He didn't expect that Lin Ruofei came to participate in the race and hired a driver who looked good.

Wait, how did she fall in love with this driver?

Is it true that women have been lonely for too long and are so hungry?

"Mr. Lin, it's a coincidence that you are also here to take part in this car race?" Wu Minghai with a few men, come to talk.

Song Xiaofan takes a look at Wu Minghai. This man is well dressed. He has a black suit with a purple collar, a moustache and a black hat. He really has a sense of being a business tycoon.

"Well, it's a coincidence." Lin Ruofei and Wu Minghai met several times in several commercial activities, which is also a recognition, but only a recognition.

"It's a good car." Wu Minghai walked in front of the car, looked at the high-end engine in the trunk lid and exclaimed.

"Your driver doesn't look professional. There should be no special training." Then Wu Minghai looked at Song Xiaofan again.

There is no lack of provocation and contempt in the eyes.

"Er, I think you misunderstood. This is me..." Lin Ruofei was stopped by song Xiaofan before she finished speaking.

"No professional training? Why don't we have a warm-up first? " Song Xiaofan naturally showed no weakness.

I can't say how outstanding his driving skills are, but it's not a problem to hang these professional drivers. When he was racing on the cliff and showing his driving skills in front of death, these kids were not playing with mud.

"With that in mind, Gao Feng, come here and find you an opponent." He hailed a racer in a white driver's uniform behind him.

"This is my racing driver, the first place in this year's Dongdu championship." Wu Minghai introduced this tall driver, Gao Feng.

This is a professional racing driver. He has made a lot of achievements in the field of racing. He is the best one among the young generation of drivers.

Gaofeng's position in the field of racing is no less than song Xiaofan's in the soldiers. He is the king of soldiers, so this Gaofeng can be called the king of racing.

He started racing at the age of 17 and stepped onto the track at the age of 18. In the first race, he won the first place in the youth race. Then, he braved the wind and waves and made no progress. Many of the records he created still can't be crossed.

And it's not the first time he has tried the track of gaomingshan. In the first two times, his performance was not ideal. He came with the mentality of seven points surpassing himself and eight points earning rewards.

"That's it. The two rings will win or lose. Whoever gets to the second section of the transfer station first wins." Song Xiaofan suggested.

"No problem, but it's too boring to play like this. Why don't we gamble on something?" Wu suggested.

"Whatever you like." Song Xiaofan wants to see what kind of medicine this guy sells in his gourd.

In fact, Wu Minghai didn't expect that song Xiaofan had the courage to take the challenge. After all, as long as he was a man of insight, he could see how strong Gao Feng was.

Gaofeng's racing car is also a kind of advanced configuration. He is naturally proficient in cars and has a unique passion for cars. In addition to his driving talent, he knows the structure of all parts of the car like the back of his hand.

He looks down on Song Xiaofan.

Song Xiaofan doesn't look very big. He doesn't wear driver's clothes, and he doesn't look like a driver at all.

Lin Ruofei leaned against song Xiaofan's ear and said anxiously:

"This track is a winding mountain road. It's very dangerous. It seems that this is your first time to take part in a racing car..."

"Well, but don't worry. Who am I? You have to believe in my strength. " Song Xiaofan comforted.

Lin Ruofei thinks about the miracle song Xiaofan once created, and decides to put down his worries and choose to believe him.

"Wait to lose!" Gao Feng said arrogantly that he has always been so arrogant that he must give enough psychological pressure to his opponent before defeating him.

His tone of voice was also extremely contemptuous, different from the arrogance of ordinary people. It was a kind of contempt under its own arrogant self-confidence.

Numerous times of champion let him train now of unruly.

It is also a man's first reaction to a very weak opponent after he has made great achievements on the one hand.

The road in front of them is the winding mountain road. There are four sections in gaomingshan. The first section is only one kilometer, but it is the most dangerous and muddy section.

There are a lot of stones here. As long as the car with a slightly poor configuration can not complete the drift, because it is very easy for the front pole to be squeezed, leading to major wear and tear.

Once upon a time, there were many children of rich families who wanted to conquer this road. However, only when they stepped on this road did they realize the difficulty and danger of this road.

There are many fearless challengers who come here and even die here, and the death highway is also famous in the world.

Not to mention whether he can get the first place, there may be very few people who pass the whole gaomingshan at one time. Although Gaofeng once completed such a feat, his performance was very poor, so he came to challenge for the third time.

What's more, after the first section of the road, all the following tracks don't have guardrails. What does that mean? As long as it is a small mistake may eventually lead to car crash.

Although Wu Minghai envies the love between Song Xiaofan and Lin Ruofei.

But out of sympathy, he still dissuaded song Xiaofan: "this track is not as simple as we thought. Pay attention to safety."

He also clapped song Xiaofan on the shoulder, which is to treat song Xiaofan as one of his subordinates. It's self-evident that song Xiaofan is full of arrogance.

"I'll see you on the court." Song Xiaofan put out his hand, this man is not qualified to talk to him, even people who dare not go on the car are still so arrogant. be ill?

Gaofeng entered his blue and white professional mountain racing car, which is not as cool as a sports car, but the configuration is absolutely the most suitable for this track.

The engine has high stability and strong wear resistance, which is also the strength of professional racing.

Like this kind of track, it's all about configuration and courage. If the configuration is not good, the car will kill you. If the courage is not good, the terrain will kill you.

A dangerous and exciting car race will start soon.

Lin Ruofei originally wanted to play with song Xiaofan, but song Xiaofan looked up at the dangerous winding mountain road and said, "you and Zhao Tong, just stroll around. I just want to warm up in advance. I'll take you next time. "

Two racing cars at the foot of the mountain are parked there ready to go. The audience, who heard the sound of the engine, came slowly.

"Isn't this the peak car? Who does he compare with? " Many people on the scene recognize Gao Feng and are curious about the young people who can compete with him.

"I don't know. It seems that Lin Ruofei invited the racing driver." Someone who has seen Lin Ruofei and song Xiaofan together said.

"Oh? Mr. Lin's racing driver? Well, there's a play today. "

"To press the plate? I'll win There are many gamblers in this audience.

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