Song Xiaofan is surprised by her appearance. It's not other people who come here. It's Li Tu's girlfriend who has broken up, the powerful woman.

She is still in heavy makeup, but she has many famous brands on her body. Seeing song Xiaofan, she shakes a five digit watch in front of him.

She has heard about Li Tu, who has gone through all these things. Li Tu is bankrupt, and his friend, who is a little powerful, is also bankrupt.

Then there's nothing to be afraid of, Li family. It's just that Li Tu's friends paid a lot of money to make a play.

These are what Li Tu's girlfriend said in front of song Xiaofan when she entered the ward.

Song Xiaofan laughs. He can really pull. If you don't talk about the big ones, just say that the Li family has ten billion yuan of assets. Are you a little rich man who can invite you to play?

"Li Tu, how about pretending? Aren't you Mr. Li? What's the matter now? No more? " Li Tu's girlfriend is proud.

"Oh, where do you come from? Even if Li Tu is bankrupt now, he will live better than you? " Song Xiaofan said so intentionally.

Li Tu's girlfriend laughed scornfully, and then said haughtily, "listen to me, all of you. I'm a millionaire now! What do you mean to me, Li Tu? "

I have money now, so I come back to scold you now.

"Ho, it's really money that makes people brave." Song Xiaofan chuckles. At the same time, song Xiaofan calls a short message.

Message content: Li Tu's girlfriend bought a lottery ticket and won the lottery with a bonus of 1.8 million.

And got a detailed account of Li Tu's girlfriend's fund, as well as a clear and detailed use.

After receiving the bonus, she immediately bought a 200000 bag and picked up a BMW Z4. More than one million people have already gone out of the country through reckless and retaliatory consumption.

"Black sheep." Song Xiaofan shook his head, according to such a level of consumption, even if the golden mountain and silver mountain, will also be spent by her.

Song Xiaofan thought for a while, eh! Suddenly, it's wonderful!

"Go away! You are not welcome here! How far is it? Get out of here Li Tu obviously doesn't want to talk to her. She has money. How easy she is to live. She has nothing to do with him.

"How about you kneel down and beg me, and I'll give you a thousand poor money?" Li Tu's girlfriend is very arrogant.

Li Tu stood up and took out ten thousand“ I'll give you ten thousand. Get out of here

Li Tu is bankrupt, but there is still some money in his account. After all, song Xiaofan paid the compensation

In the past, Li Tu's girlfriend would have accepted the money for nothing, not for nothing.

But now, I'm a rich woman. Who cares about your little money?

"Who do you look down on when you put off my mother's clothes?" Li Tu's girlfriend took 20000 yuan out of her bag. This is all the cash she brought.

Hit Li Tu in the face.

Li Tu's girlfriend Wang Yan knows him. She is a man who wants to save face. In other words, 90 money can't buy a fool.

But unexpectedly, Li Tu grinned and called the rich woman, then put the money in his pocket.


"Me what me? If you still have money, you're going to smash me! " Li touting cried.

Wang Yanqi, 20000 yuan, she is also distressed.

At this time, song Xiaofan in the corridor choked his voice and called out: "this ward, no noise!"

Wang Yan was angry, but she had no choice. She stamped her feet and left with a stomach full of fire.

When I came here, I didn't get angry. On the contrary, I lost 20000 yuan. I'm really angry.

"Li Tu! You wait for me! I want you to look good! " Wang Yan took the fire out of the hospital, got on her BMW Z4, stepped on the door one by one, and sped out.

As the saying goes, you can't work with emotion. It's the same with people.

As soon as Wang Yan got out of the hospital, she ran into a Rolls Royce.

Down four five big three thick man, that arm is thicker than Wang Yan leg.

"What are you looking at? Do you follow the traffic rules? You take full responsibility The four men were fierce.

Wang Yan stepped back and took a look at Rolls Royce. The back of the car was smashed.

What to do? What to do? by the way!

Wang Yan pretended to be poor, hugged a man's waist, rubbed him hard, and faked him repeatedly.

"Don't be angry, brother." Wang Yan pressed her throat, milk voice milk airway.


Wang Yan stood on tiptoe and said in a particularly coy voice: "I'll accompany some elder brothers. Elder brothers, please don't damage“

"I'm tired of it! Get out of here! Is it disgusting? " The man pushed Wang Yan down, and it was cold.

"What's the matter?" Wang Yan is also on the gas, but also secretly, her move has always been very easy to use.

Besides, it's not bad to drive a Rolls Royce. What they want is stimulation!

"I warn you, I don't like women! Don't do that to me The man lifted his sleeve and sniffed a smelling perfume on his face. He vomited and vomited.

And with the side of the three companions, eyebrows, eyes ambiguous.

Wang Yan is stupid. Is such a straight man glass?

"Lose money! Otherwise, you can't afford to walk away! " The four men came forward and surrounded Wang Yan with iron.

At this time, a lot of onlookers came around, and the wind was the same, all of which made Wang Yan lose money quickly.

"It's money! I have plenty of money Wang Yan is angry. Do you really think I'm a bully?

In the compensation, Wang Yan struggled several times, and finally, urged by the crowd and ridiculed by four men, she transferred 500000 yuan.

"I gave you the money. Now you apologize to me! If I'm not satisfied, I'll sue you! " Wang Yan has spent a lot of money. Can't she get back the face she just lost?

Hey, four guys whoosh to get on the bus. They can't see the back of the car in the blink of an eye.

"A car accident, scattered." Before, Wang Yan was ridiculed and said that Wang Yan had no money. Some people said that if you could get the money out, I would give it to the "enthusiastic" people who knelt down to you and left one by one feeling bored.??

Wang Yan looked at the scattered crowd, and the crashed car, a little want to cry.

Wang Yan drove a broken car to the repair shop. Because she didn't get all risks, she repaired the car by herself.

"Ridiculous. If you can buy a bag for 200000 yuan, you don't know the last all risks insurance, fool." Watching Wang Yan drive into the repair shop song Xiaofan, joking.

Soon, Wang Yan drove out again, because the repair shop was too dark! It costs 200000 to repair a car! That's enough money to buy a second-hand one.

"Dongcheng is so big, you're not the only one with a repair shop!" Wang Yan drove a smoking car to another repair shop.

This one's more ruthless. It costs 300000!

So repeatedly, Wang Yan almost went to the whole city repair shop, one by one to be ruthless!

What's worse, Wang Yan just drove out of the lane and ran into a super car!



The only person who got off the car was Li Jun, the first young master of the Li family, now the second young master.

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