Song Xiaofan missed this point. He was a big old man. He was always slovenly to himself. He forgot that he was still wearing a blood stained hospital uniform.

"Change it. There are just a few suits in the car, but they are all tailored suits for me. Your body is not much different from mine. Just make do with it." Song Xiaofan took out two paper bags from the back.

Inside the paper bags were brand new suits that had not been opened.

In fact, these are all bought by Lin Ruofei for him. I just think he is not paying attention to his image. It's also shorts and slippers for formal occasions.

I have to say that women are very considerate in these aspects.

After getting the clothes, song Xiaofan looked at himself in the mirror, and he was really handsome.

"Brother, do you think we look like the agents in black suits in man in black?" Li Feng said with a smile.

"You've seen a lot of movies. I don't have the ability to fight aliens every day." Song Xiaofan is speechless.

"Don't talk about these things. Now I can surprise your sister." Song Xiaofan looked at the road ahead and said happily.

Rosemary's hiding place has never been disclosed to others, but it was mentioned by song Xiaofan.

It's an old industrial area, quite remote, but there are several other families, all of them are local migrant workers.

Song Xiaofan drove such a luxury car into the industrial zone, and many people's eyes were attracted.

They may struggle for half a lifetime to afford half a car, and the envy is almost indescribable.

Song Xiaofan can't help feeling that there are still many places in the world that have never been touched. He has mixed up in various circles, but he hasn't stayed long.

He only knew that rosemary lived somewhere here, but he didn't know her specific floor and room number.

He had to get out of the car and ask the rent owner here.

"Hello, do you have a little girl recently? It's the kind of girl who looks like a college girl. " Song Xiaofan's tone is very kind, in order to avoid these people's hatred of the rich psychological explosion.

The boss took a good look at Song Xiaofan. He was wearing a valuable suit, and his shoes were brand new. What should he be.

He nodded and said, "yes, yes, I lived here a few weeks ago."

He could not help wondering what such a rich man was doing in their slum. Was there any relationship between the girl who lived here before and the man in front of him?

It has to be said that people's brain repair ability is really terrible.

But the owner told rosemary about her room.

The Xiaoping building has only two floors in total. Although the environment is a little rough, it doesn't feel dirty. On the contrary, it has some comfort and is very grounded.

If someone does find it, it's easy to escape.

Song Xiaofan found Rosemary's room according to the room number provided by his boss.

Her room was locked tightly, and song Xiaofan knocked on the door.

"Are you there?" He asked bluntly.

Rosemary at this time is paying attention to some international networks, through the hacker technology in which unscrupulous look at all kinds of data.

But it's just checking. She doesn't have the heart to tamper with it.

When she heard someone knocking on the door, her hair stood up. Generally speaking, the rent boss would not come to her, and the way of knocking on the door would not be so light.

The great possibility is that the killers in the blood prison have found their hiding place.

She was about to run, but she heard song Xiaofan's very familiar voice.

"Song Xiaofan?" She asked tentatively.

After so many years of career, she was told that no matter what happened, she should not trust people outside the door.

"It's me, it's me." Song Xiaofan also knew that this girl had a high awareness of Yamen service.

Rosemary suspected that it was a voice changer, because she talked to song Xiaofan on the phone not long ago. Wasn't he rescuing the volunteer at that time?

"What are you doing here?" Rosemary is still not open.

"Didn't it surprise you? I rescued that volunteer long ago. I went to your brother's hospital just now. " Song Xiaofan explained helplessly.

After hearing song Xiaofan's reasonable explanation, rosemary finally opened the door.

What she didn't expect was that after opening the door, there were two men in suits. She subconsciously wanted to do it, thinking that it was a killer organization.

After all, song Xiaofan in her impression doesn't wear a suit until she moves her eyes up to see song Xiaofan and Li Feng.

"Brother?" At the moment, she did not care about song Xiaofan, but hugged Li Feng.

"How did you come out?" Although very happy to see Li Feng, but very afraid.

Isn't he going to have an operation?

Li Feng touched his bald head: "elder sister, you listen to me to explain. In fact, I'm not sick at all. It's all the blood prison organizations that cheat you."

"My diagnosis of leukemia is also false, the cases are all false, and the drug money is also false. They just regard you as a tool to make money."

"But at that time, I was threatened by them, and it was not good for me to tell you that I was worried about your crazy behavior and that the blood prison organization was too extreme to you." As Li Feng entered the room, he told rosemary what he saw and felt.

Because of the existence of the blood prison organization, their sister and brother seldom meet in time, and rarely for more than one day.

"It's all right, it's all right, you're healthy, everything else is OK." When she heard that her brother was not ill, her first reaction was disbelief, but she looked at the healthy smile on his face.

She finally let go.

"How's it going? How well have I accomplished my task? " Song Xiaofan also regardless of now is their sister and brother's warm moment, smile.

"It's very unexpected, but it's perfect." Rosemary is even crying with joy now.

"I've asked the blood prison organization to help you settle down as much as possible, so that you can live a peaceful and stable life in the future." Song Xiaofan said.

"Really? Thank you so much At this time rosemary heart accumulated a thousand words.

With her own strength, she naturally can't compete with the blood prison organization. She didn't expect that song Xiaofan had such great ability to negotiate with the blood prison organization.

"Are you planning to live here in the future? Do you want me to help you find a better neighborhood to live in? " Song Xiaofan asked.

Rosemary thought about it for a while and then replied, "OK, if there's no killer to pursue, it's OK to find a good place to rest."

"Well, I'll get back to you then. I'll help you find a good place." Song Xiaofan also plans to leave. It's getting late now.

"Goodbye." After the three said goodbye, song Xiaofan went back to his community.

Now the high-intensity life day by day is more tiring than his training in the army. What he has experienced today is full of live ammunition.

As long as you are not careful, you will die suddenly.

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