"I..." the flat head boss said.

Li Tu thought of the situation at that time. When he wanted to get the supply list and assign the staff to look at the goods together, he was rejected by the flat head boss.

At that time, the flat head owners were all old friends, and they were not at ease with me. Did they not trust me.

"You're in the same league!" Li Tuqi's spitting blood, many years friend is such pit him!

"Say it! Who is behind the scenes? What benefits do they promise you! If you don't say it, I want you to look good! " Li Tu wiped his sleeve to keep up with the theory of flat head.

Lin Ruofei frowned“ Should I say that you are good-natured or that you are a fool? "

Since they dare to do so, they think about the possibility of being found. Now that you've said something cruel, it's equivalent to comparing them with a dead end.

Rabbits bite more than they are anxious, not to mention that both of them are not good at stubble.

Sure enough, they looked at each other, and their eyes were dark. Flat head boss rushed to subdue Li Tu at once.

That five big three rough big customers also rush up, snatch the evidence from Lin Ruofei's hand, blow up on the spot.

"Hum, don't pretend. I know you have a backup, but I'm holding you here. Do you want to be honest or not?" The big client has a fierce face, and says with a grim smile.

"Buckle me if you want, don't touch her!" Li Tu yelled, but was knocked unconscious by his friend.

Who has the final say, they know that Li Tao is not the chief man, but the chairman of the board has the final say.

"Do you really want to do that? I warn you in advance that if you dare to detain me, you will lose your life. " Lin Ruofei didn't panic at all. Instead, he thought about it for them

"Well, a dead woman gives you too much face. Here, compare with me!" The big customers are fierce.

"Will you go by yourself, or will I fight you?" Big customers stare.

Lin Ruofei shrugged and asked the following staff to go back first. She said that she would return as soon as she went.

Naturally, the employees are let go, otherwise they don't even have a messenger.

Lin Ruofei and Li Tu were taken to the big customer company, the factory, closed to a small room.

"I'm thirsty, I want water!" Lin Ruofei taps on the door.

"Bear it! When you call, when the money arrives, you don't care what you want to do! " The big customers outside took their hands and took them back.

Without a moment's silence, Lin Ruofei knocked on the door again and again. The big customer couldn't stand it and threw in a bottle of mineral water.

Inside, Li Tu smiles bitterly, which is also a little inconceivable“ Lin Ruofei, we are being detained now. How can I see you as if you are at home? "

Lin Ruofei didn't speak with a smile. For Li Tu, even if the matter is solved today, he will leave a shadow in his life.

Look at Lin Ruofei. It seems that he doesn't care. He doesn't take it seriously.

Lin Ruofei looked out of the window, and the previous events were vividly remembered. Compared with this, what happened now.

Li Tu remembered at this moment: "if you don't tell me, I've forgotten. I'm the master of the Li family in Dongcheng now."

"You know now? But don't use Li's energy for the time being. " Lin Ruofei shook his head.

Song Xiaofan is such a stupid and nervous friend.

"Why not? Now it's not about face. I promised song Xiaofan that I would look after you! " Li Tu doesn't understand. Is he afraid of debt?

"He's just joking. Are you serious?" Lin Ruofei is more speechless.

Song Xiaofan said at the beginning that he was playing with her. He meant to let Li Tu watch her and stop looking for wild men outside.

"The Li family? Human debt? You want too much. Now the Li family is afraid that you don't need him. Song Xiaofan wants to train you, but it's not the right time. Let's sharpen you first. " Lin Ruofei said casually.

Then he patted the door: "I'm hungry, order me a takeout!"

"Are you so upset! Are you mistaken? Will you be detained by me now? " Big customers push the door.

But not only was Lin not afraid, he threatened him instead.

The big customer has no choice but to order a takeout.

"I said, brother, why do you follow the girls? Why don't you open the door and let me go in and teach her a lesson? " The flat head boss of the supplier rubbed his hands and had a bad smile on his face.

Big client glared at him: "don't think I don't know what you're thinking. Don't even think about it if you die!"

Flat head back body, moved to the corner to stay.

It's not that this big client is moral, it's that this matter is very important. If we don't do it well, our life will be over. Well done, this life developed, what woman can't find?

Soon after, the delivery man came to the door and arrived at the big room where Lin Ruofei was detained.

"Who told you to come up?" Big customers scold, are all the people outside dead? As he said, no one is allowed to enter here.

"Miss Lin is hungry. If her hunger goes wrong, I will destroy your family!"

Dressed in casual clothes, with an umbrella and a black bag on his back, the delivery man's head was light, and his murderous spirit burst out from his eyes.

Tengteng!!! Big customers even back more than ten steps, until the back against the wall, still can not be self security. Although more than ten steps away from the delivery man, I still feel that he is close at hand and magnifies infinitely.

"Who are you? What's the matter with that?" Flathead is not happy. He can't be provoked by big customers. Is a small delivery clerk afraid that he won't succeed?

The "delivery man" didn't turn his head back. With a shake of his shoulder, his umbrella bag opened, his sword came out of its sheath, the sharp light flashed by, and his outstretched hand broke off.

Li TU was afraid when he heard the scream outside.

Lin Ruofei is taking care of her hair. Although she is detained, her appearance should not be disordered. Otherwise, it's not good to go out later.

Before long, the door opened.

"Miss Lin, your takeout. It's something special from the God of war. " The delivery man brought in the delivery.

"Thank you," Lin Ruofei stood up and nodded respectfully.

Li TU was surprised. After so long contact, his brother's girlfriend was very proud. I've never seen her be so polite to anyone.

Li Tu looked at the delivery man, a bit familiar, after he left is remembered“ Isn't he the man who came to the restaurant that day? "

"Well, that's him." Lin Ruofei has opened the takeout and ate it with relish.

When he responded, he said "martial god" in silence.

"Would you like some?" Lin Ruofei saw that Li TU was swallowing and asked.

Li Tu even shook his head. Lin Ruofei didn't ask again. He tasted it himself.

At the same time, the mobile phone was taken out of the takeout box.

As soon as Li Tu's eyes are bright, he can contact the outside world with a telephone!

Lin Ruofei skillfully broadcast song Xiaofan's phone call and talked about love with song Xiaofan.?? Li Tu is confused. Don't you let song Xiaofan find a way to chat with him and scatter dog food?

The flat head that goes out to cure a hand turns back the same way.

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