried.

In order to lead out the scorpion beauty, how many crimes have he suffered? I'm afraid he brought in the killers of the whole blood prison organization.

"If you don't come to me, I'm safe here. I know a very powerful doctor." Rosemary cares.

"Thank you for your kindness. There are still some things on my side. The wounded can't be found by other killers. Just take care of yourself."

"By the way, say hello to brother Li Feng for me." Song Xiaofan said.

Rosemary is still a very nice girl. Although her hands are covered with blood, song Xiaofan doesn't think it's necessary to be hostile to her.

She's a poor person, too.

"OK... OK." At the mention of Li Feng, rosemary began to feel nervous again.

She has paid the medical expenses to the hospital, and her younger brother should have started the bone marrow replacement operation now. She hopes to see a healthy younger brother appear in front of her again.

Sometimes she is also very self reproach, as a sister, in such a critical time actually can't accompany in the brother's side.

"I'll go back first. Take care of yourself." Song Xiaofan hung up the phone and left the barren suburb with one foot.

There are bloodstains on his clothes and trousers. Now he can't go back to glory group. He doesn't want Lin Ruofei to worry about it.

As a man, it's hard to be tired and have to carry on one's back.

The luxury car now looks dilapidated. The front cover and door of the car have been damaged, and the left window glass has been shot through a big crack by Klein's sniper gun.

Embarrassed to return to their own community, but found that there were people at home.

Yes, Zhao Tong seems to have told him that she doesn't go to the hospital to work these days. She asks for leave to play at home.

It is estimated that it was caused by too much pressure some time ago.

Seeing song Xiaofan's blood, Zhao Tong is scared and runs to the bathroom to get a basin of hot water.

"What's the matter with you? Are you going to fight in Saudi Arabia? Why is the whole body full of blood? " Zhao Tong teases and cares.

"You've used so many tubes. It's just a bullet." Song Xiaofan raised his left arm.

The blood had passed through the gauze, and there was a large blood red on the gauze.

The power of this bullet was really enormous. It almost penetrated his whole arm. Fortunately, it only injured the muscle and did not break the bone, otherwise it would be more troublesome.

Zhao Tong is also a nurse. She gets tired of occupational diseases in a moment and takes off song Xiaofan's bloodstained clothes. However, when she takes them off completely, she regrets it again.

Song Xiaofan's figure is perfect.

The determined eight light copper abdominal muscles are like artworks carved by hand, with smooth lines and perfect proportion. There are several knife marks on the solid Hun's chamber, and fresh blood spilled from it.

This scene just bombed Zhao Tong's eyeball, male hormone burst, OK. This is more attractive than the figure of the male model she saw in the magazine.

She turned red immediately.

This kind of feeling is not different from that we men see women's smooth body.

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